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Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Just a radar blip

Good morning … this is me. We don’t have a lot of time this morning, but the point is that we’re up and actually writing as of these last few letters or so. It’s about 6 am now and everything is ready to go. We’re going to need deciding though whether we want to leave at our new time of 6:30 am, or our old time of 7:00 am. I know OR make a compromise and go in at 6:45 am. I know, I know the matter of masterminding is mind-boggling isn’t it?

We just got done having breakfast with Rich. He didn’t need us to make lunch today because he’s going out with the guys golfing. Good thing too because we are out of bread. There was enough to make him two halves out of the crusts for his poached egg. I’m not sure if I’ve mentioned that or not here yet. We’re now making him the above for breakfast and then a sandwich for lunch. Wow. So much domesticity that it’s almost making me dizzy to think of it. Better be moving on.

It came as some kind of a package deal where he was getting up a little bit earlier. When he woke up at 6 am instead of 5:30 am, there wasn’t enough time to see him. Now I’m figuring though that even though we get to meet for breakfast … it’s not really a rousing conversation. Good chances are that he’s pretty groggy yet. Not overly talkative. But, he is getting up and then plugging in his computer, and then it’s to work with him!

Well not a LOT of work, because he is going to play golf today, but he may have squeezed something in. I know first chore of the day seems to be seeing where things were left from the day before … and whether it’s news, emails, or Facebook … it all has to get done to be considered ready for what comes next.

Today, we had a spot of trouble in that the TV didn’t turn to the right channel, and then didn’t seem to work. I don’t know if this is another case of not paying cable … it seems like it just got paid! We’ll see later. I didn’t want to really bother with it.

So we had gone to the computer, and then Vicki stopped by my imaginary world and asked if she could harvest my garden for me. Wow! This is GREAT service! I’m glad I thought to plant after the last time she stopped by. I think I could like that.

Before I’d gotten overwhelmed with the whole FarmTown thing, but I’ve had feelings toward going back to it. I notice when I clear my invites in the morning that some of the people I’d like to be relating too are very active in the game.

So this morning after Vicki harvested and I got the next group in then she left for work and I checked on getting back some of my neighbors. FarmTown collects your friends who are playing FarmTown and gives you some neighbor options. Believe me … with all the people I’m friends with just for Pirating, I really do have a lot available to be doing other games with. BUT, I wanted to narrow it down just to the people I know on this other tier of friendship.

I’d have to admit I’m not great friends with anyone, but there is something to be said in being FB friends. You kinda look forward to seeing them online and catching up with one thing or another. I really like the “Flock” format rather than Internet Explorer, because it’s more for social networking. One of the best options is that it allows a side panel that automatically updates your home port buddies status.

Here I’ll show you.

It’s really a nice feature. And then you can see on the bottom that you can enter anyone of your friends’ names and it pulls their thingy up in less than half a second. If you want you can go to anyone’s site by clicking on their name, and the gizmo allows options of seeing the posts either alphabetically by name, or as I have it set to the one who updated the latest. I just love how FB collects this kind of information.

I was talking to someone yesterday, I don’t remember who – I think it was one of the staff – ahh, I know Cathy! Cathy is the one that teaches group 4. I had a day where I was really working with her because we were working on one of her client’s goals and there was a lot of fine tuning. Somehow or another toward the end the question of FB came about. She was saying she has a friend who does it and Cathy thinks it’s a bit strange letting people know what you are doing, and then she was saying, isn’t it a little like being a busy body.

We tried to address those comments the best we could, but the bottom line was that of course, we LOVE FB. Just can’t get over how convenient it is to be in touch with people. I made sure she realized that no one could read her news unless she opened them to her account. And, then when you gave news, it wasn’t something over personal. This is what mine said this morning.

“Ok, taking a plunge here, but we'll try FarmTown again ... I don't think there's much catching up with the likes of all 'ye. Pswhoo ... Vicki ... level 34??! Wow! You go girl! Yesterday and today just work-a-days. I worked hard on goals for one of our guys. We made some nifty cards w/puppies to help him practice identifying the numbers one through four. I know seems pretty basic, but important none the less :)”

I feel in some ways it’s like writing a chain letter. You just put in general stuff, and then you can update it when and if you want, especially if people have commented. I really like the feature that my family and friends – old and new – strongly known or barely known are all getting the same information.

For example there are older neighbors and high school friends, and aol journal friends and new Marine friends – all getting acquainted with each other as much as anyone else who might comment on our screen. I would one day like to meet Jillian.

I think I’d like her to know as well general things that are going on around her.

Just don’t know how she’d feel about me saying that fishyface and I were doing one thing or another. *Sigh* Always more to be thinking of.

Ok, this is the time I have to consider do we go to work right away or indulge ourselves in a half hour?

Maybe we should progress the situation by getting dressed and then asking once more. I’m kinda thinking that if I were a little warmer I might like to stick around some … Just my fingers are feeling the heaviness of the keyboard – and so I could do some writing at work, but then again we’re trying to do work at work. The difference in the time is that 6:30 am, we’re going in a half hour before work starts and getting a jump on the day, where 7:00 am is going in at our regular time. Hmm, what to do? Might as well get dressed, brb.

Ok, that is better. I saw Rich and he asked if I were going in … there was a little nervous, “Yeah … in a few moments.” I don’t really want to leave this part of my day yet, but I don’t want either to get into a bad trend where if I start blogging again regular, we’re going to go back to the old schedule we’ve gotten out of.

Maybe I should move along. Hmm? I don’t think I’ll post twice in one day, but if that happened AT work, maybe it would be ok, too. Let’s just roll with the day and see what happens.

There was something fun that happened last night. When we came home I was discombobulated, because we had to wait until almost 7 pm for dinner because Rich hadn’t gotten home to start it sooner. He had prepared me, but we still ran into our stumbling blocks. Then he made sure we took our medicine and that turned out to be a good idea. We got past the grumbly part mostly, but not completely.

And, then Rich in his ultimate wisdom – said I know you would feel better if you massaged me. First thought was, “Huh!??!!” But, he turned out to be right … as soon as we started touching him then our whole body felt better. We massaged through an episode of House that we didn’t want to really watch, but we were aware that Rich needed to relax.

After it was over and he channel surfed into some other more nonsense type programming, we went out and took care of the dinner dishes, poured Rich and us some liqueur he had brought home from customer gifts, and then we did it his Boston Legal style where we drank and talked on the balcony in winding down the day.

That seemed to be perfect. After that he headed toward the washroom and we finished up with our news and fudgsicles. He had to wake us up to go to bed, but there were no arguments this time. Just wanted to be smooched up to sweetie pie 