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Sunday, February 15, 2009

Trying out some new things… entered this one from windows live writer

2-3-2009 4-43-16 AM Good morning … this is me. Sweeties gone day #2.  We’re still having trouble because we’re between not getting either 45679979 or 45673458, but we now know it is 45673458 for $1427.49 that is causing us the trouble. I go between lucid moments where we think just gotta wait til business hours and between the other times when I’m sure some mysterious force has just swiped my money and it is gone forever.

We tried setting off another round of contact points last night after getting back from the gym. It was of little use – at least immediately. And, it’s frustrating because the people at H&R Block have told me twice they were sending me something to cancel the amount and they are not sending it … I don’t know if this is neglect or that they have a wrong email address. I don’t think anybody I’ve talked to yet particularly cares.

So beside that whole mess and me definitely not getting back a computer … it is seeming pretty fruitless. At least we had a confirmation that the amount is from that first order and that is something. At least we can eliminate the fear that someone else has the money that we don’t even know. We’ve got to put this aside for a little bit though … it’s the kind of nerves game that can drive a person buggy. And, I mean this in the least complementary fashion.

We had nightmares last night of terror and abuse again. There was a lot of mutilation of bodies and sex. I remember after looking in the mirror feeling appreciative of our captures, but what they’d done was reversed any known sense of beauty. The mouth was deformed with a hare lip and the teeth we’re gross with crookedness, uneven heights and gums cut into. I won’t go into the sexual parts because it would be too much for both you and us, but it was pretty guttural. Ok, let’s let that go babies, hmm?

Hmm, I don’t know what one bad thing or another caused all that … could have been the way I ate yesterday, the money problems, falling asleep with the TV on, Rich being gone or some other unlucky incentive as well as maybe being a combination of all the above.

It was a pretty terrible night all told and when the cats finally got us up – a difference in at least 2 hours discrepancy, then I could tell how ticked off Chief was because he had put the toilet paper in the toilet for me. Yeah … like good concept, but not the whole roll. I really think they know that when the toilet paper gets used that it means it’s time to move on to the next stage which is feeding them.

It’s not an easy feat either because the toilet is about a foot from the sink cabinet. I’m pretty sure he aims because it’s happened so many times before. *Sigh* I feel a little nervous too, because I think he knew that we only had one roll left. I thought, ok, Rich would tell me that before we used up all the Kleenex that I should go to at least the drug store and buy some more. Just that we’re now trying to get over the part that Rich left us with an emergency $100 bill. Could we use a $100 bill for emergency need to get toilet paper? I will have to risk it and ask him tonight when he calls. Or, maybe I can put it off … hope for the best … not make my kitty upset and wait until the payroll check clears so I can use my card. It just went in Friday night though L *Sigh*

I can do this, right? It’s just the first night of Rich being gone and we’re at a near-crisis point. Sheesh! We’re pretty sure we shouldn’t call Rich’s back-up of Bob, but I suppose it has to be said that for the briefest of moments the thought of being this helpless passed by. Ok you … we are dealing, right? Let it go.

We did talk to our sister, but she was in a parking lot between errands and had to let us go kind of abruptly *sigh* I didn’t get to the part yet in confirming that yes our mother said she’s coming to Nate’s wedding. I’m not sure what I think about that yet. I had planned on trying to get up to see them, but then again it seems to sort of spoil things too in that she’ll have to be accommodated. I was hoping to get more time in helping CS as someone to talk to, but then she might have her own means of working through this sort of thing … especially thinking she’s going to be busy with other parts of arrangements.

One way or another … I think Rich is going to be up to his neck in the thick of it. We’ll know by then if there will be reason to bring his boat up or if he’ll just plan a shorter trip where we’ll do family things and then be leaving. I don’t want him to be fishy restless, but then I remember at my Grandmother’s funeral there were things in between things and especially a lot of going out to meals. I should see how long it takes to get there. Hold on I’ll check.

Oh man … I didn’t realize how close we were … maybe at some point we knew this? It’s only supposed to be about 2 ½ hours or about 130 miles. That’s not far at all. I’m thinking that Rich is going to give me at least one overnight, but maybe it will be a quicker trip than I thought. This amount of miles is like a day trip for him. Shoot, he made it a one day trip down to New Orleans and that was over 12 hours.

Did I mention already we had talked to him last night? He called about 8:30 pm I think. He had obviously had dinner and was going to go to bed early after lining his rods. He said they were going to sleep in until 6-7 am this morning. Well, not like sleeping in a whole lot, but I could think that the first time out it might be better going during daylight hours.

He said that Bob had pulled a funny bear thing … the plug for the bottom of the boat was missing. Rich said the first thing he thought of was Bob and I guess between Rich and Bob they figured if it were Bob that the plug would most likely be inside the boat somewhere. Sure enough it was. Hmm, is this more than boys will always be boys?

I know Bob talked about putting something in the glove compartment until they realized that Rich’s boat only had one consul. I think Rich got that through Ron and the other guys. It seems like Bob’s been doing some scheming. We might have almost caught him because we are pretty sure he did this on the way home the other night from dinner. We had known that he’d driven past it because he called up Rich after to compliment him on the boat. Yup, yup … ya gotta know that it was Bob! Just as much now as you can imagine that Rich is going to feel like he has to pay forward to Bob in some likeminded way.

What are our thoughts personally? I just hope that that was the worst of it and NATURALLY our bunny friend would have caught on before the boat hit the water. Like he wouldn’t loosen the prop now would he - hmm… Fortunately he didn’t have much time … we filled up with gas right behind him though he didn’t see us. AND, he was gone before we got back soon after. Kids, Hmpf!

I had guessed right in that Rich’s bottom part was a little bit sore from all that sitting … Hehehe I guess that be the way it goes on such a long trip. He said he had catfish and shrimp for dinner because that was all that was on the menu. I thought that was pretty cool.

He said that Shreveport was like New Orleans, but he thought Shreveport bigger. He said it had a main strip like Los Vegas and there were tons of places to gamble. I asked him if he was going to try it, but he seemed to think the fishing would take up enough of his time. He did say that he was going to be accommodating to his partner. And, I guess Ron took him up on it. It seems then like Ron is a “boot-type” guy, because he saw something he liked and now today or the next day they will be checking out some place down there that specializes in boots. Hehehe did I mention how many lawyers and doctors were in the club? I guess there’s extra money to burn - more of maybe boys being boys.

I forgot to ask Rich the question we always ask … mainly has he run into any beautiful women. Usually he gives us a stock answer in return. He’ll say no … a bunch of homely women no one as good looking as us. Good Rich! Hehehe

Rich liked the part that we went to the gym, but there wasn’t much else to be saying on our part … mostly we just listened and it was a pretty quick call. He talked about how the weather had changed and how he left the colder stuff behind. It seemed in general that our fishy friend was pretty happy. He’d made this dream come true … God Bless him!

Hmm, I just remembered something when I went in for more coffee. Its 5 am now and no - that wasn’t it. What I was going to say was that Rich told me to put the ham in a new aluminum wrap because I told him the meat was pretty wet. He’d asked about if it had unfrozen yet. I think MOSTLY it had unfrozen. He takes care of us like that a lot … hmm, you had already noticed? Well, ok just be like that! We also had a conversation on marshmallows. We thought since he’d left the chocolate that he might as well want to tell us where he hid the marshmallows. Well, yes there is SOME kinda logic there … but he wasn’t budging … I thought maybe because it was Valentine’s Day. *Sigh*

Well I guess that’s pretty much it in the Rich department. He’s off doing fishy man things. Hopefully, he’ll be just as game next week to be going again, or at least the week after. I think he’s going to want to get out at least every other weekend. Bob said something too about bringing his boat to the club so they could race around and be competitive and such. Rich was more like two can fish more cheaply by fishing ONE boat, but that doesn’t seem nearly as fun … I could see Bob’s logic there Hehehe. Rich has come a long way with this last move. I’m so proud of him.

As to the gym … we went pretty much as scheduled. There was no incident leaving the door. It went pretty easily actually. We just grabbed the bag after checking it’s contents. It still had our pass, the lock, our extra towel and clothes, shoes, etc. Felt good about that that someone had made it so simple to be returning. Today should be the time we try to get in to the swimming pool. Maybe we’ll arrange it for about 2-3 pm. That seems to be a really dull time to be going. I don’t even remember what it’s like to get into the pool. It will be a challenge. Hmm, I wonder where our flip-flops are. I don’t remember seeing them in the bag. Maybe they would be under Rich’s dresser? Oh man that could be a deal breaker!

Ok, not to panic. We’ll check that out more when there is a good light out. It is probably a good idea to open the curtains soon - hmm, maybe not. It still seems dark out there. When does it get light? Wow I sure hope the sun comes up even if Rich ISN’T here! Knowing Rich he probably left the Sun a note. Hehehe.

He left us a couple pages of notes telling us about how to take care of the food. I think he is thinking we’ll need to figure out the dishwasher and garbage. I think we can do it. We’ve been preparing mentally!

We didn’t get to the editing yesterday … we instead went to sit on the couch with the TV on. We still can’t turn the channel. We left CNN on … you would think with the remote right next to us it be simple, but it really isn’t. We need this kind of security I suppose. I think though we could probably if we were lonely listen to one of Rich’s fishy shows.

Better be moving on. We’re feeling a little mope … if we don’t’ straighten out fast we’re going to end up back in bed!

Ok, back again … you’re right we headed back to bed. I guess that’s all it takes is to have someone thing of it and we’re gone. It’s the way it is then I suppose. We are feeling ok so maybe that’s an improvement? It’s now about 7:10 am. By now we figure fishyman is about where he needs to be to be actually getting that boat into the water. I’m sure glad they discovered the part about the plug … Pswhoo! That could have been problematic.

I think we got pretty much of the stuff that had happened yesterday … Whoops I forgot the part though of the gym. That turned out to be ok. We walked for 36 minutes which is a new record and then we biked 24 minutes so we could finally say we did an hours work-out. Good us! We did have to stop for a couple moments though on the bike. We’d accidently set the pressure too high … not sure what it was on … but we went about 8 minutes and then it was like noooooooo way! We then rested, reset it and then did the next 16 without as much trouble.

I guess that would be the next part … if I wanted a gym workout that was about an hour, I would have to take up the level I was moving instead of the time. We’re up to 2.3 on the treadmill and up to level 6 of 20 on the bike. 2.3 is a new number for us. I’m pretty sure it will be a while until we’re running … man wouldn’t that be something though to think one day we could run!?? I’d give anything for being able to do that again.

We checked the scale this morning and our worst fears there were realized … were at 255. ACK!!! This is terrible. Better plan on getting to the swimming pool today … we’ve got to build ourselves this week back to a regular routine. Man we’re paying for it … no reason we shouldn’t make better use of it, because we’re also paying for not using it … as in our body can tell.

We’re looking at our red basket with the satin trim of red hearts on a white background. It’s a very pretty basket and of medium small size … I’d like to think of someway we could use it. I figured while we’re still home we could put our red roses on the coffee table. Missy tried to play around with it last night a couple times, but each time I threw a fudgsicle stick at her. That chased her off pretty good. Wow … you can’t give these kitties enough attention!

We just checked our email. Nothing there to write home about *sigh*

Ok, we’re not going to worry right? They can’t keep our money … whoever has got it … just have to wait out the time - right?

We have to get our mind off the computer again. Where should we put our energy? *Sigh* Ok, shhh we’ve been there before. Let’s be moving on.

I think your pretty much caught up to the regular set of thoughts. We’re not sure where to go from here. We’d like to think of something new … just for the sake of thinking as an exercise in good will toward our writing efforts.

Hmm, it looks like at Provantage I can get the 2007 Onenote program from Microsoft for just under $40 … This is the place that is our second choice as to where to order the new computer. If we can get the money back then we’ll just add that to the order. We’ll have to use our regular bank account, but for $$38 it’s doable. It’s going to be instrumental in getting things to work with the handwriting recognition abilities of the tablet.


Hmm, this is the product key code for installing a 60 day trial of OneNote 2007. I will have to check to make sure we don’t already own it, but I don’t think we do, because it’s not installed on this computer. I’m hoping it goes through and then it will give us a chance to play with it for a bit.

It’s still loading now. Waiting, waiting, and waiting. We can do this patience thing, right? We’re pretty sure we know how the program works in general. I think we had a copy of the Onenote 2007 trial before so we’re hoping it allows us to try it again. Really we’ll get it no doubt about it.

WooHOO got the program now for 60 days. I’m a little excited … I don’t want to go into it too far because I’ll want to reinstall it when we get the real program.

Oh man … wow. It’s now some time after … it’s already 11:40 am. I’ve been looking through the One-note program following all the information screens it has laid-out on the various tabs. It give the key instructions on what all the buttons are for. There are so many tag buttons especially, but in general a whole lot of features many of which I didn’t know about. This served my sense of need to be learning or doing something new. It’s so hard to comprehend it all. I know it includes an integration with Word and Outlook so there is all that to consider too. Man just so much to be doing and thinking about.

OneNote is especially handy with the tablet, because it does the recognition stuff between ink (handwriting with the special pen on the tablet) with typing … it can also record from audio and video notes and it sets up all kinds find and link features. It’s really one of the most comprehensive programs for keeping things all together. I was impressed with it the first time we looked at it and we still are. Hellofaprogram.

When you think of keeping a notebook – tablet available at all times there are a lot more options for recording … too it integrates the functions from the cell phone so you can take pictures of stuff or voice recordings and its supposed to show up in the OneNote program. That has to be integrated yet so it means I have to find that new cord I got to hook my phone to the computer, but … hmm, now? Well ok, maybe let me look briefly.

Hmm, it seems like we are synching something. I don’t know if the phone is going to have enough memory to do all that is being asked of it. It was an automatic synching though when we plugged it in. The cord was where I thought it might be so that was no problem. Right now it is looking for changes between my computer and the files of contacts, calendar, email, tasks, favorites and business contacts. I’ve lost track of how things are integrated together, but I don’t think I subscribed to Mobile me the second time around. It was an extra $100 when I didn’t have any money. That was no good.

It seems that we’ve got things integrated beside on the iPod and we like using that devise better … except phone numbers are important to have on the phone and we’re going to want some integration for notes and pictures and voice recordings if I learned how to do all that. I can do pictures. The notes are bulky because I think it’s hard to text message on the devise though it is no better than any other with the exception I like using the little electronic keyboard on the iPod better. I just want to be somewhere where all my devises are talking to one another. I should see too if I start taking pictures with my good camera if they can be printed out on the OneNote. It has a feature that is inserting files from print-out so we can either leave a link for a file or put it out in its whole form on the OneNote page. Wow I Think that is going to work! I just selected the get pictures from scanner or camera. It recognized my web cam it shot this picture.


Well it certainly get’s high versatility marks! The picture it left on my one note copy is huge! Pretty cool! Hmm, we’re kind of broken out there on the chin … didn’t see that coming. Hmm, we’re going to have to get over it when we go swimming. *sigh*

You can see carefully if you look into our eyes how absorbed we’ve been in the project. Good Ann!

Ok, the WM_Ann (windows mobile Ann) is still cranking it out there. I thought it was going to run awhile might as well let it go. You know when it is going to happen because it warns you to leave it plugged in and it usually gives you a moving circular picture so that you know it’s still doing something and is not just frozen wasting your time. It still MAY be wasting my time … but there’s nothing like gizmo testing, hmm?

I think we are going to have to think through what kinds of things we might want to include in our OneNote program. It’s sort of nice that it moves things over to the blog … that’s handy especially since we found out it maintains the formatting so we can use different scripts. I don’t think we got it to take pictures over there yet. It is set up with urls over at Photobucket. I’ve used that before and have an account where I remember the password. We’ve put all kinds of hard to get pictures through it and it always works as a failsafe because it can add an url onto anything. BUT, it seems old fashioned in this day and age. I use it like I do the old and faithful Hipcast. Photobucket is for still pictures and Hipcast is for videos. Either or will do in a pinch, but it seems now that the OneNote is offering alternatives.

Hmm, from what we remember we can add videos through hipcast from OneNote … that’s how we got the initial ones in there, but they couldn’t be any longer than 2 hours. That’s probably way sufficient. But, now I think the latest videos we added were from also the web cam but also from Windows Movie maker … That had some good value in that we could add editing things to it like titles and fading and such. I think we could use all together where Windows movie could use the video in an OneNote, it’s just that now days you might not have to bring it through Hipcast though it would seem that it might be faster. It took a very long time to upload 11 minutes of video where it took a while to upload 2 hours but the two times seemed comparable. I like Hipcast in that I’ve got quite a few things loaded on there, but none recently.

I will be interested with the OneNote feature on recording meetings. I’m not going to tell anyone at first, but I will record some just like the Administration meeting to see if it works. If I were to keep it though I’d have to tell people we were recording. Hmm, Sr probably wouldn’t want that meeting recorded because we’re talking about people – either clients or staff. Maybe instead we could bring it to the Thinking Group. Yes that would work! Not that we’d publish the results, but within the agency it would give the clients feedback.

Hmm, we haven’t checked on our mail for a long time. I wonder too if sweetie pie is out there now running the high seas. I’m not sure if he’s just practicing moving the boat or whether or not he’s actually fishing too. Man oh man … I’m just so proud of him. He’s my hero!

Yeeks we hope we didn’t mess up something on Internet Explorer … it’s complaining about add-ons … we changed the one we had tried to disable. I sure hope it’s not going to be a nuisance every time we start it.

Ok, good good … we’re back. It’s about 1 pm and we’re just out of the shower and having gotten dressed. We also picked up and started the dishwasher. Want our Sweetie Pie to be proud of us. J It looks like the phone is still synching, but it’s gotten past the first stage it was on before we left. Maybe it’s just the first time that takes the longest since everything has to be worked at once. We’ll see. I don’t want to unplug it while I think it’s being operational.

We figure that if we get to the gym in about an hour that will be good enough. We don’t know the real crowded times but it hasn’t seemed real bad the last couple of months. Just gotta get ourselves into the swimming suit. We already packed it with the towel our flip-flops and some extra water. It should be ok, just gotta push ourselves out the door. We’re thinking that part of our trouble of late in going is that we’re either so exhausted we can’t lift our morale or because we want to be home with Sweetie Pie. BUT, he’s doing more games now so there isn’t any excuse. When we get the new computer in we’re not going to want it to become our excuse.

Hmm, seems like we’ve been here the whole day, but we’re only just 6 pages in … I guess we did spend a lot of time on One-Note. Somewhere I read how the tablet to some becomes a great big PDA. I’m not sure how many details I want written out yet. We’ve pulled back for some reason on the Outlook program and the iPod for ALL the stuff they can do. We’ve been centering mostly on the Qnotes. Hmm, forgot we were going to be doing them too. Oh yeah … tomorrow … It’s important to get in our weekend too, especially if we think Rich is having too good a time without us! Hmpf!

Hmm, ok, so back to the OneNote. Like everything else it has to become a life style.

Yeeks … had to download a new program to work something between Microsoft and Internet Explorer … it’s a slow program to download too … it’s only just now on 35% … Pshwoo. Ok, maybe being in touch isn’t all that it’s cracked up to be? We’re still trying hmm? This new thing has something to do with Microsoft mail, blogger, photos, movie maker, IM’s and that sort of stuff. Enough of them were of our general interest that it peaked our curiosity. Just say it works with Outlook and Blogger and you have us! 50% slow, slow, slow…

They keep repeating the same 3-4 messages … if the program was going to take that much time why couldn’t they have been giving us worthwhile information to be enticing us into their program further? I’ve always got mixed messages when it comes from Microsoft … sure they produced Word and OneNote, but usually they are a ME-FIRST company which means they don’t do anything just for our benefit … somehow they are drawing us further down a rabbit hole. 70%

It says that I’m going to need a Windows Live ID … I hope that’s not a problem … I’m pretty sure I’ve had one somewhere down the line, but really don’t remember what the passwords were. That sometimes is a little trouble - mostly, because I don’t want their applications like hotmail. I remember way back when they started I didn’t like the looks of it all because of the advertising. Now they are all doing it and you can’t help but to see it, but I try not to focus or buy anything from a site that might encourage them. If I want something I WILL go and look for it!

We’re a little grumpy here not knowing what we’re getting. Windows Live … right … is this going to be a problem? 95%

Ok holding on … 97% … la la la la la … a LONG 97% … they are installing now the Outlook connector that’s got to be encouraging … just all the green movement lines stopped … must be a heavy part of the program. Hopefullly it will pick up in a minute and then whiz us past the last strides. Waiting … waiting … Man you know I’m just not a person of patience. I told that to Karla the other day, but she seems to think we have loads of it, HMPF! Not likely!

Well, we might make it seem so, but not really … anything we got must be a lie because we feel pretty brittle as to waiting. La la la la la. Still on 97% drat! The backdrop repeating part with the same messages keeps moving so I know it’s not frozen … but, it might as well be! Hmpf!

AHA! We’re almost done … and no you don’t have my permission to reset nothing! Shoot shoot … I think my synchronizing to the phone thing is stopping it from installing 2 of the 8 features. AND they are ones that are important that have to do with Outlook. I think that the phone is synchronizing from Outlook so we’re pretty sure that’s where the problem lies. But, this far into the synchronizing it be a tough break to start over. I guess the other will have to wait … it’s giving me a close option or try again … we’ll wait until the other is finished … it wants to close ALL other open programs.

Hmm, maybe we should get something to drink … no not like that! Hmm, a glass of wine WOULD be nice though! We’re just not sure if we should have it before driving over to go swimming. Hmm, better get some water.

Ahh that’s better. Now we’re going to need getting our mind on something else.