Jogging through the work day
Good morning … this is me. I want to say first off that my thoughts are still with Vickie, but we’ll give her her privacy – just want to say if you have extra prayers send them to her and the other hurricane survivors. This is a good deal. God Bless!Ok, with all that said … we’re going to need figuring where we’re supposed to be thinking this morning. We’re already at work, so I know that I won’t be able to think too much before we get moving, but there is a little time … It’s still early.
I was a little disappointed in that Sister Florine might have taken advantage of me this morning. She let me work 20 minutes longer than she should have because she didn’t come right back to her job I was covering for right away. There was also a little problem yesterday that was more Holly orientated. Neither sister or Holly covered the first 20 minutes after the lunch time when first Sister, and then Holly was supposed to be watching a group. I had covered for the back half of lunch and I felt taken advantage of for having to sit an extra 20 minutes with the group – where in both situations someone took time without talking to me or thanking me for it.
But, we’re going to need letting that go … because we have too much to think about.
Just have to watch out for that. If it happens again I’ll have to talk to her. Oh oh … hear one of my clients crying … I’m going to need finding out what just happened there. BRB
Ok, that wasn’t too hard. One of the girls was crying because someone was telling the girl’s teacher something that was not true. So we went over how often this other girl does this kind of stuff and that she has to trust the staff isn’t going to believe things that are not true. There’s actually a pretty good staff system – where things that happen with one person should go directly TO the staff in charge of that person and when that happens things work out better. Things that go on at home, really aren’t the business of staff and staff knows not to be dealing with other staff’s clients who step out because they don’t know the full story. For this client … it was mostly … umm, don’t we know that about the other girl she is like that it won’t affect your relationship with your own staff. K?
It got better in a couple of minutes. She just needed reminding.
Let’s be moving on … have we gotten anywhere quite yet?
Let’s see … as far as Rich is concerned … he remains entirely kissable. Hehehe… That’s my first thought at least. He was using his computer in the living room this morning so we got to be a little in his presence. We only had about 20 minutes at the computer – not enough time to write – just look at mail. Coming into work was nice. I listened to Anderson Cooper’s podcast from last night. It’s really a relaxing time. I didn’t mind the bead job for most the time except being used.
On the other hand I had volunteered to help sister Florine last night. She didn’t ask, I did. And, we somewhere went in there with Holly not to be going to Sr. Theresa with the news I was talking to Sr. ESPECIALLY because it was already after 4 pm and I felt off the clock. Sister had plenty of beads for me to count, but I think the nicest part is the camaraderie … it’s like the olden days when women got together to sew patchwork quilts. Your hands stay busy and in the meantime you get some important talking in. WOOHOO!! Plus there was another thing. At the end Sr. gave both Holly and me some chicken soup she’d made. That was really nice. I ate mine in the first 10 minutes after leaving the center. It was really useful to have stop signs hehe … It was one of the best soups I ever ate. This is the good stuff in life.
There was one strange thing in that Holly was in and out of the conversation … and at one point, she was talking to Sr. and us through the wall, but she was trying to tell me that she hasn’t always been a good friend of mine. And, we’re like teasing her … Oh yah? What were you doing? She didn’t go into real details, but in general referred to speaking against me to Sr. I told her that was natural … that sister complained about each of us to the other and we did a lot of saying uhuh, uhuh … ok, uh huh. But, I guess from what it seems that Holly’s gone further. We could both agree that Sr. has never worked toward us being friends and has always tried to make sure there was adversity between us. It’s like not being able to help/talk to Sr. Florine. As far as all that talk went … there were a lot of complaints, but it was nice to get them off the shelf. Afterward we were finally able to go onto conversations not based in so much hurt and anger from getting stomped on by Sr.
We talked to Sr. Florine of really knowing what she was going through, though it is sort of like the relationship between my client who came in this morning crying. We all know that other person not in our control is like that … and so we can’t overly involve ourselves in their attacks to our self-esteem. It’s hard when your first hit with it, but after you get a chance to calm down … you can write it off because it’s just the way Sr. Theresa is … and it doesn’t have to affect us differently than to just be doing our jobs good.
Sr. went on again about the dislike of the Sr’s for Sr. Theresa, but then Sr. Theresa does the same thing in spreading around things like – you don’t know what Sr. Florine did at St. Mary’s. I think this group of nuns are very small and backbiting. There’s a lot of control issues at hand and I think sometimes it’s a blessing to get women committed for life, but then other times … the good and bad get stuck with each other and it’s going to go on for a hundred years. *Sigh*
Yesterday I had a staffing that went well and I think I did something but not sure.
Hmm, I remember Rich was there for a little while and we talked to him about doing the next set of client files, but he’d tried to get Holly’s – I would have done the work, but she was very defensive of having someone look at what she has and hasn’t done. I came back then to my office and figured I better put some things in order.
I was juggling things around in that … I had a couple more options for meetings today, but in one case the woman couldn’t get here until tomorrow, and in the other – her father died the day before and she wasn’t ready. So calls had to be made to settle all that.
There was a couple of interruptions during the staffing. One of my clients had gotten sick on himself – twice! In both cases the DSP decided that she really couldn’t clean it up. So I had to leave the staffing to do that. After the first time I asked Rosa to call the Mom. This was the same one whose father had died.
We’re thinking the client is releasing the loss physically. That’s what the mom thinks too. Unfortunately, she was rough with Rosa. That wasn’t good and Rosa says that it’s a pattern. I’m not sure what to do about that, but if I talked to her personally, I’d ask that she be nice to Rosa. But, again there’s the question of stepping out of your own realm. Just I feel a little protective of Rosa. Maybe I’ll ask the mom if Rosa has caused her any problems. This mom has always been ok with us. Hehehe it was one of those moments … I had been wiping stuff off the client – with gloves and I looked up and there the Mom was. I think that stuff goes a long way. When you have someone you need to fix an image of … taking care carefully of her son is a good memory to have. I had taken off the client’s outer shirt and fortunately, the mother had brought with a second set of clothes. It was odd that he’d let go the second time right before she got there … it helped build Rosa’s case in that … yes, you really have to come and get your child. Today, the mother called to say he wouldn’t be here and that he’d stopped throwing up, but now had diarrhea … shoot … really glad we didn’t have to go that route.
Ok, anything else from yesterday? I don’t think so. Rich pointed out to me that I’d gone two days though without going to the pool. I really wanted to get in the time with Sr., but then Rich said that she’s a dangerous person and that I shouldn’t get too close to her. I’ll keep that in mind tonight and really push ourselves to get to the gym instead of staying later. Especially, because the swimming pool is going to be closed next week for cleaning. I’ll really want to get in that time. I think I’ll try next week to still go to the regular gym at least every other day with the exception of Dr. Marvin’s day. It helps when lifting weights to get the one day to build up your strength again … Usually swimming is so perfect, because it doesn’t hurt the same way the other gym days go.
The thing that’s been the hardest over the last couple of days is doing my calendar work and to-do list and to do serious work. I would like to fix that today. I’m going to give it just a few moments and then I will try to think that through. I remember trying to face it yesterday … and we have to think that part through. The major things that need time is annual reports, goals, Qnotes, and CARF. I think that in order … that’s actually the most important things first. Maybe the goals would be switched with annual reports – because the staff is waiting on the goals, and the goals are included as about a 1/5th of the annual report. Then actually there are goals and objectives sheets.
The annual reports go back to July … I’ll have to count them up. Let’s do that now. I think I’m 60% done with staffing for my client load, but I’m only 23% done with the completed annual goals final reports and goals. I’m going to have to break that down. I think we’ll focus on goals today? Maybe we should review our list to see what would expedite the situation. You know getting certain things in order.
Shoot. I forgot my flash drive is at home on the table. Damn … ok, we’ll have to think of that and work around it. I don’t think I will need it directly to work on goals. Most the paperwork is also in print so we can figure from there, and there’s really no forms on the computer flash drive we’ll need in working at goals.
Let me think this through
Leadership group -
Group 1 -
Group 2 -
Group 3 -
Group 4 -
Charles W
I think it’s easier to work by groups so I’ve just got to concentrate on one teacher at a time. Group 4 will be first, because this is the staff that’s having the hardest time waiting.
Ok, we were working on things. It’s now after lunch and I’m just a little hot and crabby. Holly decided to let 4-5 people go outside and then made the others stay in. She felt that the people outside didn’t need supervision, but it had been established by sister only 2 people could go out, so then there were unhappy people that couldn’t go out and I wasn’t going to put myself in a situation I had to be watching over her bad choices. Then I had to sit and wait for Sr. Florine to get back to the room. The groups were noisy today too because Holly had wound them up with the Cubs/Sox, plus I’m just cranky for having to do that task. Holly came back to hover and my opinion is if she is going to hang around just do the f….. task.
It’s insulting to have her hanging on in pretense of command.
Ok, ok … calm down you loon! Let it go.
Hmm, ok, not sure when that last time was, but it’s now another time. I think I was paying up some of my bills, and then one of my clients came back and said ….
HOMEWORK PLEASE … Gotta admit the kid (adult) gets me going. I asked what kind of work and he said “coloring.” So we went on-line and found some stuff by a guy the name of Keith Herring. We made a title page for a ten page coloring book for him to do. In one picture there is a dog with a dog inside of him, and in another there is a dog jumping through a person. It’s pretty cool stuff. I made an extra copy in case Sr. Florine figured she could use a set to copy off too.
He’s a happy camper … he’s standing by the printer and collecting all the sheets one at a time. I know we can’t do this all the time, but I like to make him and his peers happy.
We had to send another away though … she came over for me to solve 3 problems in one day … That’s like way-to-much Ms. Ann.
Hmm, I think I got some work done too. We went through all the folders that we had on each of the clients we still need to do annual goal work for.
WooHOO!! Ok, we’re working it. It’s not lightening speed, but it’s good stuff.
We earned ourselves a nut break for getting one of our tasks done. We’ve been working to clean off our desks, and in our organization today decided that not only do we have to get annual reports ready to further process, we also had to clear up the extra mish-mash on the counter also in their concern. I think we got done some stuff that needed to be done as preliminary stuff for the other. I have another staffing tomorrow, but it’s not until 1 pm – so that’s going to give me some time in the morning. If I could only work the later hour tonight or earlier hour tomorrow then I would get some planning done. But, right now I’m syncing this computer so I might as well plan a few things now. Shoot … cept we’re syncing and I can’t get at my to-do list. *Sigh* I can do this, right?