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Thursday, December 27, 2007

A day after and not getting far...

Good morning … it is still me. It’s about 10:45 am so pretty late into the day … Today is the day after Christmas. It is the day when eventually you should maybe look around and see if there is anything that can be put away, umm later. Oh yeah … sure there is … ok, later. That’s enough.

We had gotten up wayyyyy early … like 2 in the morning. Apparently, that is what we do when we forget to take our medicine. We were up for about an hour before we got ourselves back to bed. Someone left on some loud rock music too. Not sure about that move. When we did wake up poor Rich had his bedroom door shut … that was a first. We turned it down when waking up at a more respectable 7 am. Then we spent the next 3 hours doting on Rich … Yup, yup, yup that’s what we did.

He didn’t talk so much at first … we just ate our yogurt slowly, but for some reason he started talking about what he was doing for business and then it was just happening and we were listening and we were having the bestest time. We’ve done that before where we just hung around Rich while he was working. He is very well organized. We even got to hear him making his cold calls. He is a real worker person … not someone like me who happens to get something done when she feels in the mood. Rich gets something done all the time and someone isn’t telling him to do it. Even the hard stuff!

I think after a while Rich likes us to be there, but he shooed us away before he did the mileage report. I think he said something about getting it done faster if he were quiet. I think before he was explaining to us things that were happening with the business’ that he was calling or his worth theories and such. He’s so cool to listen to. Steady, like the rock of Gibraltar. That’s my guy and I’m just so proud of him. He said today there were just two people – well almost … one guy only lasted about 9 months, but basically, two people who have had his job at the company he’s working at. I think he does great. There is a lot of game playing. He told me this one story that I think happened this week where it seemed someone wanted to pin something on him and he had the paperwork in email form to back himself up and put fair credit back on the source and it was embarrassing, because they were the one’s calling wolf. But, I think that’s the kind of thinking Rich can do. It’s the part of him that makes him a good official … he understands rules.

Just like when we got up to leave the table and slowly reached across to get the reindeer cookies Santa forgot – Rich also reached out his hand and took them first.

He like knows all the rules. Sometimes it is very frustrating though. Specially, if you are thinking those cookies could be put in that “safe” place with the candy bars. Hmpf!

Ok, girls … C’mon … you know … we were going to let that go, remember?


Shhhhhhhh, that’s enough of that … let’s be responsible, k?

I’d rather be abdominal like the snowman!

Naw weather we are having – he’d probably melt. Let’s get a better grip on this weight then we’ll see, k?

Grumble, grumble …

Isn’t the kitty pretty?

Oh, no you don’t …

Oh sure … you want to look at the kitty.

He sure is pretty, isn’t he

Sure … Let’s talk about something ese ok?

I know, I know how about the room?

Ok, deal! After Rich left for his mothers – I think we wrote for a bit, but I also think we spent quite a bit of time in the room. We’re a bit of time behind in putting something in the food blog … we have to catch it up and feel bad about having to go back, but want some of the old details so that it is complete. Ok, you guys – you can do it! There is time! Ok, ok shhhh – that’s important, but not all, k? I know … just saying. Thank you … we’ll remember.

Anyway as to the room … I think we spent quite a bit of time, but we would have a lot of trouble trying to remember everything at this point. We lose track of time even thinking about what we’re doing in there or the observations being made. There were only a couple new people that I thought were important to note. One was a real nice lady from Virginia named Stephanie. She was visiting family in Indiana. She was in a second relationship and had two boys about 8 and 11. She asked if we wanted to talk in an IM because she noted how quiet we were. I was a little intimidated at first, but she seemed so nice. I’m glad I said ok. I hope we run into her again. Another lady named Court seemed to be a couple years out and she seemed to have a lot of information about the mechanics of protein, pills, and vitamins. She was very patient with a newbie.

We spent more time with Cat too and inadvertently with Scuba guy (WR) and one other … I forget. Everyone was kinda playing and teasin though and we got confused and it seemed like she had made a point in saying she didn’t like her husband or relationship and she’d made a point in saying that my relationship seemed good, so we tried to understand it, but then she put me back in my place by saying that the relationship was private although it was obvious both of the guys had known and had been making reference to it. So that made me feel like an outsider and as if I were on the wrong side of the room. She also said something about her relationship to one of the guys as just being more toward fun and flirtatious, but that some were trying to make more of it … it gave me the impression that people might gather to gossip. I hadn’t even thought of that. But, it would make sense. We apologized and tried to back off. That happened – that we backed off, but it left me feeling uncomfortable and disconnected. Others came and went. I still want to know Cat – and the guys secondarily. But, we’ll wait it out. No need to rush there is time.

I will be learning a lot this week. I just got to keep going back. Some hours though maybe not.

It’s 11:39 am now … we just finished lunch. I dozed off for a big at the keyboard.

I had been holding Missy and she was so warm and comfy. That’s done … we had our liquid diet breakfast, but I messed up because I had a couple packages of raisons and I just read they were like 90 calories per. That’s no good. Otherwise just coffee, yogurt for breakfast and jellow and Optima for lunch. We’ll wait on dinner to see what Rich wants to do … No big deal … am prepared to go liquid too. The shrimp last night was really good as was the cheese and crackers. Unfortunately, it seems that all the weight I had lost is coming back on so we need to refigure that out. Rich is our saving grace with all the sweets of the season. We’ve not gave him an easy time of it I’m afraid. But, that scale is such a reality buster. Damn.

Hmm, Coldplay’s been on all morning that’s my favorite song – Fix You … *Sigh* I think we are done with holiday songs for the year. Need to find some other music with variety – learn about different stuff. This morning just Coldplay. I don’t know much else about where the holiday has gone. We haven’t been doing so much on the writing angle. We got a new calendar … later we might get up and see when we have to go back to work – which day it falls on … hmm, let me see if I could piece it together. Maybe in a week? Oh man that would be so cool to have 7 days left …

Oh sure … really need that kind of serious time off … not sure why, but pretty sure I need it. I have no problem going to work with Rich in the mornings. Not sure if there is an end value there … Just like getting in time with him as long as we’re not bothering him.

We didn’t come supplied with a writing theme … Last year this time, I think we were still concerned about school matters. This year … we’re not even committed to be doing work from work. Later, we’ll get back that … maybe watching Rich could help us get back the discipline we’re missing right now toward work. I think we’ve been really off the last couple of weeks where we don’t do any work more than absolutely necessary like groups. I’m forcing ourselves even now to be thinking of it. I think work needs a certain tolerance. Maybe what I can do is schedule an appointment with Rich to talk over business concerns … I don’t know if he knows what has happened to us. I don’t want to make a big deal of it – just maybe someone should know – though all indications should have been sent that we’ve stepped off a deep end.

About where we lost it … was with the new program of being in the rooms. Writing the evaluations takes extra time … I think that is one thing … going back was a project that could consume extra holiday time and needs to be looked into sooner than later and either completed or written off, but in general, we got intimidated that our first time in the room met with so much problems … poor woman claimed to be bothered by her heart and as is usual – she was threatening to leave. This is the result of being in the rooms. I think it has to happen and I think sister knows I’ve backed up and will have to be pushed forward, but then was her response helpful
to let the DSP confront me. Where’s my protection? Hmm, do I need it, deserve it?

But, how am I to do my job if just entering those rooms causes everyone to question my right and responsibilities. No, it may not be exactly that not sure. Just trying to grasp some inroad here. It was insulting to be called on the carpet in front of staff instead of questioning if the staff had validity. There is no back-up from the authority. No latitude. Ok, girls lets slowdown … let’s come in a different direction.

We have to get back on keel per se.