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Monday, February 22, 2010

Ok, that's about it for a days wrap

*sigh* still a lot of dreaming to do. I have come conclusively how we can help Rich bring in a better income. I think that I have to bring in like an extra $4-500 a week or $80-100 a day. And that’s just cleared money – not gross. So we’re looking at like $15 an hour we’d have to do like $33 an hour … we’re not even making that much now. Maybe we’ll have to go back into job searching again. Yesterday we found some jobs that Rich might be interested in that would provide some good income, but I’m not sure if that’s the route to go because he’s so close to retiring … I wouldn’t want him to have to start over again.

I don’t’ know this situation seems impossible unless we were to go back to the idea that our writing could earn some money. Maybe it’s time that I went back toward that avenue again. The last time we were at a stage where we were getting propositioned by someone wanting us to pay for the book to be published. We were dealing with Dorance Publishing.

I don’t know how to get it published or to get it to an agent that might be able to get it pushed through somewhere. I wonder if there was one who could work just on a profit from selling the books.

Hmm, couldn’t find a copy of the book on my flash drive – just copies of the old thing script before the first book was edited. I don’t want to think too hard about that just yet … I’ll look at my computer at home. I did find the invoice over to the printing company … and that I’d sent copies to Vickie and Vince. I’m thinking now at this point that attachments don’t save in the old letters. I may have known that before it seems familiar.

I’m sure that it is somewhere. Maybe we better put that on the side too. Shoot shoot … just fretting because we’d gotten nowhere in trying to do something with the book before. It seems like I need a little help with it and the project wasn’t finished in that the majority of it hadn’t been edited. I really don’t want to go all through that route again, but might have to especially if Rich puts in a big no.

There … I did something special. I looked up ghost writer and sent in some information for someone to get back to me. That makes me feel as if I’ve done SOMEthing! The ghost writing cost I’m thinking would be like 10% of the profits and I’d certainly be willing to do something like that. Just couldn’t afford to really do an upfront cost and I’m thinking it’s going to go there. I should let those thoughts go, but I do have to say that it be pretty neat to have someone very good at writing go through all the information and put it in some kind of legitimate shape that would sell … at least enough for me to earn a house. Sure would like to put $350,000 cash down. Hehehe but we’re pretty sure that we’re putting the egg way in front of the chicken.

Ok, so what has to be done today. We’re thinking here in our personal, because there is just so much work tolerate. I talked to a DSP about getting some paperwork in for a staffing, sister called me about some client that has issues (well at least the mother), and we got a call to submit something on one of our clients to the state. Pretty sure we don’t have that done. It seems to be our life’s mission to not accomplish. We will see a bit later in the day what we are going to do with that. I think she is asking for the year before this one … so I’m not so excited about trying to take up that cause.

As to our imaginary world? Shoot now why do you have to frame it like that? Can’t we believe in our progress?

I’m not sure if we mentioned it or not, but we got in the material for Joe and Cari’s quilt. I’m really in love with the fabric and think that Cari is going to love it too. Joe will love that we did something home made. I really do want to do good work for them. The colors are just SO vibrant. Sister talked about the quilt that is going in for the Spring Fling. She’s asked if she can sell the quilt that we made for her Christmas present. We felt that we had to say yes. I did send a long a message to CS. The quilt has been going on unfinished since last summer. I don’t think she’s interested in the project and even if I took it over I’m not sure how we’d get the quilting part done. That’s the decorative stitching that goes on the top.

That’s enough of that subject … we’ll see what CS says … I think she’s going to be relieved there’s some other option. I don’t think she’s really excited about the big quilt. We’ll see.

I think this morning we covered briefly some of the things that happened over the last day or two so we don’t want to go too much into all that now. I do want to add an extra note that we had a very good time with Marcia and Bob, and then later just Bob. I don’t know what kind of repercussions we’re going to get from Rich later, but I’m thinking he’s going to want to separate me from Bob again, because that kind of stuff seems to aggravate him – like now he’s saying that he doesn’t want me going out to talk to his mother every week or so … just to have a girls time.

Some things are very hard to understand with Rich. I did let him know that I’m very unhappy with our communicating back and forth and how argumentative it has to be.

Dr. Marvin said if I could it be a good idea to bring him in so we could talk about that. I think Rich is closer than he ever has, but I think it would take a major upset to bring him in all the way and then there’d have to be follow-up, but I’m thinking he would think he’s taking up too much of my time with Dr. Marvin. I think in reality too that he just needs someone on his own to talk with, but the process would be too costly and take forever.

If Rich and I could go through life talking at reasonable levels then we wouldn’t have to do something, but I really blew a gasket after he stated that he wouldn’t check into whether or not the quit deed was against the rules. I had similar problems in other areas that involved houses, but we’re mostly on this part where we are very frustrated in not getting hopes of ever getting out of the apartment, or if he refuses to talk seriously about a house. I’d like it naturally to be about the house I selected, but we’ll need to take a day or two longer to find out whether Rich can at least be credit worthy. We are pretty sure again that I’m not going to be able to be on the loan because of my bad credit.

Hmm, CS has been texting back and forth. When she wants to communicate she can.

She says not to give away the Christmas, but that might be already a done deal. She says she’s working on the other quilt now and we’ll try to finish it by the end of the week. She says she can quilt the top on her sewing machine. We’ll have to see … she wanted to back that one up by giving away the log cabin, but I like that one too much. We’ll see. Maybe she needed some extra motivation. Don’t think I’ll be able to save the Christmas one though … sister said she found a basket for it … so thinking it’s already being packaged to sell. It’s ok … I told sister that I remembered when she would one day leave St. Rose Center … she’d only be packing 3 suitcases and memories. It’s not like the sister’s to keep much. I’d like to think she’s selling it because she feels it’s worth money.

I could always make her another though giving her my first all alone quilt was something special too.

The fishy quilt had some progress this weekend. We finished two more fishes and only have four more left. Bob said no reason to hurry I had plenty of time until Christmas … we kinda giggled. That was nice of him to take some pressure off. It was a big project. Maybe if CS can do the top on her sewing machine maybe we could do the top of those and Joe’s on her machine too. She could show me how then we’d just do our best. I think all around between Rich, Bob, Joe and Cari they’d much prefer we try then send it out for an extra cost to CS’s person.

Yeeks … that tears up that idea – a ghostwriter would charge like $8-12,000 for about 275 pages. I don’t see that as happening. If I had that kind of money I would put it down on the house directly. It would be very interesting though to see what someone could do with it. I wonder too how much time it would take to do that much writing. I know it is a good thing so much of it is already put together – and it’s all in order and the thoughts are pretty comprehensive. But, then I’m thinking that they would charge a whole new fee for the publication of it. I didn’t see that included in the cost. I’m still of the old school where if you write something you are going to want someone to pay for it.

I might take it if they said we’ll use your material and they get 50% of the profit … that would tell me they thought it would be worth $10-12,000. I don’t think they are going to offer that …especially without seeing the material. I wrote David back and said thank you, but I don’t have that kind of money. I don’t expect now to get something back, but it would be nice nonetheless. Better let that set of thoughts go.

Ok, we just gotta be thinking … we’re going to get past a Monday aren’t we.

I’m digging in here pretty good … I looked at another ghost writer place, but it seemed to be only like one person who somehow had a net of ghostwriters. I didn’t like how he or she was writing to future ghost writers – it was all about money and no verification of quality. There was at least some form of paying in over time – even if you only put down a couple $500’s a year. But, in general the effort was going to cost $3-5000. I have to give up the idea that I can afford to pay for these kinds of services.

I’ve always held out that if I wrote and wrote that one day we would be rewarded for that effort. I need someone though who could look upon my work with favor and assist me toward getting it to services where there wouldn’t have to be payment, but now-a-days you are paying people to produce for you and most likely take some command over future revenues.

Better I be thinking how much I could made for working at a 7-11 

Ok, one more inquiry … 3 for the day should be enough. I’m really terrible at follow through. There might have to be a chapter on that alone. It would be cool if someone could take my material and categorize it to take up some of our normal issues like all we do in avoidance of work behavior. *sigh*

I am thinking right now it just be nice if Fishyman got home. I’m guessing that they probably will stop fishing about noon-2 pm and then they’ll start on their way home. I’m pretty sure by now they are packed. They are going to do just part of the travel today – like getting to about Kentucky and then they’ll wake up tomorrow – hopefully early. If I didn’t have a staffing I might have taken off the day just so we could have messed around all afternoon. *sigh* It’s going to be ok, it’s going to be ok.

I knew it was going to get tougher the closer we got to the time. I just want to be babied, but we’re thinking that Rich is going to be stiff and sore and want to be babied himself. But, I’m not sure if the one on vacation gets to be the one that gets to be babied. I am enormously fond of the guy. Ok, just one more *sigh* here and then we should try to move on? Man how did we get into such a sudden mushy mood.

I wonder if he’s missing us at all? I think from the sound of taking an extra day for fishing that he doesn’t really want to come back. I’m thinking that I’m part of the overall process that drove him into his escapism. He’ll have to come back fairly soon just to feed us!

Hmm, decided to check our bank account … It says I have $414.42 in there. It also shows I’ve now paid for med bus, gas, ballys, bakers square, rhapsody, amazon, wells fargo, sprint, Comcast, sleep center, med recover, Jinny Beyer, mobile me … what what …

Well mostly everything seemed normal, except the gas station charged me twice as much, but the bank says they all charge that and then they give back the right amount which is good because I only had $35 gas. AND then there was the mobile me account. I’d canceled that account in December. $99 was the service charge for an entire year. But apparently I had two accounts and I never knew that. But, the guy was named Guy and he was real nice. He could tell there wasn’t any activity on the other account so he closed it officially. He said it might take like 3 days to get the money back, but that it would happen. I had no reason to doubt him … it was a quick efficient call.

AND, then I wrote myself a note, saved it, and then sent a copy to Rich in case he sees that money and wants to get mad at me before he knows what happened.

I’m really quite afraid of him coming back with all his anger. I just wasn’t dealing with all that and now that I have had a break from it I really don’t want to go back to it. I talked about it for a few minutes with Bob. I talked of the mistrust and anger both. I’m not sure how Bob is going to handle it, but it seems he’s going through it with Rich too. Rich just wants always to be right, he gets mad when someone contradicts him, and there’s that part of mistrust where I can’t go out of the living room without him knowing what I’m going to do. That part bothers me a lot. I’m hoping he’s not going to be mad that I spent some time with Bob – because Marcia was sick and Bob was by himself too.

I’d like to have Rich come home and tell me that its going to be ok and there’s no reason for him to get bent out of shape.

I really was toward the end of last week ready to shuck the whole thing. I told that to Bob after I’d calmed down. I know he said that he likes us both … I didn’t mean to upset him like that – Just said that maybe Rich is going to come live with him after all. I was so mad … I had had two professionals tell me that Rich was breaking the rules and it was threatening any chance of me getting in a house. Rich was like it didn’t matter anyway … and it was like so your going to throw my future away with yours? Then he was like I’m tired. I’m going to bed … and so it was like fine. I wanted to hang up but I waited for him to say something or hang up first.

When it became evident that both of us had frozen, I said I’m going to hang up the phone now, bye.

The next morning is when he called back to say that he loved me. I was then like … ok … so how was your day? But, we’ve been guarded all week. I know the next day he’d called with the full TV blaring and Ron loudly on the other phone. I couldn’t hear his words and asked him if he could step outside the room, but he said it was too cold and he was tired. So then it became ok – well we’ll talk to you later. He seemed better after that, but apparently he really needed to get away from us. At least as we said before … no one is arguing with us.

I think we are going to need thinking of some alternatives. Could we, should we, or would we ever kick Rich out. It seems like that be a very bad deal for him, but then there has to be some way of saying – hey you don’t own me and have no rights to be yelling at me for everything. If it’s not the yelling it’s the arguing. We don’t seem to be getting along at all, but then some part switches and were like having some pretty hot sex. But, then its like he doesn’t need me again and I don’t know what to do.

Rich knows we’ve been spending a lot of time with the houses. I don’t know if that’s necessarily getting me any further along. I just have to know my options.

Do I have any options? It seems more like the house without Rich there was actually big enough. This will be especially the case if Maury leaves. He’s not staying around anymore anyway. We’re just holding some of his junk. Well there’s some nice junk … he’s got his new TV in there, but most the rest is not good.

I don’t know what I’m going to do with the room after he moves out. The big deal would be separating out my desk, table and sewing cabinet from the living room or the kitchen, but then would we keep a bed and dresser? Besides I know that our living room is crowded, but those are liked the staked out Ann things in there. One of the things we did find was the longer Rich was gone the more apt we were to go back into using them. I was really happy we could do some work on the computer and with the drafting table. I think part of that secret is to keep the other areas cleaned off. I guess the other bedroom will go back to being a guest room, though I think we’re going to have to make it neater. I would like to think that Jillian or Jon could stay over and feel comfortable at our place.

I don’t know how that whole situation is going with Jillian without Rich around all week. Last we heard she was separating from Dawna and looking to finish school and move back north with her mother. I think she’d prefer to live with her father, but everyone seems to know that would drive the mother really crazy. But, I’d like to think she could do sleepovers. I think we’re going to work toward that end in mind. Plus it be really nice to wake-up sometime with Jon in the house. I hold no hope that Chris will ever be in the same room with me. I’m pretty sure too that there will be no way I’ll be going to his wedding. I’d just put too much upset there even if Rich did think it was ok, if we can’t meet outside the circle then why would anyone think it better in that circumstance?

Well, actually I don’t know anyone who would think it better, but we’re just going to let this one slide.

I don’t know for sure what I could do to make the room nicer. Keeping the kitties out of it might have been a good idea. I think the couch is going to stay there.

Maybe we should take the fireplace mantel down? Then we could put up some extra pillows instead of a headboard. I like my mantel, but it’s pretty obvious that no one else likes it. I wonder if there was someone we could give it to who might be able to use it. Maybe we’ll ask Maury to ask his father if he wants it. He could at least make it look nice and repurpose it. I’ve certainly after 20 years gotten my share out of it and I think it would make Rich happier.

I think Maury’s TV is going to stay there unless he or Rich switched the TV in our room to the one in that room. I won’t throw away any TVs unless there were more than one each room. I might go to the store and find a stud finder and try to hang up the design walls myself. I don’t like that Rich won’t do anything and I don’t like that I’m being so helpless. I’m also going to find something to hang up the quilt in the kitchen. Especially now moving out of the colder seasons, it would be better up than not. I can ask at the hardware store how you would hang a 100 inch blanket. Maybe since we’re not getting pictures from Rich’s kids we could hang up the other quilt if it ever gets made in the hallway across from the kids pictures.

Be nice though too if the two matching quilts were finished and they would go with Bob and Rich to fishy places. Just maybe not over the hot summer months – I do hope they show up together with them at least once and make all the other fishy people jealous! Hehe.

Maybe if I were going to take out anything from the living room to give it more space, it would be the coffee table. But, that gets used for a jillion things.

Just it’s a big piece and we’re constantly walking around it. It would take up the whole of any space left in the bedroom though. *sigh*

I’ve been watching the shows and how people make rooms look nicer by taking stuff out. I’m not ready to give up on my bookshelves. Actually I’ve already orientated them to the new space in the new house. I think Rich and us are going to have a heart to heart and if he can’t find a practical schedule – instead of one day having a house, then I should be getting rid of SOMETHING… or someone? Maybe I made it too easy for Rich in giving him a place to live. It never forced him into paying big money for his own place so that he might appreciate better coming into terms with us living together on purpose rather than off of my situation.

If he were to leave, he could take the desk, tv consul and TV and bed with him.

Those are the things I figure by now are his or have earned as his. That’s about enough to make a guy happy. I don’t know though whether he’d just go over to Bob’s. I know Bob has an extra room from the kid and is sorta being reused as Marcia’s or the baby’s or something like that. Rich going over there would be the stronger suit for Bob.

Then maybe Rich could come over sometimes. But, not all the times. I do like very much this sense of using my space without being told do this or do that. Like my father said about this situation … why buy the cow if you are getting the milk for free. It be a matter for me to survive on my own. I think I would have to get rid of the cell phone and the cable so that I could eat. Or, maybe at least cut down on the cable. I think Comcast has a phone service to be bundled for only like $20-25.

I could get a $50 GPS so that it wouldn’t be necessary on my phone. I don’t know how to do it without Rich’s $600 … that’s the bad part. I suppose the only reasonable thing would be to get another job. It’s hard to understand that in order to pay for my place I have to leave it for work.

Hmm, that’s a thought. I wonder if Rich and us could become regular roommates. You know that might work. I could get my own bedroom! Wow … that’s a really good idea! I wonder … probably could work out something with Maury in that we’d clean it up and if he needed to stay over he could do it … Maybe we could leave him one of the closets, but I think Rich has pretty much used up at least one of the closets since I emptied it out. But then he might put some of that stuff in the closet we’d leave him from our bedroom. I could keep Maury’s TV until he was ready to leave.

Now then … what would be the purpose of moving out of the bedroom? I don’t mean to punish Rich … I’m not sure exactly what the point would be except to recognize each of us as two separate people. If there’s no marriage, no getting a place together, and no plans toward the future then maybe it would seem more appropriate to just be roommates.

There that was easy enough. I called Maury and left a message for him to call me.

I told him that I’d like to use the space since he was no longer there. I told him he could store his stuff there to whenever, but that I’d like to be able to use the bed, couch and surface tops. That seems clear enough to me.

He’s going to ask why and I’m going to need telling him something. Maybe just that I’ve enjoyed having some time to myself and that I want to spread out a bit because I’m feeling cramped … that makes sense to me. As to Rich … there’s not so much difference in explanation. I’m feeling cramped and want to spread out. The big difference is that I’d have an option to go somewhere that was mine at night if I wanted to watch my own TV or stay up til whenever. If I were going to use the drafting table or desk I would have to use the living room. This is not like a full separation. Just that something has to go. I’m going to want to get up and not hear whining that I’m going to my bedroom now. If he wanted a date or sleep over, then he’d have to work a little harder at charming me.

Wow that sounds incredibly crabby. But it be about the same anyway. I think he should have to work a little harder to wow me. If it were the older days he would have had to give his intentions to someone. Maybe that’s what I’m looking for now.

What are your intentions?

Hmm, that froze me up of drifting for a few moments. We seemed to have lost our place.

Intentions sounds too much like marriage, but I’m thinking here … more like are your intentions honorable sir? Comes across now too the thoughts is he going to make me an honest woman? I think though between the house and marriage … I would like the house. Then it would have to be nice if I were going to be the one to have some space. Maybe I better take both. Naw neither … what do I care? Grrrr … you care a lot.

That seems to be a problem.

So how did we get to this part where we’re semi-moving out? I know we couldn’t afford to move out all the way. It seems as if we have a week argument in that we’re pretty sure that Rich is the good part of this deal and we’re the bad part.

That’s why we don’t have nothing or do nothing or are worth anything. Just a loose sex toy. 

Is this what happens to women who are denied pleasures after a week? We’re pretty much ready to jump ship? Well, at least it feels like this. Maybe he should know this? We can’t call him yet. We’re not sure if he’s headed back, but it wouldn’t surprise me if he changed his mind and came back, but then that would be getting our hopes up too high.

Hey isn’t this the enemy? Well, no it’s not like he’s ever been an enemy … just someone who takes us for granted. Isn’t he supposed to do things that are nice for me? You know besides things like reminding us to heat up our food. He’s supposed to make some kind of sacrifice … you know something worthy of having waited 15 years for him. I can’t imagine what a man would think of this entire conversation. Yes, women make absolutely no sense? But then there’s that point, I think that even Bob could see it where Women need some sense of security. I’d just like to say I have to trust myself … wonder if that would include doing my own dinners. Hard to tell where something like this is going to lead.

Bob added an element earlier in the week, basically, you never know if you are going to push a guy too far. Like what’s that supposed to mean. You mean that if I ask for some share fairly in his life I could push him to saying sorry babe – I’ve had enough of you and I’m out the door? Well, then fine … Just go! I would have to get another roommate though or move in with someone or I would have to find a smaller apartment that didn’t cost as much. In a sense I just downgraded my relationship.

I don’t know I’m thinking that this was on me … something that I’m going to do, but then what’s his part? Didn’t he do something too by role of disengagement? I’m not talking about taking a week off, but that we are surviving with less of him. So maybe we could do that more and get stronger. If he’s not going to take care of me in what we consider a decent manner?

Haven’t you forgot lady? This is the person just yesterday you were nearly on your knees begging to re-house you? Yeah, but I don’t see that as happening. I am going to have the shutters pulled in on my fantasizing too. I better check to see if I get the HG channel in Maury’s room. If I’m going to be holed up there then I want to at least enjoy my fantasizing. No interruptions. We still have to go out of the room though if we’re going to use any of the electronics  Hmm, maybe we can wear our earphones and listen to music on Rhapsody in our bedroom.

Whoa! There’s a tell-tale sign. I’ve already got our designated bedroom! Is this a good thing? A bad? Where are we going with this? I don’t want conditional statements where like I’m going to live in my bedroom until you make me an honest woman. That be kinda … well ladylike of me. Don’t all women want the same kind of stuff? Is it more … is love more than just security building with red bricks? I don’t know it doesn’t feel like that now. I do want to have treasures laid down at my feet. Maybe this is part of the problem of being a woman, but then there are so many other women who’ve gone off and had successful careers.

Occasionally a woman will be looking for a place without a male escort. It seems that these women at least usually have the support of a parent who has saved up for her. I surely don’t have that! Oh Lord – why has thou forsaken me!??

Probably because we sit around writing and thinking frivolous thoughts all day instead of working. Well, this is working of a sort. Basically though I’m starting to think we’re working ourselves out of a job. Well fuck. What do I need any more anyway? What are my options? This is a terrible thing that I’ve gotten myself so much into the thick of it I can’t take care of myself. Maybe that would be part of the purpose than of moving to another room. We would see if I could take care of myself. It would mean accepting half the money for rent, but it might also mean doing shopping on our own. We could each have a portion of the cupboards – and there is the little fridge, maybe I could keep some milk in there. Well, at least with a downgrading of the TV. Shoot … could we do that if half of his money is paying for cable too? Maybe we could just come down on the fast part or whatever is causing us to be paying $200 a month.

It would mean beside shopping for myself that we are going to have to get groceries up. Maybe what we would do is just leave mostly everything downstairs and then we would bring up just a bag at a time. Hmm, are we going to need to pay for the kitties? Probably … they are still mine. Part of I think what we’d be doing is freeing him up so that he doesn’t have to pretend he’s being responsible for me. Oh Lordy this sure is a tiresome day.

How did we get this angry anyway? Are we just feeling sorry for ourselves?

Thinking again of throwing the baby out with the bathwater, but I don’t know how to better split that we’re not exactly an item. If only one person wants to be together and make commitments then maybe that one person is wrong. Its not that I want to take away his fishing or other activities – just I don’t want to make those kind of allowances – in that we’re taking care of ourselves and then he get back and we’re dependent on him again. I don’t know any other way than to separate stuff.

We’d have to figure out what to do with the money parts. He would have to explain some stuff. Like what do I have to do to make sure there’s enough money for stuff?

In all these years, I’ve made no advancements since the days we were clients of Rich’s. Back then I had the boys and money set aside for a house. I don’t have the boys or a house. I used to at least have my own place. Well shoot; there can’t be anything wrong with wanting your own place. I pay half the rent why don’t I get a room for myself? Right now I have a half a bed, a couch section, and my desk/table chair. That’s it.

Hmm some time has gone by here. Pretty much we’re being dysfunctional. We’re watching the clock and it says an hour of time left. I think I’m going to need a job watching rocks. Yep that be satisfying. Or the proverbial watching paint dry … that’s a nice steady position. I wonder if I could charge Rich for sex. You know … I could have my own place, but then if he wanted sex – I could make a quick $100. Lordy … what would happen if he could get it cheaper elsewhere? Yeah, but then he’d have to drive there and back. That’s what he did while we were going together.
He would say why would you say something like that? But, we need to figure that part out and that be a nice tidy way. And, then I could save a house fund and say I’m getting there by being on my back. Ok, well yes, that’s just darn right gross.

Let’s eliminate that kind of thinking k? Moving on?

Hmm, Karla is leaving now … She really is stretching the clock, but she’s conscientious in wanting to get her work done. I know just like me, right? Ok, not a chance. By the time this part of my book comes out everyone will be disgusted with me and be thinking why the hell am I reading this garbage anyway? Well, I just don’t know … Obviously you have more trust in me that something is going to come out good.

Hmm, Sr. wants me to check a few things – checking now. The computer is backing up and has been backing up, but it says the online storage is full. I wonder if that means it is backing up to C drive… I’m going to have to wait for it to complete before I know for sure. I took off the F drive and now just am backing up C drive documents so I got it down from 3.6 G to 2.0 G, and I think we can back up to 8 g, but I don’t know how much is going at the other computers. We’ll see, we’ll see. Sister wants the Microsoft 2007 added to the computers up front too. I’m not sure how many times we can do this – how many licenses. I explained that I’d paid for that, but now I’m not sure. Maybe she did pay for it – it was like $78 – Not sure.

I checked my spaces here so it looks like the programs are at home. I’ll try to remember that overnight. *sigh*

Ok, that was like work. I can’t check while the system is running. I saw on one screen the other computers being backed up … it’s ok girl … just gotta wait. I’m more though the type that likes to push all kinds of buttons to see what will shake free. I just gotta wait to see what it does. Shouldn’t be too much longer … I think it was like a 15-20 minutes scan. Just my best bet right now is that it’s going to say full. Just be patient 

I hate it when I’ve got responsibility. I seem to be pretty terrible at it. I don’t know maybe we have more capable parts; just don’t think I’m one of them. I’m more the sit around and complain type.

Ok, just 24 minutes and then like we’re so outta here! No one should have problems the last half hour of the day. I would most likely stay home tomorrow to see if Rich is getting back, but I have a staffing tomorrow. It’s the last one til June so you can better believe we’re not going to miss this one. Just want it over. I got some information from the DSP today, but it’s not until noon tomorrow so it will wait.

Nothing happened with the housing stuff today either. Like three people from their offices got correspondence from me over the weekend and we would have hoped to hear something, but I think they have hours on Monday like 11-6 pm. I will check on it after I get home and get the papers scanned I promised the mortgage person. I have to figure out the divorce papers too. One guy had asked to see them, but we were then working with someone else, but thinking she’s going to need them too and that’s the person that’s asking for the income tax forms. I figure that it’s ok, because Rich had turned over in front of the one lady that I would be working on the financial parts. This is all part of that.

18 minutes. Ok, could this ending go any slower? I hate waiting when the computers says running … but there’s no indication of time how long it’s got left to go.

Should be laws against that kinda stuff.

Ok, did a few things like update sister. So, I’m pretty much then out of here after I finish posting. God forgive my soul for the amount of work getting done.