You can take it to the bank
Good morning. Hi this is us. This is the second day without the Internet, except yesterday we sort of cheated. Rich left his computer home so we used his during the day – and man oh man can you believe we didn’t leave it for more than 3 minutes. It has something that signs you off if your gone for more than 5 minutes. It’s got a lot of security features that we didn’t want to mess with so we tried to keep her steady and afloat.Then THIS morning, we woke up having trouble breathing to find out that ALL the power had gone out in our neighborhood and that lasted for about 45 minutes of “hell.” Oh man … you wanna see someone a little crazy? Take away Internet AND computer! Sheesh! By now the computer is up again … but we had to stay by Rich and his Internet for a while and have him check our email and such just to get into the idea that we weren’t going to go off any deep end. We let him go when he started doing his hard work. We’ve been here going over our writing over the last couple of days – that hasn’t been posted yet. More from Saturday than yesterday. Yesterday as noted … we hugged Rich’s Internet.
We’re still there mentally, but we’ve already got a negative that Rich is going to leave his Internet when he goes to work out of the house. There is always the time he’s taking a shower. Yesterday we spent the entire time he was gone doing a couple of games and such over at going over the recruit messageboard.
We went over a couple fairly nice size ones from the few surrounding Thom’s – the one’s currently in session like delta (I think that’s the name) and then we skipped back and got into a Goliath size message board – 7 pages from the last time Alpha company were together. They met from like November through February – and will start up with Thom’s session in March – so like must have had a month to do other things. We’re not by any means done with Alpha. That’s what we WANT to do today!
But, COMCAST say’s maybe it will be here between 1 and 3 … Man-o-man.
Rich wanted to go to the Art Institute and all we want to do is read about Alpha company. There’s about 1500 messages to go through … like we said … we’re only about 250-300 in. Feel like there’s real WORK to be doing. I want to understand the experience. I want to know what’s going on in writing to Thom. I find myself sometimes during our free time trying to craft together how we are going to do the letters and how we get others to write or communicate information through us to Thom. I don’t want him feeling cut off. I think it’s a goal they all go through.
One of the parents suggested that there are labels made up with both your address and the recruits and that you send like 10 of them at a time so that the recruit can easily mail them out. They also suggest that you have them handy so that you can pass them out to people who ask about your recruit so they also might take the opportunity to write to your recruit. That is an extremely good idea. That is one of the reasons that I want Thom to meet St. Rose Center before he leaves. I think it would be very cheerful to him to have them write to him and give him a cheering squad backing up his corner. Then to repay – all he needs to do one time when he returns is to show up in uniform and WoW them to pieces! Man wouldn’t that be an experience for them!
I’ve got to keep working on that one. It’s really a good potential for more letters to be going out. I don’t know all the connections he has through his friends and family, but I’d hope to spur Maury, Joe, and Alex on to be doing some good communicating. There is a chance too I think that not only Jackie the step-mother, but Thom’s Dad would be writing – and I don’t think its that far fetch that the father could have some of his friends writing too though that’s a little harder.
I’m just thinking that Thom’s dad was a good letter writer when we were in Norway and there’s no doubt that he has just as much ability now if not more – and certainly he has the time. Since Thom is planning to be gone so much more of his life – it is a good idea to start now.
I am wondering now if I could get Sister’s permission to have Rosa run off some label sheets for Thom’s address. Just they would have to be written by the staff, because Thom doesn’t want pictures or anything else to stand out. Someone else talked about getting correspondence from a brother who was developmentally disabled. It seemed that had been a good thing for everyone. And, there was this other thing about people sharing mail with others who hadn’t been getting mail.
And, that was a good marine thing to do. There was one more thing that I thought was important yesterday concerning mail. It seems that there is a place where they collect mail to give to marines that are sent out with care packages. That seems to be something that I would like to take part of. I think that later I will start writing mail, but I’ll wait until after the Internet is up, because there were suggestions at this one place about things to do and not to do in the letters. I know that I will want to follow general guidelines.
I am a little worried about a post I wrote yesterday trying to support a worried Mom, because I used something Thom had told me for an example. Now I’m worried that it was something that I shouldn’t have said. I woke up with it on my conscious. I have to be more careful with what I say – especially with Thom in bootcamp and with him going into Intelligence. I had said in the note that he was planning to go to Hawaii. I don’t think now that I should have said that. I think if Thom would read that he’d be frustrated with me. I also said something about he separating from his brothers to develop his own identity. While I honestly believe that to be true, that might be a personal thought I shouldn’t have expressed out loud. I’ve just got to learn. And, I’ve got to do it quick, before I upset something. Lordy how I hate secrets. Now … of all things … my son wants to be a secret person. SHEESH!
Hmm, just thinking … this all seems to have been a part of a dream I’ve already had – Thom being a secret person and writing too much information in a community place and that getting somehow involved with my blog. Ok, enough of that … better check on coffee.
Hmm, topped Rich’s, but otherwise waiting on the new batch. We found some yogurt instead … btw … we’ve gotten up to 9 am.
As to the evening last night? I don’t think too much was happening … though we had some very nice omelets with Rich. He made them after he’d gotten back. OHHH and we saw a movie! He hadn’t seen Shrek before and I hadn’t seen Shrek III so we watched that. Hmm, or was that the night before … maybe. Actually, I think it did precede last night, because I remember him saying something about wanting to watch the Knight Rider movie. I can remember the part about sitting down on the lounge part of the couch with my fluffy white blanket rubbing Rich’s back with my right hand and Missy with my left hand … and then the movie was over because it was after 9 pm and Rich was putting us to bed, but we wanted a fudgicle and to watch the next show, hmm I don’t think that lasted too long either. I recall the echo of someone saying something like, “but, we stayed up long this time, didn’t we?!” “Uh huh.” *Sigh*
Poor Rich … no company at night. Lucky he’s always been into a quiet read at bedtime.
AHA! Rich said to someone on the phone he’d be there in an hour or so!
Wow! I was on-line for a few minutes while he showered and got dressed, he warned me and I honored the fact he was going to be getting ready fast and would have to leave with the computer because he IS working! Damn. I didn’t get through all those links giving suggestions on letter writing, but I did find out that you are to address letters:
Dear Marine,
Mailed to:, Inc.
PO Box 1115
Columbia, MO 65205-1115
They want letters that are positive and support the troops. They want letters giving positive information on what’s going on back home – such as with books, movies, & music. They want to know what day to day life is like and the want to know how we are supporting the troops. Stuff like that. 3 weeks before Thom leaves seems like a good enough time to start.
I’m a little confused as to the pictures thing, because Thom says definitely not and the others say definitely yes. I have to go with Thom’s definitely no until I hear differently, but I hope that eventually he allows pictures.
Thom’s Letter #1
February 18, 2008
Dear Thom, or Recruit Thom as the evidence may show,
It is now 3 weeks before you ship to MCRD-SD. I am getting a little excited. Well ok a lot excited. Mostly because I know you are excited. There is so much anticipation. I will say this over and over again – I am very proud of you – and I know your family and friends are as well. I will do my best to write often and keep you as informed as I can – and I will try to remind others to as well. You are doing something incredible and I want to make sure that people don’t shy away from your experience because they are in such awe of you. I’m pretty sure that would be the case.
I’ve been reading and reading and will continue to – especially from the site I showed you. I recommend that you pass around to your fellow recruits the link to to their parents and close friends. It is an extremely good means to the rest of us handling our end of your experience. There is a lot of support for family and friends. One of the things they suggest for letter writing is for the parent – such as me to write labels (I’ll ask the secretary at work how) and the labels will have your address on it and mine – or if you give me the other people on your address book I can preprint their names on labels. She suggests then mailing them to you in small groups in a regular envelope, so you can have them ready to mail out. They also suggest having plenty of extra labels with your address, so we can share them with people who ask about you and who might want to write. I can make sure too that Maury, Joe, and Alex get copies as well to hand out – I could see going as far as placing the labels on pre-stamped envelopes to make it incredibly easy for people to mail you. I think you would get bored if it were only us mailing you.
I hope that over the next 3 weeks I can persuade you to visit me also at St. Rose Center. My intention here is so that you have images of me in my more natural setting and of the people I work with. There are some ulterior motives – in that, I know that some of the groups have written people in the military and that would be another excellent source of letter writers. I think when you get to your humble states; you’ll think of how important this group of people I work with and for really are. They are very devoted to me – and they know have known all along the Ms. Ann has 3 sons. They have once met Joe. They call him my Karate son, because he gave a little demonstration and although that was 8 years ago, that’s still how they think of him. People with developmental disabilities are easier to impress, but I would especially like them to have an impression of you as you are – a recruit, and then later as a Marine – because, I am impressed with you and I want to share this excitement with them.
This would be such an incredible big deal to them – you could not imagine. All the 9 years I’ve worked there – they’ve never had the experience of someone in a uniform walking in – especially a marine – and especially Ms. Ann’s son, and perhaps answering a few questions. A good majority are very verbal and curious. It would be an extremely good experience if you could give a few moments of your time before you left – and once sometime when you return. It’s one of those things that would be a little hard for you, but would melt your heart after having gone through it. Please consider if you haven’t already.
Hmm, have to consider at what time you might read this first letter. I am pretty sure that I will write one special letter that I will give you on the plane to read. That letter you can on the plane and throw out when you are done with it and prior to getting to the depot. I don’t know at this point what special things I will say that I am not saying here now, but I’m not quite ready for that letter.
Ok, we are working through this first letter on form and function for you being gone. I hope that you will see other letters being sent and you will write giving me the ok for pictures. I’m really good at including pictures in the word document as I write. No separate snapshots and you can throw away or share anything that you get. I just think it would be more fun and colorful for you to be receiving. This week – I have to take my digital camera into a place Sr. is recommending in Chicago to make sure it gets fixed. I use it quite frequently. Hehehe Maury and Joe use my little movie video thing more often, but I still think it was a good deal. Maury once sent me a video of Isa crawling into the cookie packages in the lower cabinets that made me laugh and laugh – I took the video and I put it to music. It was very good. I know … you especially, don’t want musical letters. Good Mom!
Another idea the parent site said was to include jokes to make you laugh. I’m not a particular good joke person, but when I get my computer back on-line – I’ll start looking them up. I promise. Same goes for the news. I have to warn you – that one of my favorite news items is what happens to Paris and Britney. I know what? How? Why on Earth could this happen to my mother? Don’t know how to answer that except to say – I’m into psychology and the fates of those two women are like a psychology phenomena of our cultural social stratosphere. Hmm, that sounded pretty good. I think I’ll go with that! Both are pretty messed up – well start there and just add for now they are like paparazzi rag dolls – just one is better at handling it face value. Hmm, it occurs to me now that Thom probably is so disinterested in divas – umm we’re talking Paris Hilton and Britney Spears. Ok, we’re moving on. This might be evidence that your mother has some light-hearted views on life.
Ok, let me think how will this go. I think when I get your address, I will send a current letter and I will send the first two letters, and then the next letter will be current and will go out with the 3rd and 4th letter until we get all 21 prior letters out with the current. That way there will be plenty of extra letters. WITH different views. Hehehe … yeah we’re like that. You’ll have to put them together like a puzzle. We’re also thinking that we should limit ourselves to 4-5 pages a letter – or less! I know we write a lot. It’s just the way we are. We’re writers above everything else. We’ll keep the letters numbered from the inside.
Ok, something from home now. Well, you know that my home consists of about 4 people and one I know just barely. I consider Alex part of home – but, mostly how he interacts with all of you. As to Maury – we are just up to the part where he is deciding on jobs between Comcast, AT&T, and maybe Sony or whichever, company puts together Playstation 3. I think that Comcast is the one Maury wants the most because AT & T is a union, but I think he’s gotten further in the door with AT&T. I think the Playstation job putting up displays and answering questions would be fun, but because the training is so intense on AT&T – 12-18 weeks, I am thinking that is going to be the highest paying job.
We’ve been talking to Maury about in his spare time becoming a sports official like Rich. Rich has been officiating baseball, football, and basketball for over 30 years. He says you make about $35 an hour, which is pretty good money for a job that he loves. It’s the money he uses to go fishing, play cards and go golfing … *Sigh* Maury is hopefully going to consider volleyball so he could like do it as to HIS schedule. Rich might do 3-4 games during weeknights and then do 2-3 games on a weekend like right away in the morning while we’re still typing – it adds up to about $12-1500 a month spare change (some games are 1 ½ - 2 horus). I don’t mind the time out because most the time it gives me time at the computer to write or be finishing up overtime at work. Then we get after evenings together and Rich loves his man-entertainment-stuff. I think Maury would like getting out some too – besides he loves being “in-charge!”
As to Joe – we haven’t seen him since his birthday at the beginning of this month. He talked of almost having enough money saved to buy the other partner out of the business. That’s a very positive thing – and I think good for him! He seems to enjoy both the business end and the program end of the Karate business. I think he’s in an ideal position to do something he loves for the rest of his life if he so chooses. Only time will tell what kind of a business person he is, but I’m betting on Joe because he has some common sense. He’s frugal. I laughed when his first instincts were to look at the bills and say “Hmm, this is too much, we’re going to need looking at this.” I could almost hear Sensei Steve saying, “Joe, go at it!” It might benefit Joe to go back and get a business masters. I think he could do it on-line if he could afford to work only at the karate school, but it would be tough and I think Joe really wants to work on relationships … we’ll stop there though.
Now as to Thom. How’s Thom? If Thom is reading this letter you are probably through with receiving, have been doing a lot of drills and running – I’m afraid to ask if they’ve pulled teeth … I just learned about that yesterday. Maybe you are up to the part where you are going through marine history and/or are learning to fight. That and I know there is cleaning involved. I don’t know where you are with all that, but I know your intentions are to be the best at whatever it is that you are doing. I am saying a prayer right now that they are feeding you well and that you are growing as strong as an ox – no time for injuries – but if you do get one make sure to tell someone! You can now write anytime and fill in details, but they are also telling us at the parents’ site that no news is good news because it means that you are hard at work. They are also telling us not to worry because the DI’s are taking such good care of you – they want you to graduate. I’d like to think that looks good on their record. Maybe they just yell a little?
Hmm, I was just wondering. I wonder if the recruiter has a standard presentation that he gives to the parents like me. Ok, we just left a message on your machine.
WOOHOOO!!! We just talked to your recruiter ourselves! First time! He seemed like a real nice guy. He said he’s got two of you in boot camp now. I’ll have to remember that Sergeant Jason Jenson. It turned out my questions were directed in two directions … I needed to know more about shipping out and I wanted to know more about the Intelligence part. He says that he’ll be picking you up on Sunday, the 9th and you will be spending that night in a hotel, because you will be leaving very early to go to San Diego. He said he would like to get there at 8 pm. We would like to make an arrangement then to see you sometime that weekend to say our goodbyes. Should probably be saying goodbye no later that 5 pm or 6 pm so you can be ready, but you might have other plans before that – we’ll have to check.
He says that your job as an Intel guy will be gathering info on top secrets. When asked he said that you don’t go into the combat zones, but that you will be on the base. He says you don’t leave the base because you are like the briefcase with all the money – they don’t want you to get captured, and for the record – neither do I!!!!! Sergeant Jason said that there is one Intel guy per battalion and that you work directly under the CO or commanding officer. I think that is a good idea. He says that while you are in training it will be decided whether you become an Intel specialist and get 12 weeks of training, or if you become a topographical specialist and work in the “vault” for 42 weeks of school. He also said that you’ll most likely be stationed on the East Coast, the West Coast, Hawaii, or Okinawa Japan.
Man-o-man Thom did you manage to do all this? He also reminded us that you could then work for CIA or FBI or that you could stay or train for another job afterward in the Marines. Oh, and he said that most likely you WILL learn another language, but that wouldn’t happen until you get on base.
Hmm, I think I should start over again saying Dear Thom for the amount of time loss staring at this last paragraph. Sergeant Jason says by the way that he writes to all his recruits at boot camp and while I’m remembering they say that the pack floats in the water so there are no problems with buoyancy. I didn’t ask Sgt. Jason that … just something I’d read.
Ok, thinking maybe I should sign off here. There is a lot to internalize with the ideas of all that you are going to be doing. There is no doubt that Sgt. Jason is proud of you I think he calls you “those guys” Hehehe, obvious pride! Those guys do this and those guys do that! All I know is you’re my guy and I’m proud of you doing just as you are with the simplest stroke of a brush or cadence march. Just keep doing what your doin Thom - I believe in you!
Love you to pieces,
Thom’s friend #1
February 18, 2008
Dear Marine,
Hi! I’d like to introduce myself as Recruit Thom’s Mom. He is shipping out to MCRD-SD on March 10th, 2008 and I decided two things … I would start writing him today and I would start writing to you today in honor of my son who I am so proud of. I have two other sons as well one older named Maury and one younger named Joe. All three boys are between the ages of 24 and 27. With all that said what about you?
I’ve never written to a marine before. I find this pretty exciting. I understand this letter will be coming in with other supplies. Congratulations for getting something special. Not that my letter is over the top, but that something a little different happened today that was nice. From my understanding this letter might be going to Iraq or Afghanistan. If this is the case, or even if it isn’t I would like to say marine … I’m pretty darn proud of you for being where you are anyway! It takes a lot of courage to put you out in the world doing good for others. I believe you’ve made many sacrifices and there are those of us that understand how special you are, because you are our sons and daughters and sisters and brothers and wives and husbands …. And well, you get the idea. This makes you pretty spectacular in our book!
I’m pretty sure others give you the news of what’s going on back home better than I can, but I’ll see if I can add a few more notes. I am on the computer a lot and I use AOL for news highlights. Their top news stories at this moment are:
That a tornado hit the south and damaged 200 homes in Alabama, but thank God, they say there were no casualties. Yikes that’s not so positive – though that we had a disaster that didn’t hurt anyone well, I think that’s reason to believe somebuddies prayers were answered! Another news story over the last couple of days is that Kosovo has been recognized by US and Europe. I’m pretty sure you know more geography than most people, but I read on to find that it involves ethnic Albania declaring independence from Serbia. As well the formal recognition went through with Britain, France and Germany, but not Spain. I think that’s pretty good. Bush is touring 5 countries in Africa including Tanzania. One of his messages is to be investing in care for those against malaria. That seems like a good idea. Hmm, one sports news headline stands out – Newman gives Penske Elusive Daytona Win … that seems like a big deal.
AHA! Here’s one you can take to the bank. It says “Robot Chef Prepares Delicious Octopus Balls” That’s right and it’s happening in Osaka Japan – this is the top technology story of the day :) Please see robot below on next page. The story recommends adding to the kitchen an automatic robot bartender and ice cream vending machine! See there ya go!

Ok, any other must see news? It says that a judge is going to settle McCartney’s divorce. I guess they have been in court last week – ALL week trying to work out some kind of deal – trying to settle on the amount of money Heather Mills is going to get from Paul McCartney – He’s worth about 1.6 billion – she says she wants 100 million … he says he’ll give her 50 million. The judge has now reserved his ruling – he will spend several weeks working out a settlement.
Hmm, Lindsay Lohan poses nude – as Marilyn Monroe … we better not go there. How did we get on the “People” Magazine page?? Let’s just one or two more … Ahh That’s something it says that Former President Bush is going to endorse McCain. Hmm, also saw a headline saying that Obama wins country music entertainer of the year, but after reading it further, I saw it said that it only extended his amazing string of victories and was downplayed when he bumped Dr. Hiroshi Kyosuke for the Nobel Prize for chemistry. We’re thinking someone was pulling our leg there. Ok, so enough news. I’ve got mixed feelings about it anyway.
Just a couple more things I wanted to write about before I let you get back to more important duties. I know they work you hard. First wanted to tell you a little about me and then I wanted to tell you a little more about my recruit Thom.
I’d like to note that I’ve been on my own for quite some time now, though for the last year my boyfriend hehehe it’s ok – we’re safe he’s 57 to my 48 – has lived with me. The cats are still frowning on the amount of massage time he needs. The boys also have been on their own for at least the last 5 years – so they feel kind of grown up to me. I haven’t had any real mothering to do for quite some time. What I do during the day is work at a day training center for adults with developmental disabilities. I’m like a cross between a counselor and a social worker. I also do staff training, program development and specialize in our national accreditation procedures. Mostly what that means is that my desk always has paperwork and if I step out of my office people say, “Hello!” and, they want to talk to me, hug me, or show me what they are doing. It’s pretty cool work.
I’m not sure what you do, or how well you like it. And, I’m not sure how different or similar your jobs were from the one you have now and the one you had as a civilian. Maybe that would make an interesting story?! Or, maybe chow is more on your mind? It’s hard to tell, but at this distance you seem a little closer than when I’d started the letter. I hope you don’t mind.
Joe the youngest is the only one who went to and graduated from college. Like his Mom we both went into psychology. The older two boys went down to the Chicago Board of Trade like their uncles on their father’s side. Thom was doing real well for a time being. Maury said he had made during his peak 2.85 million dollars. He had all the fixins of half million dollar home, Hummer, ATV’s and BMW. He was only 21. He didn’t need his mother’s advice because he had the tiger by the tail. After a couple of years gone by and all that other stuff was gone, Thom decided to learn about computers for a bit. Most of the time he played games with his friends and family on-line … I think the game was World of Warcraft or something like that.
But, at some point … not too long ago – he just changed. He said he wanted to do something that helped people. He even said it was ok to write to him when he was gone - before he didn't always even accept phone calls.
I called Maury about 2 weeks ago, to ask how he and his family were doing and Maury said, “Did you hear about Thom?” I said, “No, I don’t think so – why what’s up?” Maury said, “You better call Thom – He joined the Marines!” The first thought I had was I better pull off the road, because I wasn’t seeing it well. But, in those first few moments Maury stated for his younger brother about 7-8 reasons down the line why Thom and the Marines were good for each other. I couldn’t remember the reasons afterward, but I remember agreeing with each as Maury went through them. I did talk to Thom a few moments later and as Maury suggested – I didn’t add anything negative I let Thom know how proud I was of him for making that kind of decision and commitment.
A couple of days later talking to Maury again (our family center for information –
apparently), he told me that Thom had passed something like 96 out of 99 questions on a Marine test and that he was going to be put in Intelligence. Don’t really know all what that means – except there’s going to be a lot of secrets. They said he could choose anything, but that they’d guide him back to this decision. I thought … it must be pretty important then that he does this. I just nodded when they said; he’d have to go an extra year. I talked to the recruiter. Sergeant Jason explained that he’d be on the East or West Coast, or in Hawaii, or in Japan. They all seemed like real words I was hearing, but I can’t say I understand them yet. I don’t know how your mother and father feel with you being so far away. But, it seems like everything is pretty much a done deal and it all starts – the rollercoaster on March 10th when he goes to boot camp.
I’ve read a lot of material on-line. It seems mostly you encourage them and give them confidence before they go, you write a lot of letters, and you make sure you do whatever necessary to see them graduate. So, that’s what I’m going to do. I figured maybe too … If I could write one letter to my recruit and tell him how proud I am – I could write to you to. Keep up the good work I’m proud of you! I think each is chosen for something special and as a whole it all works together … Just keep doing what your doin Marine – I believe in you!
Love you to pieces,
Recruit Thom’s Mom