Really another successful Spring Fling and Fun!
Good morning. This is me. I’m pretty much riding a high of excitement. I’ve been up for about 2 hours and we’ve not done much except look over the pictures over and over again. I really have had a good time with them and especially with the quilt. These are a few of my favorites.Pretty cool, hmm? I’m really really pleased with how the Spring Fling turned out this year. I think too that Sr. was happy that we earned about $1500 on the silent auction. I think there were a few key players who took more, but in general things were pretty cool all around. I don’t know if we’ll make $18,000 which has been the general amount from before. There were about 50 people less than the general. Some of our key families who used to bring in a table or two on their own weren’t there. But, in general the room felt very full and I didn’t see a table where there weren’t smiles.
I hung around a part of the time with the craft table, but mostly because I didn’t have anywhere specific to be going. CS spent time too hanging out at the craft table, but I think she was getting around. She spent time up by the baskets with the auction and with the raffles. I knew that only because Hehehe she appeared in a few pictures up in that area. I was happy that she seemed to feel at home.
The dinner part was nice – in that the food was very good. We sat at the table with Rich, Bob and Marcia, CS and then two priests and two Brothers. It was a very male dominated conversation. I’m glad that there was something to tie at least the guys together in that they spent a lot of time talking about fishing. I tried to look interested, but in general I just wanted to give the impression that I was paying attention. I’m glad that at one point I looked over and saw CS and Marsha talking.
At least they were able to give themselves company. They were sitting directly next to each other … it went priest, priest, brother, brother, me, CS, Marsha, Bob and then Rich next to the first priest.
I shared with CS during a few minutes of conversation that the males were chauvinistic. There was one statement that I said that was from quilting to fishing. The one priest that picked up the fishing and then the conversation stayed there the rest of the time. I do think that CS tried to start several conversations on quilting at the beginning, but her mind was so dominated by them that she introduced at least 4 conversations on quilting and none of them was being picked up. It was like … ok, don’t do that anymore. In general though there was some relief in that people appeared to be getting along and I wasn’t responsible to keep up a conversation. I felt relaxed and could concentrate on not spilling Hehehe.
I only made one other statement. One of the brothers made a few comments on a particularly special nun he knew. I said then that Sr. Theresa was the only real special nun I knew. He agreed full-heartedly, but then that was the end of that.
He kind of took over from there. So … well at least the dinner itself was good.
I had Kim and Robyn take pictures for the first time, but they didn’t do a very good job of it. They were too shy. So then I gave the camera to Joel one of the clients … I don’t know which were his and which were the ladies, but there weren’t a whole lot of pictures taken, so after dinner, I went out and took pictures myself. I had a problem during the first part, because my back was hurting from being up on my feet the day before. The Thinking Group needed a lot of attention. I was pleased with the pictures. Sister said to take fewer pictures this year … so in total there were only about 70 pictures taken this time.
Hmm, Rich finally woke up … nice to see. It’s about 7:45 am. CS is still sleeping. I was just in the kitchen and detached the dishwasher from the sink. I’d started it earlier this morning. I had also picked up a little in the living room, did the cat litter and tied up the garbage. Not much, but something. Bob has called also this morning. He wanted to make sure we knew that he would take us all out for breakfast. He called on Rich’s phone, but it was about 45 minutes ago and no one was up. I would actually like to see that we got CS packed up and then met Bob in WI, and then met Bob at Tony’s and then drive back to CS from there. If I thought that Bob could travel out of the state, I would invite him to go along for the ride. That would be fun. But, I’m not sure where Rich is at with all that either. He still tends to separate people. Rich said something about going about 10 am and it’s almost 8 am now. So we’ll have to see if CS wakes up on her own in the next hour.
Hmm, I thought I just heard Rich say something. Maybe she is up ... oh yeah there she is. They’ve both visited the bathroom now and are heading toward the fresh coffee I just made. Rich had said something about just him and Bob going out for coffee so I’m not sure how he’s going to feel about a foursome. I know Bob likes to do this kind of thing so I’m hoping that he will accept all of us going. We’ll see. He could probably guess that Bob’s called already. I’m just not in favor of waking people who are sleeping … I feel if they are at that position they want a rest.
Ok, here comes Rich. Good good … he just got his coffee and he’s agreed to be going out with Bob for breakfast. We’re going to meet Bob at Tony’s in an hour – 9 am, and then we’re going to leave from WI from there. It sounds like Rich is going to want to take the Highlander, so he’s going to have to clean that up a bit. He says he’s going to take his shower in a half hour. CS is in there now … I’m not sure what she’s doing. I should probably stop though and try to finish cutting her last pattern. It be easier doing it in the next hour than having to send it by mail.
Ok, then that’s a plan … better get going.