Christmas Eve and Counting
Good morning … this is me. It’s 6:20 am and it’s Christmas Eve!!! And, my Sweetie is sleepin. He was out way too late last night, but it’s that Santa Elf stuff in the air. I think we talked yesterday about picking up people and shopping and such. I guess his plans aren’t firm about tonight eating out, but I think they are still leaning toward being with the boys and he says he has some shopping to do yet. I’m THINKING … it might be a little shopping for ME! Ok, and Me and me and me! Hehehe we have to group up though. Maybe like four presents.We talked to Rich again … but, we may be ahead of ourselves. Hehehe Oh man though … it’s like where else is there to jump in??! Our Sweetie came home between one outing and the next and we were just waking up … must have heard him come in in our unconsciousness. We leave our glasses and music on and our mask off so we make sure we hear him come in.
… whoops little break … we just to 20 minutes to calm Missy … usually starts about the same … should be timing it to see if it’s about the same time 6:25 – 6:45 am … she might have thought she was getting Rich and us ready for work. She was very loud and meowy, then let us pet her a little tiny bit from the back of the couch, then finally accepted our invitation that she come to the table … and then she let us pet her a little more there, before she finally accepts the full top of the head/face petting while she’s laid out before us facing right. By this time there’s no thought of a meow though she’s still thinking Chief could appear any moment … It takes 15 minutes getting her to this last stage and she only takes about 5 minutes of the last … But it’s very relaxing for her to get to it … It was about 6:45 am when it ended … let’s see how long it lasts … at least until I go in to Rich’s room I suppose and she thinks she has to go in there with me to get him up – ohhh and there that’s something … she’s in the bathroom now … we’ve seen that pattern before – the one where she’s had maybe a little tummy ache because afterward she goes to the bathroom. Either that or she wants me out of the house to gain her privacy? It’s hard to tell with a woman cat hehehe. I think she is aware we haven’t woke Rich or taken our medicine yet though. Because when I shut her bathroom door she raced us toward that direction *Sigh*
My turn, yet??!
Oh yeah … speaking of it being a Monday morning, we obviously don’t have work today, but we’re not waking Rich up. If he got in earlier than 11 pm! Hmpf! Let him get his own “late” butt up HMFP! He said anyway that he has a relaxed schedule today.
Not sure exactly what … I think he is going in for a bit … but, I don’t think it’s for a full day. Hey are we back to PRESENTS again?!!??
We told Rich last night that he could only get a few SMALL presents to fill in the front row.
WooHoo!! We’re back … it’s already 9:15 am or pretty close at least. Still Christmas morning. Sweetie Pie is off for a bit. He says that he’ll be back home about 5 pm, but he’ll probably be late. I think he’s got a lot on his plate. We got a whole day and there’s probably not going to be enough time although we haven’t the faintest Idea about what we’ve got to do. So far – we made sure we saw Sweetie Pie off right … got through the jitters of not getting to chow down on the last of the meatballs – more later, packaged up the clothing that we didn’t have to pay for and we ate breakfast. I think we better open some curtains too and let some day in.
Yes, we’ll go through any extreme to look at the presents We haven’t taken a picture of them yet. We’ll wait until the light gets better. But for now … this is a picture of the gift wrap on our clothing presents – and the last sheet!
Umm – in between these two things – intro and ending are like the 31 pictures/pages of all the stuff we bought/didn’t buy Rich for Christmas. We’re going to put it in a nice Christmassy postcard and send it to him tomorrow morning and he has to look through it sometime tomorrow morning … but, he has to do it slowly … really slowly and take his time and talk to us about the kinds of things we were looking at and talk about it and such … what he likes and what he doesn’t so we get to understanding his desires – well, those other desires!
Ok, ok … so like we couldn’t wait … wait a sec … here are the main pictures – ok, not looking before hand, so they are for like for better or worse, k?
This is our real tree
This is our pretend tree
This is our real presents – but the tiny ones.
The stocking is for all the things we wanted to buy, but promised we wouldn’t spend money on … we figured the stocking was big enough to hold the whole families gifts of this kind.
WOOHOOO!!! Ok, so there you have it!!! So, don’t be saying that’s pitiful, or anything now … K?!?? I told Rich that he had to keep it small like us then some day we could tell the kids this was the Christmas that was humble and how we were happy with little, the one before we won the lottery and spent millions
Wow! The day is going fast. We redid our backboard or our desktop or whatever. We used to have just a big picture of Rich, but now we have lotsa pictures!!! The other screen has 30 pictures to this side’s 20 pictures hehehe. If you can’t read the writing … it says, “Rich & Ann Forever and ever. It took a lot of relaxing of the mind to think of such a thing … it’s WONDERFUL!!! Wait ‘til Rich comes home It will be our third gift to him … First the clothes shopping, then the dollar store, then this … we’re now officially forever and ever friends. I wonder if there is any official ceremony?
Hmm, better think of that. Maybe we’ve done it already, but have to kiss under TWO green FROGS on Christmas Eve … AHA! That’s just it! I’ll make sure we take care of that when he comes in … lucky I just got it in this year before it was too late.
Sure wish we could get Bob here to witness it … hehehe then we could make HIM a forever friend too! *Sigh* better put it on next year’s agenda. So much to do.
Oh man … It’s already 2 pm … and rich is going to be home in about 3 hours and we’ve done about nothing and there is only about 3 hours left. Let’s recap? Umm, I don’t know – but, this last little bit involved finding that chocolate caramel apple in the presents and eating it. That was after nap and that was after the pictures and that was after writing a note to Maury, cuz we wrote a letter to our mother all because we took those pictures, but that was a long time ago, but we don’t know where else we’ve been … thing is there seems to have been playing most of the day – like with the clothes this morning, and with the pictures, but I don’t think there’s been much thinking. As to the letter to my mother … that was to thank her for the Christmas gift and then we forwarded the letter to Maury because he seems to be the one most interested in that kind of thing … we gave him permission all along to contact, but this was more directly an email and the excuse of Christmas if he wanted to say something to her. I should have warned her, she doesn’t read her email every day, or even every week. But, I don’t remember her phone number. I didn’t get a response back last time I had wrote and I WON’T snail mail.
We’ll see … it’s close to the holidays, so maybe she’ll do something. I have no idea of all the stuff that I’m missing that I wanted to be writing about. I’m such a blank. I don’t know what it is that I wanted to be writing about. I guess I could say something about last night – during the time that Rich wasn’t here before I went to bed. Well, let me see how did that go? For the record let’s see Rich was home yesterday … Umm, we had been with Rich, then we were writing … then he left … then we did the presents and watched the bears – that’s the picture you saw a bit ago. And, then? I think we came back to the computer and did stuff, but we don’t remember it. I don’t think we wrote here. We might have gone at that point over to OH … I know that we were over there about the time that Rich called and broke us out of our obsessive trance with it. We’d talked for a while, but there was a while we weren’t talking. It might have gone like 2 hours. I’m not sure … it was a long time.
I think what we figured out was there was a second group, but I’m not sure there was a significant line drawn between the two. It’s hard to tell. I can only guess that Witchy is on one side … and this other person who was complaining – Stacy was on another side. Co – or Lisa I thought was witchy’s friend, but I thought she was supporting Stacy. I thought Kathy Oh – Koh and Co all are like sisters and part of Stacies people. There are other names that I associate with Witchy or the main group like grinchy, Marni, and Yvonne. I think people like Les, Alan, Judy, and M’anne are more in the middle, but I’m not sure.
Ok, lost a couple more hours here to the room – more there later for now Rich is on his way better get to the shower – like now?!??
WooHOO … got through the shower before he got home, but he should be here any moment now. We’ve been like in hibernation mode all day waiting for him. We want to show him our screen and listen to stories about dragons that he has slew. He did say something about getting his shopping and lunch with Jon done early … that was good.
He got out with each of the three kids … that was the big deal for him I think. I
don’t know how it will be for him not having a big celebration around food. Hehehe he said he almost picked up a t-shirt, but was with his son … it said something about being grumpy … I asked him “Who’s Grumpy??” Hmpf! Let HIM where the GRUMPY shirt! Hmpf! I don’t know maybe its true and we take turns. I think when he wants to do something he’s not doing he gets grumpy and then when he wants US to do
something we’re not doing then WE get grumpy. It’s all about his expectations obviously … he should just chill more yup yup that’s the solution.
Hmm, I wonder if he’ll have presents … or maybe he’ll hide them in the car? He should have at least ONE present. I think we should open just ONE present don’t you?? We’ve been patient all day and didn’t do anything really bad … well except that one caramel chocolate chip apple … let’s not tell him about that ok? It will just make him crabby … yah that’s right … he’ll get GRUMPY … we don’t need any grumpy people around today, right? He said that we are going to eat meatballs and turkey today … probably he will maybe work on that soup some too. Maybe he’ll finish it up? I don’t know how much is left. I also don’t know about wine. That was mentioned earlier too, but there was a confusion whether the stuff in his desk was coming home or going to Jon’s uncle and aunt’s because he didn’t have a gift for them.
Whoops, think we gotta go!!!