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Thursday, March 11, 2010


I. Self-Regulated learning - Self direction to transform abilities into skills;
attainment of goals
A. Forethought - Processes that precede efforts to learn and set the stage for such
1. Goal setting - deciding on specific outcomes of learning
2. Strategic planning - selection of learning strategies or methods designed to
attain the desired goals
3. Self-efficacy beliefs - personal beliefs about one's capability to learn or
perform at certain designated levels
4. Goal orientation - focus on learning progress or effective learning rather than
competitive outcomes
5. Intrinsic interest - continuity of learning efforts despite the absence of tangible
B. Performance or volitional control - Processes that occur during learning efforts
and affect concentration and performance
1. Attention focusing - protecting intention to learn from distractions and from
competing intentions
2. Self-instruction/imagery - refers to telling oneself how to proceed during a
learning task
3. Self-monitoring - checking progress of key processes or outcomes;
self/environment cues balancing routine and change
C. Self-reflection - Processes that occur after learning efforts and influence a
learner's reactions to that experience
1. Self-evaluation - comparing self-monitored information with standards or
goals; efficiency, effectiveness, and satisfaction
2. Attributions - causal meaning of the results influenced by personal and
contextual factors
3. Self-reactions - positive or negative inevitability that assists or detracts from
reinforcing systematic variations in approach;
propensity to continuously practice well or follow through
4. Adaptive practice cycle - appropriate evaluation of performance; which will
create inertia that can facilitate or undermine learning
learning during subsequent phases
II. Thoughts
A. Processes through knowledge and experience, which includes interpersonal,
intrapersonal, and contextual conditions
III. Feelings
A. Integration of emotion with thought (work on impact given in consideration of
multiplicity, not despite it).
IV. Strategies
A. Reading, writing, listening & speaking
V. Behaviors
A. Follow through on personal or professional program