It's the BIG 5-0 BD Girl!
Good morning ... this is me. It's kinda later in the morning and we've got less then 45 minutes. Yeeks. I didn't realize it was that late, I might need to take a shower in a few moments? Rich is busy doing Rich things and we've got lunch coming up at 11:30 PM and then by noon we're going to leave. He's doing errands right now, but the first thing we'll do is stop by and pick up a couple of lawn chairs for my b-day present ... then we can use them to watch the fireworks tonight.Well, let's give it 9 more minutes. The thing about today? Well after much crying, and clinging and wringing of hands ... Rich finally had enough time to play with me. :) He's trying to say it was 3 times already this week, but we don't have recollection of the other times. So it shouldn't really count. He's got to allow some time and patience for the thing about having many parts with many umm similar interests. HMPF!
It was soooo nice! Ok, we can't really say more than that, but it sure did take a lot of stress off things. We've been having such long involved weeks. Coming up to a big 5-0 birthday is part of it ... and I think it was weighing on us that we wouldn't ever have 40's s ... well you know again, and then we've been worrying about being in the 50's and maybe somehow locking up. I'm very grateful to say 50's aren't that bad so far! I am grateful that some of my FB friends are from high school and it seems the BUNCH of us are turning the 50 card. Wow! Exclusive club!
Within about 3 weeks Joe got engaged, Nathan got married, Rich got divorced, Maury got divorced and Thom got separated, plus Rich lost his job and Maury moved in. There's a little more, but these are the most substantial things. There must be something very strong in the horoscopes to be making all these changes. We've been trying to be supportive all around, but it's a lot of worry for me. For the most part I've been trying to stay balanced. I've gone to Dr. Marvin's most weeks and we've been doing some good work at work. We're doing well with the Annual reports and we've come up with the general format of the big Performance Analysis. We've been working hard on it. It's all a major part of CARF. We've really put in some time too in the groups and especially in the client files including work on Holly's and training in Robin.
Ok, good good ... out of the shower. That only took a few moments, especially because I had already had my medicine and I didn't have to prepare my lunch for work. I'm looking around now thinking I should pick up some here, but I'm not quite up to that. Mostly it's bringing a few things into the kitchen with me. Oh oh ... Rich got home. Is there going to be laundry? I hope he's not grumpy. We told him several times its our birthday and not to expect so much from us, but then again I know he's working.
Ok ... done that. We folded clothes with Rich and we ate Chinese leftovers from last night. We're doing pretty good. PLUS, we have a half an hour before it's time to go. We're being caught into news a bit in that they are going over Walter Cronkite's passing and then too some stuff on the new expose on being black in America on CNN. They've been having a couple of preview sessions on depression especially with black females and how culturally they seek the church and not therapy. That's left me with thoughts too.
Hmm, I think I'm going to bring my computer today ... I can leave it in the car until it's time to be at the fireworks. Then I'm going to want to write some maybe between periods of waiting for things to get started and stroking babyface. Maybe I'll have enough time to pull together some thoughts memorizing the day.
One thing special that happened is that some people remembered me on FB. I think I'm going to want to save that too ... let me see if it transfers over.
Hmm, that's going to take some doing. Maybe we can think of that later.
Oh oh ... its 21 minutes before the fact of leaving and Rich is starting to hurry me. We reminded him that the reason we asked for the time he wanted to leave ahead of time was so we didn't conflict when he started pushing me around. Then he said stuff, but I was like ... umm it's my b-day and I'm not going to be rushed through it.
I'll hold that ground for about 6 more minutes and then I will move just to make sure I'm standing at the door at 12 pm.
I know I could start now, but that just isn't my thing ... takes a couple minutes to move my motors! I have to think through what I need to do first. I've got to save this document and shut down the computer, and then I have to clear off the couch from leftover stuff. Then I gotta get my camera AND extra batteries. We're getting scared of having to walk long today. We've got the museum and then Rich said we're going to get a water ferry and go over to Navy Pier for dinner and then back to observation point for the fireworks which might be another ride? I don't know ... maybe just move the car or catch a cab. Not sure ... it's not a real long way but too long to walk. Hmm, I better get something for my medicine too - for tonight.
Then I have to brush my hair and check on my face ... and then we have to get dressed - and make sure we got our phone and we're standing by the door. I should make coffee to take with, but I'm guessing at this time of day I should focus on water. *Sigh*
Ok, anything else? Don't think so ... just feelin special because of it being my day and because so many people were nice to stop by my FB and because Rich is doing whatever it takes to make my day special. Sure do love him to pieces. I gotta think if I'm with him today ... everything will be ok.