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Saturday, February 27, 2010

Jumping out and hopping into a vibrant new past time!

Good morning. This is me. We’re off to a rather late start, but have been up clearing my regular routine things like checking on email and going through my Facebook contacts. So about this time we’re back to the basic writing and then seeing what the new day is going to offer us. I feel caught up as to my general business agenda items.

We’re at the point of not being able to progress any further on the housing ideals.

I think we explained this before, but in general the numbers just don’t work out.

Also, we’ve run into fundamental differences with Rich and our general likes and dislikes. He was going for a single floor, but we’d seen cost benefits and ascetics in going for a two-story. We were though a lot further down the road in discrepancies of purchasing ability so that wasn’t even the main argument.

I don’t feel like I want to go into all that again. We will say there was some ending points in that we had an appointment with Dr. Marvin last night so we went through some of this and more. At the present moment, I don’t remember exactly what we talked about. I do know we gave him the information we’d written in our last post in conversing with Debbie Ward. I think we talked about it … just not remembering at the moment.

So, for the time being I have to admit there is some pressure off in that if there can be no room for planning in the future then at least that clears up our hopes and efforts toward working in that direction. Just means I suppose that we have room to be planning and hoping in new directions not yet known. We have to be resolved that this place is going to be our home for a long time into the future and if that is the case then what will we do with our hopes, plans and desires so that we can still be building toward comfort levels we can accept.

I’m a little too hurt by the whole process though to want to discuss all that at this time. I think we’re going to have to come up with a new flow of thoughts.

Maybe we have to hold on here a second and see where we are at with all that … or if we’re going to … well, I don’t know … let me think here for a moment.

Probably one of the first things to do is to clear my screens of pictures I’d been holding so dear and hopefully. Maybe one of the better ideas then of that is to be looking at other pictures we’ve been up to … like maybe thinking more of the quilts. I think we noted before that we’d done quite a bit of investigating on the Jinny Beyer’s quilts. I just checked – walked downstairs to see if there was any chance that my other books had come in. We’d signed for our package to be left downstairs so we were hoping that maybe something has happened, but we knew we were a mail delivery off in the wrong direction. Maybe something will be there by the end of the day. We do know that they attempted to deliver … so let’s hope for the best and that he picked up our signature card yesterday and will redeliver today.

Rich had thought it was something in the mail we didn’t know about so he picked it up yesterday or the day before so that it didn’t get to the mailman. Just gotta be practical with some things take time. I think one of the things I’m going to do in a few moments maybe is to open CS’s EQ6 program and see what I can do with it as far as getting some of the new ideas in there. Maybe we’ll hold for a second and just open it to see where it is at.

Oh man oh man … look at this!

I did this all by myself! Wow! That really floats my boat!

Sky is the limit … let me check one more thing

There it printed this for me, but it gave me trouble printing the block in that it just loosely numbered my pieces and then it said I would have to number them myself as to order that would be sewed … I might need some help with that.

Ok, ok … figured out how to do a few more things with it. (See below)

Pretty cool, hmm?

Pswhoo. We’ve been playing around for a bit. We discovered that we could get JB’s fabrics in the EQ6 program. Wow … just so much to play with … I’m like dazzled with what we can now do. It’s about noon now so you can see how much time we’ve been playing. I think we’d have to totally dedicate ourselves to a project which would mean adding a whole new library … we might want to finish the JB’s County Clare, but we also might want to go back and work with the 150 fabrics that are in my fabrics purchased group. But, then on the other hand … well I could start copying over fabrics, but I’d really like to listen to what can be done with colors after I get my new color book from JB.