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Thursday, April 08, 2010

Top Choices today ... well at least for the quilting blog

Good morning. Thought I should write out a few quilt thoughts. I have gone through about 308 blogs so far. I did Wisconsin first because that’s our home turf, but then I decided to go back through countries and states alphabetically. I’ve done Alabama, Alaska, Alberta, American Samoa, Argentina, Arizona, Arkansas, and about 40 from Australia. As much as I appreciate ALL the blogs I’ve found there are 8 in particular that I know I will go back to for whatever reasons blogs are interesting to me. These are the first ones that I’ve saved to our blog files. I’m encouraging Connie Sue to do the same, but she has a lot of time restrictions so I’m not sure what direction she will go. Anyway … here’s the first “Top Choices!”

I’m pretty proud of these choices. In general what I look for is substance, a lot of good pictures, the feeling that I’m going to learn something from them, intelligent commentary, and very few games and giveaways. The blog has to be fairly current and viable to the craftsmanship of quilting. I’m not real interested if there is too much other going on in the blog like adding things with yarn, embroidery and such, clothes or doll making. These are good things for the people doing them, but as to suiting my own interests I like to stay primarily in the area of quilting. It's hard for me to look at a blog that is overly crowded, messy or with commercials. I’m interested also in some personal, but if I’ve gone a whole long page and it’s all personal, then I tend to disconnect. AND, the quilts have to be something I’m attracted to. Usually that means that the quilter has added tones without just going out all bold and contrasting. I’m not particularly interested either in children’s quilts, but if they hold something of extra charm or distinction they will draw my attention. I'm into taking a journey with the quilter.

No, I’m not a qualified quilting critic, but if I’m going to spend my time at a site I expect a lot of it. I’m not sure that I would pass my own qualifications as to our site though I would hope to fill others ideals. I aim to get through the 4016 quilts or whatever number the directory has in the end. I like to know the range of quilting blogs out there and I’d like to pick up ideas. I think this is really valuable as a quilter. It be nice to pick up some friendships too. I don’t think I have much to offer yet in that although Connie Sue (CS) has been quilting 3 decades, I’ve just passed my first year. Maybe this is good in that I have the eyes and interests of a beginner so I can build my path without too much to detract from it.

We need to have a habit first before we can break it.

I am happy … well at least comforted to know that so many other quilters have projects going on too that they haven’t completed. It seems to be the thing that quilters gather materials and ideas and start and stop projects on whim. I should probably make next a list of projects that we’re working on either on our own or with CS … hopefully she’ll add from the list, and then we can detract from the list as we may. I like that some quilters use the term “finishers.” We’re more apt to take pictures of things in progress because I don’t have the speed or time to work through so many quilts in a manner that would be timely. But, we could look forward to some finishers too!