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Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Our Minds are Running Over

Good morning this is me and we’re reporting from me-dom. We just checked out a less than clothed fishyman when he passed by here to the shower. WooHOO!!! Yup, yup one of those nights!

Hehehe - Ok you … where’s your mind so early in the morning - hmm? Reign her in there cowpoke.

Pshwoo sorry about that … it WAS refreshing though 

Ok, ok in other news … where have we been? Let’s see after work we came home and RICH WAS THERE!!! Ok, shhh not going back there again …

Well, he was!

I’m not winning here.

We had dinner almost together. He warmed up my left over roast and dumplings and he had some of his favorite rice and green beans AND roast dinners. It was very good and soon followed by you can guess it … A fudgsicle. Things don’t change THAT fast around here.

After well before that … we were watching the end of his fishing tournament. He was pretty happy because on the first day of the Shreveport tournament he and his friend out-fished one of the best guys. Well, not one of the guys on the top this year … but VanDam is very well known. WooHOO!!!

Everyone in between was getting massaged and ok … MOVING ON LADIES…

Well, then it’s this morning and Rich is in the shower and we’re waiting our turn and there’s not too much to be said here yet.

Yesterday at work?

Ohhh … wait a minute … there was something else … we were talking on the phone yesterday. We talked to Thom earlier about his situation after having worked to get a situation together so that he and Alexis could get some help. From the sounds of it that deal wasn’t going to work, because Thom’s open window of opportunity seems to have closed. *Sigh*

We talked to Maury just a minute, but we also talked with Joe and my sister.

Everything seems to be going alright in those directions. I think Joe and Cari are moving in together and making those kinds of plans and my sister is still in the planning and working through stages of Nathan’s wedding. WOOHOO!!! She got a new wedding dress and everything.

So … lot’s of good stories behind all that today.

Ok, NOW we’ll do the work conversation. I remember at the end there was real work going on … we’d done about 10 of those Qnotes we keep talking about. We did some planning with Sr. Theresa.

AHA! But first … we wanted to say we took a shower and umm helped fishyman get dressed and did all the other morning routines. We’ve now got about a half an hour to go.

Ok, now back to the other stuff … we did some planning with Sr. Theresa … I guess that we have a lot of stuff going on for Friday. We’ve got the new staff coming in, Sr. is going to have me host a group of volunteers, we are going to be doing the sign group, plus we’ve got CIRCLES and Thinking Group. Pswhoo. Not looking forward to that day.

We just relayed our terrible busy day with Rich … he’s always calm about that stuff … he said just get one theme for the day and go with that. It’s not a bad suggestion. We’ll have to give it some consideration.

Let’s see … so I did the 10 Qnotes and am hoping to finish that today. That’s good. Then what next? Probably should get those annuals worked on. There is a lot of work to be doing for that. Plus, we really have to get something started with the CARF. Man-o-man there’s just so much to be doing … It’s a matter of where do we begin?

Do we start off every morning like this? Sort of discombobulated? *Sigh*

Ok, so … lets think of something positive.

How am I doing in general? It seems like we have very full days. Things seem to happen and then we’re through something and then something else has come up. We feel we are always a bit behind. I don’t like that part, because it adds a sense of not quite making the grade. I wish I were more able to be on top of things. But, that doesn’t seem to be the way things work out. This leaves a feeling of not being able to keep up and it gives me a sense of worrying that things are not going to be ok.

When I think of general what life is like and supposed to be like, I wonder if people in general face this kind of anticipation of the unknown. I don’t know if everyone feels some sense of not being able to get done with all that is supposed to be happening. I don’t know if people worry about things the way I do in that I am always feeling that I’m so far behind that it’s going to mess me up in the long AND short term. I feel good when I get some things accomplished, but there’s just so much to be doing.

I don’t know what the end all goals are. I don’t know what the big picture is supposed to be representing. In a sense what is the top priority. It would seem that a big part is that we want to think the best of what our family can be doing, but that’s just a small part of things. Well, not too small, but just a part.

There must be something of the process of how we are making things move and having an impact on whatever it is that is our goals and aspirations. I know that having our family happy is a major part of things going well, but then there’s the part where I need to wonder what it is that we’re here for. In a sense … what is the real priority if and when we get all these smaller feats accomplished.

Basically what is the sum and substance of our life? Is there some major purpose that we’re trying to grasp? Are we making things right with our internal and external world?

I’m not sure of the answers to all these questions. I do know that I’m still feeling behind and that I have to sometime or another sit down and get a grasp on what the major priorities are … things like making sure our family is ok that we’re accomplishing our work goals, that we’re ok with our personal relationships, and we’re making a dent on other peoples’ lives at work. Hmm, there’s then too the part of trying to make us healthy. We’ve still got to be working on that, right?

Pshwoo … lots going on, but for now it’s about time we get a move on it. We want to review this post to see what sense can be made of it, and then we’re going to want to get dressed, smooch up our lover, and then be heading for the door and drive into work. That’s about as far as we can make it go for the moment. It’s going to be ok, isn’t it?