Grandma's Funeral - Thursday
Dear Thom,Good morning. This is me. Is this you? I’m afraid I’m not doing very good at being a Mom this week. I don’t seem too concentrated on stuff beside what’s happening up here. While I know this isn’t the only place in the world, it seems to be about the only place I am able to focus on too hard at the moment. I do appreciate the space in writing to you and being able to think out loud some of the thoughts I’m having toward it. I don’t know if it’s ok that I’m talking about this stuff to you … there don’t seem to be many thoughts expressed of my Grandma direct. Oh dear … slow down girl … it’s early yet – AND, first paragraph what’s up with that?
Ok, how about a little setting music? Hmm? Well, it’s the day before Thom-thom’s birthday. Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you!!! Happy birthday to THOOOMMMMM!!! Happy birthday to YOUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!! Sorry, just had that in me. Hehehe Ahh, I feel better all ready. The morning is nice and crisp. I’m not sure how crisp. There’s a newspaper outside the door, but it is that USA one – haven’t come close to one of those for over 20 years. Eh … that’s what I think. Not into news today, ESPECIALLY ifin’its not over the Internet! Well, actually Joe got on the Internet yesterday, but again have to give up fire and flannel pjs, so I’m not altogether happy over that. Maybe soon. Yesterday Joe woke up about 7 am. Hmm, if I went down early though I could get the Internet too! Hmm, thinking about that!
Ok, full change in everything. Now we’ve been down to the computer downstairs, have eaten breakfast, have taken a shower and gotten completely dressed. Joe’s gotten up, gone downstairs and done about the same and is now working on his wire mesh. He’s got about 45 minutes before he’s got to be ready. I suggested that he shower, but I got lectured about hygiene for Joe-type people. So like … ok. Hmm, just been talking to Joe. Just light and easy stuff. Kind of hoping for this part of the day to be over. They should be here in like 15-20 minutes. Joe is like considering getting his suit on now. Pshwoo. They said they were going to call. Joe’s been driving in city, I drove out on the road. We just made that agreement again today with the Joe.
Hi Thom, this is me again … just for a few moments. I’m not expecting too much more out of the day … It’s been a long one. It’s about 4:45 pm now. The funeral is long since over. I’ve been resting at the hotel by myself for the last couple of hours. I was trying to take a nap, but then I discovered about 3 pm that I’d forgotten my morning medication … That’s twice in a row. Never done that before. So, I took everything. I was having nightmarish thoughts – that’s finally how I figured out no medicine. Been such a long time I had forgotten the symptoms. So that’s all over. After I calmed down, I went downstairs and gladly found that no one was using the Internet. Silly thing to have one computer in the hotel on Internet. I checked email and then spent some time on … well … might have slipped by there an hour. After that, I sat outside under the portico watching it drizzle for a bit.
Joe is with his Uncle Scott and his cousin Meredith. They left the funeral and went to an art museum in Minneapolis. Joe felt he’d like to get to know them and that’s where they were going. Meredith is finishing freshman year at University of MN – Duluth. She’s 19 and Joe seems to like her quite a bit as to being a good relative. You know that says a lot Joe is a pretty good judge of character. I like Meredith too, but there seems to be so little time to get to know her and there’s always the chance of messin with someone else’s kid. But, now I’m sounding like my Aunt Judy
I had a hard time earlier because Joe called to get Scott’s number because they got separated. I’m pretty much a mother hen – but you knew that part. So, then I wanted to get right back to Joe to make sure he was ok. I was imagining him all alone in Minneapolis without knowing nothing including his hotel name, the city it was or his mom’s cell number if his phone went dead, or Rich’s number to get my number … When you are obsessive there is no end to the amount of worrying that sometimes takes place. He didn’t respond. So then I called my brother who I was obviously upset with for losing Joe. He continued the problem. No, we don’t know where Joe is. We’re headed back to Wisconsin … For a moment my systems about shut down. I had lost Joe once in a Mall. He had wandered off. I have absolutely never gone back to a mall because I’ve been horrified of them ever since. The security guard brought Joe back I was at the guard station. They had found Joe about 3-4 years who had decided to locate his missing mom at the car in the parking lot… It’s like ok Scott. He’s then on the phone with Joe … Joooo your Mama’s looking for you. I’m like in my mind thinking … ok, it’s going to be another long time.
Umm, hi Thom … it’s me again yes. We’re still on the same day. It’s now about 9 pm. Joe and us are just getting back from dinner with John, my Mother, and Dianne the neighbor/caretaker. Pwhoo … it was long. Those people like to talk. Joe’s on the phone now with someone. We’re in our flannel pjs. The fires in the fire place. It’s almost time for bed. There is soooo much to talk and think about. Scott came back with Joe for a few moments. I might have been more willing to spend time with him, but my psychiatrist called and only had 15 minutes before he had to leave and before my mother was supposed to be over. Then we went out for dinner.
Hmm, now both Joe and us are off the phone. I talked to Maury for a few moments. He was busy hanging garage sale signs. Not sure what all that was about … he doesn’t even have a garage to sell… Hmpf! He didn’t seem interested in conversation .. he said not unless he found out he had a $10,000 inheritance or something. I should have told him, he would have had to split it with 22 great grandchildren. Wow! I didn’t know that it had gotten to be that many. My grandmother had 4 children, 11 grandchildren, 22 great grand children (Maury, You, and Joe are the oldest) and she had 3 great, great grandchildren, Austin, Ame, and Isa. Pretty cool, hmm.