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Monday, February 11, 2008

Ok so there may be skeletin in the closet

Good morning … it’s us! We’re up and at’em again. Cept it’s 7 am now and we woke up at 6 am and am just getting our coffee and cereal now … oh and it’s Sunday morning! AND sleeping beauty is still slumbering in snoreland hehehe. He got home while we were still up and he watched the last two bad children get ummm punished by Willy’s factory. He’s a good guy that way  BUT  then he put us to bed and that’s not REALLY good stuff, but a little good guy stuff. We wanted to talk about cars and kids and stuff, but he had on his ohhhh I’m soooo tired face, which meant hmm, like to go to the bathroom, read my book and fall asleep face uh huh oh yah I read YOU like a book! His life is just a little toooo easy! Hmpf!

Oh oh we’re hmpfing in the first paragraph … we better watch that.

I sorta like the new Willy and Charlie movie, but sorta didn’t. But, I guess in the long run most change is good, hmm? At least for reason? Well maybe this one was just a little thin … but, hey ok … if it has to be … but we were thinking that Johnny Depp needed to get laid! Uh huh that’s where we were going, so I guess before it falls on small ears … Yeeks umm better go.

Ok, we were saying … We read over yesterday’s entry from yesterday this morning. No real big surprises. I guess I could have read into the plot … yup yup. Ahh that and now we have our first cup of coffee … that’s got to be a good deal!

Hmm, should we say we have a “for the record” here? What do I think of our own writing? Ok, pretty sure we don’t think excessively of it or anything that would make us have a filled-head or anything. Pshwoo … gotta get rid of any of those preconceptions! It’s been bothering me over this last couple of days and I can’t remember now where it comes from. I was hearing from some source about people – maybe from an article about people who have written blogs over many years finally hanging it up and getting back to having a life. Maybe writing for shorter periods of time. Mostly, though it was a very short unappreciative view of the writing situation like how valueless could time writing on yourself be? I’ve been worrying over that.

Is my My “shtuff” just worthless self-appreciatory? They talked about that the majority of us loose our audiences soon on and then it becomes us and us. Well, actually for most me and me. But, same point. They might have gone onto some point of asking and asking deeper and senselessly deeper introspective questions on one’s own thought processes or cycles and the worthiness of that … maybe like if a tree fell in the forest and no one was there would there be a sound. I would though like to say for the record that there would be a sound.

I don’t want to go into a whole big thing here about that, just I do want to say that it does make a difference and sets up a dialogue that’s important. Then I was reading some personality disorders and there was one in particular where you talk to yourself as if you were someone you were watching and I thought that was interesting. I don’t know if I could find it again, but it seemed to explain the whole phenomena of blog or journal writing.

Yo! Over here! It’s now an unbelievable 3:30 pm and it’s still Sunday and I’m just starting page two. Oh man how unbelievable is that. Shoot hate that when it happens. I think that Rich is coming back not to late from now too. Hold on let me figure it out. Had to be there 11:30, left at 10:30 – three games 12:30, 1:30, 2:30, add an half hour for the ten minutes in-between games – that’s 3 and an hour to get home – that’s 4 pm … AHA! So I have an extra half hour if all goes well. Then maybe meet him in the shower …. Couldn’t go wrong there! But, we’re guessing 3 games … there’ll be no playing tonight  … he did wrap his leg though before hand, so we’re hopin for the best 

So … what we do? Not sure. I know that with Rich here, we had started to write, but then when he woke up we went into massage and then we came out with coffees and we might have watched his show with him. I remember he got the skinny cup so it had to be refilled several times. I also remember that we worked with him on the coffee table. It had become loose. So he took the big glass off it … I think it’s like 42” diameter. Then he got out the drill with those special square things and did stuff with the table upside down and then it was fixed. We got some wet paper towels and cleaned it up – especially those special gooky places that hold the glass an crumbs while your washing. Then we set for a bit working on getting the table and it’s edges before Rich put it back. Pswhoo what a beauty! Oh yes AND RICH!

Hehehe then Rich found a couple umm not so beauty places where the kitties had left some surprises. Oh well had the paper towels handy and he got some special anti-bacterial cleaning stuff. I don’t think there was a whole lot of housecleaning this morning. We finished the show and then he let me turn it off so we could talk about the kids and car show before he left for his games … we talked and talked pretty much up until he had to and including the time he was getting ready for the games.

We be making sure NOW DAYS he doesn’t forget his shirt! I think he’s leaving an extra one down in the car … he doesn’t want to get a reputation I think hehehe.

He says Chris is starting to get into wedding stuff for next year … I thought good for him! AND HER! Pswhoo! They are going to work on getting the hall, but I guess that a date hasn’t been set yet. Rich thought May or June 2009, but I thought wow tough date to book! I heard something too about Chris co-signing for Chrissy’s new car. I guess this is going to be really some real stuff!

Ok, it’s me again … We got lost a bit … AGAIN! Rich is home now but he’s in taking a shower. We followed him around abit and cleaned up the kitchen while he took down a load of clothes. We had written him a note about looking at the site we’ve given the most time to this latter part of the day. We’ve gone back and forth though reading many books on all kinds of mental disorders. I have a feeling for the series again. I’ve figured out some important things … I really think they are true even though we’re not qualified to make these kinds of diagnoses.

I think my mother can easily be diagnosed with Narcissistic Personality Disorder and my father can be diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder. I think both of them had strict mothers/or in my father’s case a strict nanny and both had alcoholic fathers. I believe at this point that they both went through physical, emotional, and/or sexual abuse and neglect by family members as did my brother, sister and I. Maury states that he and his brothers were sexually abused by a neighbor girl. With my mother it is obvious, with my father all I had to do was remember back to the stories such as my father’s mother giving him a $1 when he was young to get out of the house – ride the street cars to avoid his father’s drunken anger around the house. The Garvey's as well have signs of mental illness including addictions of alcoholism and drug abuse.

Each of my siblings and me as kids developed personality disorders from our parents and my mother's family mistreatment. My father's family passed early and the paternal grandmother was enabling, but loving. Each of us have depression and anxiety, which my father was treated for, but my mother was not treated for. Each of the three of us kids have anxiety and depression disorders. In addition, my older brother (one year) has histrionic Personality disorder, I have obsessive-compulsive disorder, and my younger sister (one year) has borderline personality disorder. In addition, my sister and I have eating disorders, and she has post-traumatic stress disorder and I have Dissociative identity disorder. I also now believe that I married my husband and that he had like my mother Narcissistic Personality disorder and although I didn't get it at first … I think Rich does not have any disorder other than food, but he married someone with Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Of our 6 kids – the only one that have diagnoses that I know is Jill’s anorexia and Maury’s depression. I worry about Thom – he carries much too much anger. But, for the most part, I think we've been lucky about the kids … time will tell.