Sunday is sweeping into Monday
Good morning this is me. It’s Sunday morning and it’s about 7:00 am. I’ve already been through the shower and made our coffee and now I’m thinking that we might want to take our medicine. That’s a good idea, right? Hold on.Ahh, had some potato skins too. It was the appetizer leftovers that I had for dinner last night. Rich and us went to a restaurant before seeing Joe’s kickboxing fight. Hmm? You want to go there first? Yah, yah … me too.
Joe’s fight was in Sugar Grove which is about 45 minutes from here. We had to take the route out toward Aurora, but now I don’t remember if it was east or west of there. I do remember seeing some kind of sign to a riverboat and we did cross the Fox river so maybe it was west. It seemed to take a bit of time, but that’s mostly because we were feeling scared. The situation did not get better, in that after we got there we contacted Maury and he was saying that Joe was going to get beat, but either win or lose his big concern was that he didn’t get hurt because he wasn’t well trained or has basically not been training hard enough. That one made me feel terrible.
Rich went with me so there was so benefit there, but he was saying something like if we couldn’t be responsible that we’d have to leave. I knew that meant that if we couldn’t stay calm or MORE adult-like then that would be the consequence. We worked hard to be ok.
Well to make a long case short, Joe won the fight and DIDN’T get knocked out. Maury had said that Joe was fighting Sensai Steve two weeks ago and he’d gotten knocked out. I know we’re back to making ourselves feel bad – but, Maury said that Joe wasn’t following the rules in that when you are knocked out you aren’t supposed to fight again for a month. Man … ok, we just wrote though that Joe won the fight last night … it was a unanimous decision and he definitively looked the stronger fighter. He was getting tired toward the end of the second round though … that part was obvious too, but the other kid just wasn’t as good as Joe. Joe did a lot of kicking and his kicks were blocking getting hit some.
I don’t think I breathed through the fight … It helped that Joe seemed to have the advantage as the better fighter from the start, even if the other guy was taller than Joe. Joe stayed pretty tough. I don’t know how to exactly tell the story of being there any better. It was a small elementary school gym and the ring was obviously in the middle. There were a couple of rows of VIP seating on all sides of the ring and then there was about 8 rows of bench seats on either side of the ring from wall to wall of the court. Rich said there was enough room for about 400 people and I think it was about 85-90% full. There were people standing up though too so maybe it was fuller.
There were about 18-20 matches and there was like 5-6 different kind of fighting styles. Joe was one of the three kickboxers. There was jiujutsu, … shoot not going to remember it all, but there was three different periods and there were the larger variety of fights and Joe was the second set in the first round. I thought it was a good sign in that because he was going early he wasn’t probably going up with the hardest of the fighters. I think we stayed for just a couple fights afterward and then we made the decision and Rich was ok with leaving early. It had been a $20 cover charge each, but I think Rich knew we were pretty much fried with the whole fighting concept. He kept saying that we didn’t have to come and we kept saying, but it’s Joe and we want him to know we support his efforts.
Joe was backed up in his corner by Alex and the new girl friend, I think her name is Carry, and then Sensei Steve was there too – Not at first but in time to give him advice between rounds. Joe’s fight was only two rounds thankfully. There was no doubt he was an amateur boxer … better that way … I saw some of the other fighters who were out watching and I am very glad Joe’s guy didn’t look like some of them.
ALL of them had muscles. Joe had some shiny blue pants on and he didn’t have a shirt. He was announced first from the Red side.
Maury ended up getting there on time because the fights started 15-20 minutes late.
That was good. I hadn’t seen Maury’s father come in, but he was there on the other side of a ring corner so that I didn’t see him until he stood up. That was probably a good deal. He was on the other side of the gym. Maury came in and found him and sat with the father. I had talked to him on the way in and he’d said to give him a call if he was going to miss the fight so he wouldn’t have to pay the cover charge.
I was really glad he got there first. There wasn’t a way to get Joe’s camera if he did bring it and I felt bad that I hadn’t at least brought my still camera. Maury didn’t bring my video camera so there weren’t any pictures taken of Joe’s first fight he won. I felt bad about that. I know he would have liked to see it … there was a video being taken on top of a balcony, and maybe from that they will sell copies of the fight afterward. That would be a good deal.
Rich was a good steady support. He let me hold onto him when it counted. I called Joe afterward from the car on our way home. It was pretty loud where he was and he was in some kind of celebration mode so we just stood on long enough to tell him congrats and that we’d left, but had seen the fight. I apologized for not being able to meet the girl, but he seemed to understand … He said thanks when we complimented him. I’m really glad I went and that he looked so good. I’m very, very proud of him. He puts himself out there and more. GOOD Joe!!!
I’m only going to write for a few more minutes before I go to wake up Rich. It’s 7:38 am now. I know that he likes to watch his morning show, but we’ll not be able to see the whole thing, because we are going to wake him up in about 7 minutes.
Whoops spoke too soon. I think it was the TV, but it had sounded like his phone, so I went in to check and he was already standing up on the way to the bathroom. He let me give him a kiss, but not on the nipple. *Sigh*
Good that he’s up. Did I mention we are going to look at the house this morning?
We’re expected there at 10 am. I’m really looking forward to it. I should have asked if I could bring the camera, but I don’t want to get so over-excited there I miss on being able to ask questions. Whoops Rich is out now … I think he’s probably going to put on his red terry shirt and then get himself some coffee. That be the routine. He’s going to need getting in his shower though before we go and we should leave about 9-9:15 am. I hope before so that we get a chance to drive around the neighborhood before going in. I want to see better some of the home designs. I had been looking last time for the Devonshire and not the Buckingham.
Hehehe that was funny last night we talked a little at the restaurant about the house and rich teased it being the Buckingham Palace. I had to agree, we’d been there too and it certainly seemed it could have been just that.
Hmm. We’re back … it’s about 7:50 am now so I don’t think we were gone long … but I know we got some grapefruit juice AND more coffee … maybe blew our nose or something … I don’t think we talked to Rich much … he’s just waking up so we figured we’d let him do that at his own pace. He’s checking his mail now. He’s going to need taking a shower in 40 minutes. That’s a lot of getting going on his day off especially since I’m taking him away from his morning show. I wish I could cancel it for a bit and go in at 10 instead and get there at 11? Hmm … maybe it wouldn’t upset his schedule so much, but I don’t know if the sales person can do that … there won’t be much time to contact her first because the place opens at 10 am. I should have thought that out better. I was just eager to get out and I didn’t want it to interfere with Rich’s afternoon schedule.
As it was we got done with laundry yesterday so that part was good. We had also picked up while he was out doing errands, but I think we told you that yesterday.
Ok, then so what’s next?
I think we’re pretty much done with Joe’s match. He did very good and had lots of kicks and punches. His guy even almost lost balance and had bent down on his knees and hands. It was a good thing to see and I though just stay down, but then it went on as it might.
Ok, I think that’s enough of that for now. I don’t have all my thoughts toward that experience gathered yet, but on the onset … I’d have to say mostly I’m relieved it’s over. I would like to remind Joe he has to do more conditioning. I think he was getting pretty tired at the end. Don’t want to see him unprepared. I think that might be part of having a girlfriend. I’m not sure what his schedules are, but he’s spending more time with girl I think and less time improving himself. But, then that would be to say being in a relationship isn’t improving you. That would be a wrong assumption. I think there’s nothing more difficult or rewarding than getting involved and learning to be with another person. I worry that Joe has been without a girl so long that he might not look around much before deciding. But, then that would be the way of love.
I don’t know much about this girl except she’s in kickboxing. I only saw her from a distance and she seemed like a nice type of person. She was very conscientious of where Joe was, though I could tell the situation intimidated her a bit. I didn’t watch her during the match because I was paying so much attention to Joe. She’s a little shorter and more round than I would have expected, but what she might lack in polish she seemed to gain in heart. I had a good sense about her. I apologized for not staying around to meet her, but then there was just too much else going on. I’m hoping for the best and that there will be a more opportune time to meet her. She’s invited to our place for an after Thanksgiving dinner next Sunday. Hmm, haven’t thought of that coming up … Next week we’ll worry about that a little more. It will be ok, right? Our place is going to be good enough, right?
Mmm. Rich just came in the room with some chocolate cookies. There were only a few in the package because they are homemade. I didn’t see them until late yesterday that they’d somehow got into our house without me noticing. They are pretty good - A combination between crunchy and chewy. They are good! Rich said I couldn’t eat them all because they were rich, so I had one and a half and left one more in the package … Rich said that what was left was mine so I know it’s going to be safe.
He’s very good about letting me keep food without him eating it.
We already had a potato skin so we’re not up to eating a lot anyway. But, pshwoo – is it good!
Shoot … there went the last of the cookie I had. Did I mention it was very good?
There was a little nut in it too. Delicious!
Hmm, ok … just changed up the schedule a little bit … we talked to Rich and then called Libby at Pulte homes. We told her we’d be in about 11 am instead of 10 am.
That should give her a chance to get settled in. I think that in general they must have to go out and turn everything on in the homes. That has to be a process. I’m not sure if it’s the sales people or if they get in a little early to work that out, but I figure if she doesn’t have anything else going on that it should work to her benefit too. Ok, good now we can relax a little. Rich can take his shower at 9:30 am after his show, and then we can leave at 10 am, and then look around the neighborhood for 15 and then get to the appointment. Rich said something now about not wanting anyone to be following us around, and then he said, unless that’s what you want. We told him honestly that we’d have questions, but I’m willing to go out either on our own to view the house as well as with someone. We’ll just have to wait and see how she leads. I just don’t want t rush anyone.
We’ve still got things that should probably be said of our having met Rich’s mother, but we’re not able to concentrate on all that at this moment. Rich is still working through the situation with his kids. I’m not sure if I had said, but his younger son had said something to the effect of not wanting to talk to his father right now. I think that’s very hard on Rich, but he doesn’t really want to talk about it. There were a few things said last night while eating dinner, but not too much.
He’s still feeling this from the inside out. I think he’s formulating his plan, but it’s too young a plan to do much talking about it right now. I don’t know what he has in mind. I know it is his family and his call. We’ll let it go until he reaches a comfort level to talk about it.
Hmm, ok where are we now? We went to get some coffee for Rich and spread around a couple of smooches. Hehehe he must have been on to me because he said still doesn’t mean we’re going to buy a house today. Damn! Teasing. I know these things don’t happen overnight. Just gotta be patient – Just I feel that something this big you have to start working on earlier. I’m pretty surprised that Rich is as calm about my infatuations as he is, especially considering the hardships incurred over the weekend with his kids. There was something strange there too. Rich says that the family is back to thinking that Joe is Rich’s child. I tried to get a better understanding of that, but I’m not getting much information. It be a wonderful thought to think Rich could be responsible, but that’s just not happening … I know my history better than that. I do know that Joe was born about 10 years before we met Rich. He’s a small sight off there!
Ok, is there anything else we have to talk about before we get back into our efforts to be learning more about the house? I can’t really think of anything. Let’s just take a little look over there and see if we can’t come up with something else new.
WooHOO!!! I got an email from Vince and he gave me his address for the job possibility for the University position on-line. I will get that ready tomorrow morning after I get a chance to print out the form again. I’m really excited about that I sure hope the position is still open and that I have a chance. It’ be soooo cool and definitely a step toward the right direction. I’m really ready for a change from St. Rose. Like I said … I would be willing to work on CARF just need some time for a difference … especially one that will get us to be working from home. Let’s hope for the best, hmm?
Hmm, where were we? Not sure, but it’s now 3:30 pm on Sunday night. We’ve been to the new house, to lunch at an Irish Pub, and now are home in our pajamas ready for a very relaxing evening up ahead. Rich seems to be home for the night. He’s been with me all day and now while I’m at the computer, he is watching an old fashioned Sherlock Holmes show on TV. It was something that he’d saved on the DVR. He had asked me to look up some boating courses, so I did that and sent them to him by email. Some of them are on-line. I’ll leave the links here just in case he loses the first set K? (recreational boating & fishing foundation)
Ahh that be the deal.
Did a bit more catching up … not really in as much a writing mood as I would like, but certainly better than I thought considering its past the weekend. I’m not sure where we got to today … let me take a peek at that … so far all I see is that we’re about 5 pages in for a Sunday … which isn’t so much.
Hmm, we’ve moved on and had leftovers for dinner. It’s about 4:45 pm. Rich is now watching his Caldwell show … it’s about medieval -time mysteries with some Christian Brothers. There’s a lot of people getting dead back then … maybe the Monks are like the local sheriffs? Not sure. I hear it in the background, but I’m not really involved. I put in the earphones with my iPod and Waterfall. It needed charging anyway. I don’t think I did it last night. We also have a lemonade Margarita which follows a couple of Bloody Mary’s, but those were quite a while ago now. Not jumping in bed with Sweetie kind of war off that charm. We did the work on Rich’s fishy maps, his fishy classes, and we looked at Universities that are on-line. We looked through a few, but in general the main part was in finding the list of 206 of them. That’s a lot of follow-up work ahead. One at a time now. I’d rather go back over the feelings and thoughts as to today’s events.
At about 10 am, we left for Oswego to see the Buckingham. Rich came with us. There were a few spears thrown by him, but we made sure he knew that we would be in no mood to have him go with us just to tear down everything. He could talk about whatever, but it had to be in a positive manner. He stepped back saying I know it is your dream and that he would try better. After that things were better. He did say that he didn’t want a sales person following us closely and that he’d preferred to see the house on our own. So when the time came to go into the sales office to let them know we were there, we told them straight off we just wanted to look at it if that was ok. That wasn’t any problem so everyone was happy.
Before we got into the sales driveway, we went around the neighborhood. Rich was speeding by so fast I didn’t have time to formulate anything. So, we asked him if he was mad at us. He said no, then we asked then why are you driving so fast I can’t put together ANY impressions. He apologized and asked if I wanted to go around the circle again. I said thanks … ok that be a good idea. The second time I had time to study the landscape and house designs a little better. It’s hard because while there are only four basic designs, there is like 15 different kinds of putting together just OUR house the Buckingham. They have all kinds of different elevations and choice between siding and brick. Some of the garages were two, and other’s one or three. Some had developments off the back door, and some just had a simple sidewalk. We could also see this time that some of the houses had walk-out basements. Everyone who had a house in ready form had grass and asphalt driveways.
The major difference in the elevation that I was looking for was the placement of windows and bays – and then lines of the front pieces. Like there were a few with pillars, some with nothing and then like the one I liked – there was a tall two-story brick arch allowing us to see the 2nd story arch windows behind the brick.
The brick itself is like about 2 ½-3’ wide. Some of the upper windows were arched and some were square, and the design directly by the door itself had various kinds of side windows. The elevation that I liked the most obviously as it seems is the most expensive. We got this time a whole sheet of the costs of extras so that I could compare what we would like. Looking at that now …
I would like:
$22,950 - Elevation 4 w/Brick II
$18,250 – Walkout Basement with Additional height
$11,500 - 3rd car garage
$7,150 - Mantel
$6,200 - Upgrade Cherry cabinets
$3,850 Quartz ILO Corian Countertop
$3,350 - Upgraded carpet
$1,950 - Whirlpool tub in the master (set-up in the soaking tub)
$1,675 – Stainless steel fridge
$1,100 – Washer and dryer package
Ok, that looks like its going to cost a lot … better add it up to see how expensive my tastes are. K? Ok … house starts at $325,990. Let’s add-up and then not drop off the chair.
Yikes! Looks like we’ve driven up the price to $403,965. Could we then call that a considerable
Number like $404,000 or try to limit ourselves to $400,000 … that seems to make the best sense, right? I think I’m going to make an executive decision – wait which do you like best?

I’m making an executive decision here … well you have to pick which counter, but otherwise I’m going to assume that we don’t … no can’t make that decision. We’re going to need guessing that somewhere along the way we’ll be offered incentives … there was one not too long ago, but they were waving the cost of about $30,000 of the extras. I can’t get into my email right now because of something silly with AOL, but I’m pretty sure it was $30,000 off on the price of amenities.
Ok ok … we’ve moved time here … it’s the next morning and it looks like we’re having problems connecting to the Internet -might be because we didn’t get to bill paying. *Sigh* Ok, so we’re not going to be able to post this morning. It will have to wait til after we get to St. Rose. We can do that, right? We only have about 10 minutes left anyway … there was new developments last night in the weather, in that it finally snowed enough to stick to the ground. We asked Rich since he was going out early to check on our snow scraper for us. So, we’re hoping to take care of that proper. Hmm, we still have cable TV so it’s not Comcast … We’re going to need some extra minutes to unplug the cable box … but not much time there. Shoot, I really hate it when I can’t post proper. Why don’t we have some of those little things … OH … I know we have the plug in thing, hold on.
Shoot I left it plugged in at work. I guess I better save and forget … We’ll be back up and around later, k?