WooHoo ... we're back on-line!
Good morning … this is me. I’m not sure if I’m going to be able to post. I only have about 15 minutes, but it seems that I can’t get the Internet up. Yeeks! Don’t know what to do about that! I don’t have enough time or patience to mess around with it right now. I know that my Comcast bill is paid and that would be the worst thing. Maybe just an irritating glitch that will sooth itself out.Ahh, I got an advertisement … that’s half the battle … must be getting something. I know let it go.
As to the morning … we’re all here and dressed and all that other stuff. Rich is in the kitchen with his computer and he says he’s going to go out with his cousin-in-law tonight *sigh* I guess it’s another night alone … Not that that’s a bad deal.
Last night he went to a meeting and he met with his son Chris. He got in pretty late … I know that it must have been after 10 … because the president had spoken and so had Bill Clinton and although late Anderson Cooper was on when he came in. I had dozed during parts of it, but had taped it so I didn’t miss anything. I’ll play it perhaps tonight when I get home.
Yesterday I went to the pool and did pretty good. I swam 41 laps, got out and did the sauna, then went in the pool for a few more minutes to just play around, and then I had some time in the whirlpool. It was a pretty good deal. We met one lady who took over our spot, because she needed the guide rope to pull her. She couldn’t swim, but had a flotation device. And, then there was this other girl in her 20’s who actually was talking to me. For the most part we just did our thing, but she was the friendliest person we’ve met there so far. She and us and the lady on the ropes worked it out so we were splitting 2 aisles … there were a couple of other guys in there too. It’s hard not to get crunched out at the 5 pm time. But, after that … especially toward 5:30 - 6 pm there’s like no one.
The hardest thing about the pool is holding your ground. Sometimes people like to get in after you and take over your space. So you gotta be tough and hold on … that means continuing going straight down the line even when someone’s entered your space. If you veer off … then they think they got you. It’s tough stuff –especially because there are so many middle-aged men who think they are on the top of the food chain. Hmpf!
Yesterday we had a pretty good day, but I think we’ve already written about that.
Today we’re going to have another staffing. I think this one is for a client in group 2. Fortunately, the meeting isn’t until about 1 pm, so I have some time to prepare.
ARGH … still no Internet OR printer. I guess we’re going to need to problem solve this later … but for now … gotta get to work. We can do this, right?
Good morning … this is me again. We’re still having problems connecting to the Internet at home. This is the day after, but I think we’ve written something in-between from work. I’m really not sure which way to go with it, but figuring maybe a little that I’m going to need trying to disconnect the hard wiring and try to reset it … hmm, just tried resetting the cords … AHA! I got it! WOOHOO!!!
And, you know what? We’ve met another multiple! Just like others of you here … we aren’t going to be able to talk about that part for confidentiality, but she’s got permission to read this blog if she chooses. That makes 9 people with permission – but only this one other like us. We’re getting up there! I will say that if she’s here reading – we’re pleased as punch to have you!
Hmm, as to moving on parts … it’s about 6:30 am now. We’ve taken our shower, medicine, packed and well almost dressed … at least we have our clothes here. We’re wearing the teddy bear shirt with a jean dress today. I guess I don’t often let you know what we’re wearing, but this choice makes SOMEbody so happy that it spilled out. I think the teddy bear shirt is actually more pajamas, but because we’re getting by with wearing it out of the house … Somebody is as pleased as punches!
Yesterday went by sort of as it did. We started in Group 1 of course, and we were again taken advantage of by Sr. Florine for 15 minutes time where she didn’t ask, but just took. I have to let it go though, because she probably won’t do it next week because Sr. Theresa will be back and won’t let her get by with that … AND because Friday’s the Priest comes in so she doesn’t get to leave her group to go to church. Hehehe with all these religious people and circumstances, some might believe we’re pressing the cloth, BUT I’m still of the sound faith in saying … if you want to utilize my time – just ask, don’t be sneaky about it. One thing I know of nuns by now … they can be pretty gosh darn sneaky! HMPF!
In other news … we prepared for our staffing yesterday, but then it turned out that we didn’t have one. We found out through the client, but not the mother who had told her daughter she wasn’t going because her arm hurt. I wish also that she’d called directly. What happened if I hadn’t stopped to talk to the client. She hadn’t thought to come to me with that news. After we found out we quickly called the CSO person so she wouldn’t waste her time. We’re going to need rescheduling and we’re not to happy about that, but at least we got the time off to work on other things yesterday. We still did prepare the paperwork, so we’re ahead of the game there. Good girls!
What else did we do? Hmm, that might be harder to think through. I remember we wrote a schedule, but then … oh I know what happened … we started working on bills finally and that took up a good portion of the afternoon. In the process we had texted Alexis and talked to Thom on the phone. But, Thom was later after working at the gym. Yesterday was a walk, bike and circuit training day. Hmm, a second on that … We did 31 minutes walking, and 21 on the bike. So we made a slight improvement there … it’s still hard. The hardest part on that though is that we’ve got the bike set up on fat burning and so about 1/3 of the way through it decides we have to get up our heart rate to like 137. YIKES that’s putting some stress on the body. But, after that the bike gets easier to peddle so we’re much better then.
Believe me though … heart rate 137 – you’re definitely sweating!
The walking was ok … but we didn’t do so well with the circuit training. We got about 2/3’rds through and had to stop … it was at a very high difficulty level. We were not able to press the kind of weights we had been. I’m not sure why we were so weak or tired, but we decided eventually to cut it short. This is the first time we’ve done that, but I don’t want to make the experience so unenjoyable that we don’t want to go back. I’m thinking that pushing it on the walking and bike is pressing on our strength. That’s not such a bad thing. Just gotta work our way through it.
As we were saying … we talked to the kids. Alexis helped me to get a couple numbers I needed and we worked it out to be paying a bill for Thom on his Best Buy to keep him out of trouble with the creditors. I think in general the kids just don’t have a lot of money coming in. The Marines pay like $1400-1500 a month for Thom’s services. Alexis is working now, but I don’t think she’s worked long enough to collect much money. I feel bad because they have their living needs and Thom has school to be paying. I’m not sure, if Alexis is paying student loans too, because she’s just finished her BA. But, money is strapped for them.
I’m trying to work it out with Rich. Basically, Thom is going to need some help getting home. He wants to come about October 10th-13th. That’s the same weekend I think that Rich is going to be going to see his daughter and Aunt/Uncle in New Mexico. I guess our logic was that … if he’s seeing his daughter than I should see my son. Thom’s going to need about $300-350 for airflight. I’m thinking that Rich is $500 up because he’s just gotten my insurance check for the deposit on our minor accident. But, in fact that was really his money so I don’t have a real reason to get that money back. I really want to be able to help out Thom … I know he doesn’t have the money and it would be a very good thing for him to get some family in.
Besides just being newly married … he really deserves some time with his new bride. We’ll see how that goes.
As for the rest of our night … we got into watching CNN for the best part of the evening until Rich came home about 9:30 pm. He had a fishing trip with his in-law cousin. I understand that he didn’t catch any fish, but he still needed his massaging *giggle* Yah, right … that guys got it made in the shade!
I’ve been following along with the news on political and economic circumstances. I feel more and more sure every day of the importance of having Barack Obama in the leadership position. I think that from what I saw last night – that McCain is just postering … it’s Barack that’s going to be able to take on the tough stuff. We also saw an interview with Sarah Palin and Katie Curak. Palin was terrible. Rich saw that part too. I hope it helps him in making the decision to be voting democrat.
It’s the same with the boys … they are of their father’s influence in being bent more towards republican. But, I want them to think harder of it and the fact that Barack is the superior candidate. Well at least that’s a mom’s opinion. If I could persuade the 3 boys and Rich … that be like my vote plus 4 more … Yup yup that’s what we gotta do!
Ok, enough of our politicking. It’s about time we get to work. See you soon … And remember … do some good work today!