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Monday, March 10, 2008

Mom Letter #13 - March 9, 2008 - Reporting weather from Chicago to be 23 F.

Dear Thom,

Hey Dear one – how are you doing? I’m thinking now in that double view way I have of doing things. This morning you are waking up if you aren’t up already and it is the day to go. I mean to really go. It’s going to happen today. You’re finally leaving and I’m pretty sure you’re happy about it though you might have a knot in the bottom of your stomach. Most likely you have the day planned out. And, there’s probably space between things to do some slow enough reflections to make sure everything gets done right … like saying good-bye to some of the people you are very close to. I have to tell you though … I’m going to have a hard time not giving you one more call. I’m not sure when though you are going to disconnect your cell phone. Maybe you are letting it continue … I think that point you were going to check out.

I have to tell you that as much grief as you gave for getting your pictures it was about the nicest thing you could have ever done for me at this point except for the part where you came up and gave me my good-bye smooches and hugs. Shoot crying again. I’ve been staring at these pictures for about 6 hours … I had to sleep the other hours 

I have too many thoughts now to go over the progression of thoughts I have as the pictures were taken, but there’s someone in our system that is telling over and over again about how brave she was for facing up against the Thom tiger in getting off all those Thom-thom shots while he was putting on his growing growly crinkly-nose face! WooHOOO!! Danger! Danger!! We’re living on the wild side now!!!

Umm, you might have to live in our world to understand. But – we did good! There are others that might say we were actually “playing” with the Thom and for those few seconds … we were on his board! Well the picture victory dances have been going on all night you can see. Mostly then we end with the last picture – where you are just walking toward us. It’s the last picture. There’s two I really love … this last one with primarily you and the one of the three of you where even Joe is smiling – the three of you look so happy – like you’ve just had a good time.

Oh … shoot … a dozen letters without a picture … you are going to need shooting me – but, let’s not use your standard service rifle, ok? Cuz, I think they are going to give you real bullets for that thing. YEEKS! The following are the two pictures that we keep talking about that we love so much. But, of course we’ve got them on the slideshow version so they show up paused on our 22” widescreen and we just are in awe that the three of you are part of us, cuz we’re so gosh darn proud how you all turned up. We get real excited thinking that in each of these pictures you are looking at us and you it makes us happy for those few seconds that we’re in your attention and you got those gosh darn nice smiles on. Wow. You guys are just so cool!

Hmmm, Just one more picture …. We like to think of this as the before and after shot … remember to keep your eye on the prize, k??

Ok, no more pictures now til you say it’s ok, but … just saying is all. Thought you might appreciate what we’re looking at. Thinking you’re a pretty big deal around here this morning.

Ok, this is it for just a little bit. It’s almost 10 am now. Rich woke up about 8:20 am and we’ve been watching his Sunday morning news show with him. Now it’s over and it’s been decided that we’re going to go to the zoo in a couple of hours, but he wanted to make omelets first … I’m going to need jumping in the shower, so I’m ready. I just tell him to tell me when he wants me at the back door *giggle* otherwise he’d hen-peck me to pieces … “are you going to take your shower, did you take your medicine, are you going to get dressed?” Sheesh. He Shoulda been born the mother! Poor Rich never knows when the responsible parts are going to be out verses the more umm lthe more ess responsible. So, the time part works for all … just tell us when to be at the back door coat on back! We can handle it from there.

It’s a little harder if time isn’t made for us to be at our computer on the weekend. But, we know that it’s really a woman’s place, well at least an Ann’s place to stand by her man while he’s making the omelets! It’s our way of letting him know … well one of the ways we let him know how much we appreciate the gazillion things he does for us. Plus … sometimes we squeeze more “talk” from him … an Lord knows women LOVE to talk! Hehehe.

Ok, so we’ll be back in a bit … but, I’m not sure before or after the zoo. You can better believe it … we’ll be bringing the new camera! BBL

Hey there … just back for a moment. We’re waiting our turn in the bathroom … about to take that shower. We’ve been pushed back in time … it’s already 11:30 pm, but that’s fine … Zoo’s open til 5 pm. Rich was going out to one of the card games after the zoo – he plays money poker with I don’t know big groups with his friends that are around … who knows. But, anyway, decided not to so he can get his son’s taxes done and fix his reels, AND get us to the zoo hehehe. Good Rich. We had a really, really nice time at the brunch. Rich reads a lot – almost every night – especially after he tucks me in and he likes to read spy stuff and science fiction and medieval mysteries and stuff like that. But, he told me a little about how the FBI and the CIA work and how they now both fuel Homeland Security and how deep Intelligence is … but, I’m sure he’s just scratching the top. Bottom line was that I think he is very proud of what you are getting into. I know that you have to start at the very bottom, but dependent on your own level of motivation you could do a lot of things.

Just need to stay motivated Thom … and that kind of thing starts right now with the very next thing you do … and that goes for me too. So, with that … I’m going to take a very good shower, get dressed and set up my camera to “Go!”

See you in a bit!

Love Ya Lots and Lots Mom!

(News Joke Break today …)