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Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Ok, Just starting to gather some of the basics ... lots to learn

Pick Up = Day Recruit meets his DI staff and is assigned into his platoon also known as Black Friday

PT = Physical Training

MCMAP = Marine Corps Martial Arts ProgramStrikes, Punches, Chokes, Counter Punches are all a part of MCMAP

CCX = Combat Conditioning Exercise

WFTBN = Weapons and Field Training Batallion

Where our Recruits go for rifle qualification and Crucible

BAC = Bayonet Attack Course

PFT = Physical Fitness Test

SATO = Scheduled Airline Travel Office On Depot travel agency

CO CMDR = Company Commander

Bn CMDR = Batallion Commander

Int = Interior

Prev Mnt = Preventative Maintenance

Terrorism AWR = Terrorism Awareness

Cond = Conditioning

Maint = Maintenance

Innocs = Innoculations

IMM = Intergrated Material Management

REMED = Remedial

End = Endurance

SOP = Standard Operating Procedures

BWT = Basic Warrior Training

IND = Individual

EST = Estimation

EX = Exercise

MOUT = Military Operations in Urban Terrain

SRB = Service Record Book

T1 = Training Day 1

P = Processing

F = Forming

H = House Days

1 recruit training REGIMENT

in the REMIMENT there are 3 BATTALIONS (1rst, 2nd, & 3rd - PI 4th Battalion for the ladies)

Each BATTALION has 4 companies (except PI Battalion 4 has 3 companies November, Oscar, Papa)

In each Company there are PLATOONS

All people in one COMPANY will graduate on one date, but there are generally 500 recruits going through at the same time.(less in the winter).

Or another interpretatioin

The Company designation can be explained from the menu on the left.

Under USMC - Regiment you can see the "Structure" that this comes under. SD is the Recruit Training Regiment ....

That is for all of MCRD SD...The Regiment is made up of Batallions (3 at MCRD SD)

Each Batallion is made up of Companies (12 Companies at MCRD SD)

1st Recruit Training Batallion consists of Alpha CompanyBravo CompanyCharlie CompanyDelta Company

2nd Recruit Training Batallion consists of Echo CompanyFox CompanyGolf CompanyHotel Company

3rd Recruit Training Batallion (batallion color is Yellow) consists of India CompanyKilo CompanyLima CompanyMike Company

At MCRD Parris Island there is a 4th Batallion for our Lady Recruits consisting ofOscar CompanyNovember CompanyPapa Company

At MCRD SD the Company consists of 8 platoons (usually)

The Company is broken into 2 series - the first 4 platoons of a company are one series the next 4 platoons are the other series (this was the case with Darren's Company and may vary in the number of platoons)

Platoon numbers for 1st Batallion start with 1 as in 1004

Platoon numbers for 2nd Batallion start with 2

Platoon numbers for 3rd Batallion start with 3

Platoon numbers for 4th Batallion start with 4

Here are just nosey details you might find interesting...

There are 4 Recruits to a Fire Team

There are 3 Fire Teams to a Squad

The number of Squads to a Platoon depends on how many Recruits are in the platoon