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Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Just makin it

Good morning … Not to much here today … we’re always running short on time. Last night we came home and got into a Podcast book written by Barack Obama. Hmm, kind of funny, but we had a dream about meeting him last night too. We found him about the time he was just about to finish taking up pictures with people. So I got to get a picture. I also remember that I couldn’t remember what I was really supposed to ask him for and instead I recalled the two older ladies I’d just me who both needed electric wheelchairs – they had trouble getting over a rise in the carpet.

Hmm, that was the ok place, but then I am remembering that we got into a very bad nightmare. It must have been later in the morning. Me and a friend had gotten in a bad place where these biker-type dudes were going to make us into sex slave type people. My friend was the better looker and an athlete, so she was made to put out in a run and then she was going to the lead guy. I fell short of that … I ended up with an assistant down in the basement.

I thought it was going to be survivable, but then when the main guy got back I had to perform an exercise of “kissing” squirmy worms and the like in a dirty toilet bowl. Yah that was a nightmare. In the same dream Missy got stuck coming through a door I had closed and it took off all the fur on half of her body. It was a bad place to be for both of us.
I don’t want to think of that anymore.

Rich was just in before he left. We talked for a bit about the dream and then about Wi-Fi. And, then he had to go. He’s going to work some and then he’s going to go back to his mother’s place. Apparently Bud had a lot of stuff below the house. Rich played a game where he said name an object and Bud will have it. I named about 5 things and he had each one. I guess he goes to flea markets and stuff, it was under the mobile home, which I guess was like 5 feet up … and the flood came in and covered all the stuff. There’s supposed to be a whole lot of mud there now – the water has receded. I felt bad for Bud, but Rich says he lets stuff like that roll off his back. Bud’s a good guy. He puts up with Rich’s mother like Rich puts up with me.


Oh dear … I better get in the shower. It’s already 6:10 am. BRB.

Ack … Now it’s 6:36 am. I hate that when it happens. Here’s time … here’s no time. But we’re going to be ok, right? I think that I have a meeting today and maybe one tomorrow, but I forgot also that we have a day off on Wed and Thurs, so will have to look at that and maybe cancel. For sure I won’t be going into work. CUZ it’s a day off AND the cable guy is coming.

Hmm, so now we’re showered and dressed and medicine up and all. We forgot to plug in our machines last night. So we’re having them charge now … and we got one of our prescriptions that’s almost out ordered.

Ok, shhh … what about yesterday? Anything? Hmm, don’t think it was a hard working day. I remember getting caught for a long time figuring out if we were going to get this service that delivered summary of like 4,500 business books. The thing was that they do it in 5 pages or 10 minutes and they had books on mP3 for downloading to the iPods. But, there were only 480 books that were transcribed. I thought that would be a very frustrating thing to see books that I wanted and to know I couldn’t get them on the machine. Beside it was pretty expensive – it was geared for business customers. I liked the product and idea anyway … just too frustrated with having so few books on mP3.

When I came home I didn’t turn on the TV or nuthin … I just listened to the audiobook from Barack Obama. I’m pretty sure that’s why I had the dream … he was on my mind. I’m real pleased with the book, especially since Barack narrates it himself. I just love that part. I feel like I’m listening to him directly. He’s so smart. Can’t see how anyone wouldn’t vote for him. He really thinks … Not like McCain. Sure he’s got to be pretty smart – he’s a Senator, but Barack is like Lincoln or Kennedy … he’s inspired.

I will listen to him more on the way to work. We’re on chapter 5 – maybe that’s the second middle disk. Just know I’m enjoying my time … I think that it will be better to pick up good books rather than to hear 10 minutes of them, but 10 minutes is good too. I think what happened was that most often in those summaries you get whatever the author put in a list. So, we hadn’t figured out how to remember the lists so that we could work on the ideals. If we can’t do that the books are just a waste. Stories are easier to recall – at least the type that Barack is telling. It really gives me a lot of good background information and information on his values and ideals.

Just gotta get through that staffing today and things should be ok. Sister had me checking computers in the computer room yesterday … might have to do that again today. She wants me to figure out what’s wrong with them, because Sr. Florine has marked that about 7-8 of them aren’t working. I’m wondering what she and her clients have done to them. They and group II are the only people who actually use them. That really bogged me down.

I didn’t go to the gym yesterday, because I thought that Alexis would be coming over to get the leftover money in Thom’s account, but she then asked for Wednesday which was ok … it gave me a chance to listen to Obama. That was nice. I asked her if she’d like to eat out, but she said she had a lot she had to get done. She’s working now at getting some kind of ads listed on the Internet. She said it was pretty easy, but at least it’s work and money will be coming in. That’s a good thing. I think too it will give her a reason to be getting up in the morning. Hehehe – though I think given a choice, I’d rather use the time for writing than working. But, then that wouldn’t pay the bills. At least not yet. *Sigh*

Hmm, feeling kind of tired now. I think someone was up late playing around with someone. Just remember being put to bed while he watched 45 more minutes before he could fold the last load of clothes. I helped him with the first two – though on the second one I did it from a laying position from my back. He thought that was pretty silly, but I was tired and it made the chore interesting. I highly recommend the added challenge. :) 