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Thursday, November 15, 2007

Starting to look like work-aholic hmm...

Good morning. We have a little of a break this morning. It is Thursday and we have a doctor’s appointment at 10:45, so I will be leaving from home. There is some doubt that I will make it back to work, because I’m not prepared for this afternoon’s staff meeting. Not sure what to do with that yet. It also gets complicated because we have to then leave again to make Dr. Marvin’s appointment at 4:30. This morning we woke up about 1 ½ hours ago, but we’ve been proof-reading the Chronological Report. We took most of the day to get it in.

I don’t know how to do it differently than we are doing other than to do it a long way of taking notes, 10-15 pages, and then placing those notes on individual sheets so they can be summarized briefly, but succinctly in the report. It turns out that after everything is said and done there are about 4-7 entries added for each client.
The longest entries seem to be when the DSP is focusing on an individual’s goals. I try to spell that out pretty carefully. An example would be:

“Reported to Q that she was working on a magazine goal and then later reminded by DSP three times to find something in the magazine that interested her (something she could use for a story) - After story was found, article was discussed including someone going to the YMCA, the name of the exercise pictured, and was prompted to say, "Tae bo" - Repeated the phrase after the DSP and was asked more questions such as who the girl was in the story, which city she lived in, and if she remembered anything about the story - After being presented with a blank look - DSP read again the story, this time emphasizing verbally the words she thought were important - DSP noted that it looked like the person in the article was trying to defend self and coached on safety - remembered the cost of the YMCA ($70-300), thought the town was Chicago (Seattle), and repeated after the DSP the name, "Kelsie" - When asked if the teachers taught the person to be mean or protect self, guessed "to be mean" - was given more information on protecting herself, such as if her purse was stolen, calling - individual supplied number 911, and then the DSP added the option of yelling, though not punching or kicking - moderate effort - high prompts”

Most of the entries are smaller such as:

“Volunteered to distribute papers and asked to remind peers to write name and date on the top of their paper while DSP stepped out for a moment - volunteered to check calendar date on board after program was over - before leaving for the hall - tore out extra paper to take home - presumably for volunteer home work”

We made a lot of corrections in this last version we’d worked on last night because we were tired and lost sight of past and present tense and there is always problems with “subject” because in this report form – we’re trying to do without. The first time you are typing it you just get dogged, because you are trying to summarize a half dozen entries from 1-2 pages of notes – and we’re talking tiny writing. I wish it could come to together different, but different tasks are being observed by many people all at the same time and things get drawn out over the course of an hour or so. For example, during the first hour spent with Group I on Tuesday – the majority of the group was working on typing. About every 7-10 minutes I was rescanning the room and where everyone was at, but there was also several bottom lines … like when a DSP walks over to check on them - this example is a person who typed, but had her course changed and then needed to balance herself emotionally because of the DSPs double take – who was going to save the work. This is the summary of about 50 minutes of work on this one individual. We wrote:

“Completed typing approximately 61 words in 35 minutes (1.7 wpm) - 20 minutes after started was asked if she would like to switch gear and type a magazine recipe from a home "fix-up" magazine to which she stated, "I'm trying to find something." DSP suggested using the table of contents, a recipe was found, and the individual stated, "Yep" to the question, "Is this what you wanted?" It was recommended to save work to show work to regular DSP, so had to be reassured when asked to leave before she could save the material - appeared confused, and tired, but stated, "Nothing is the matter," and left the room as requested while allowing the DSP to save the material - low to moderate verbal prompting”

I wish I could make the changes now and print out a clean copy, but that’s not happening. Hmm, I think that I should check something.

WOOHOO!!! I found the 119 regulations and I found the DSP Training Compliance Checklist – ok then I could create the pre-test before the 1 pm group … I think it’s going to be a push. It’s 6:12 now … the medical is 10:45 so that means I will be done in about 1 ½ hours – or 12:15, plus ½ an hour back to the center – which means that there will be no time for anything except maybe to print out … on this side of time – 10:45, means getting there by 10:15 to walk and register, so I should leave at 9:15, which means I should be in the shower by 8:45 – so I have 2 ½ hours to put something together … I think that’s doable. I can’t believe that I found the Compliance checklist. I can be reassured that it’s the most recent copy too so that’s fantastic. I am beginning to love the new Department of Human Services web site. They are putting almost everything they used to send out in paper to the computer. Ok, let’s review the checklist and put it in perspective …

Looks like it is about 11 pages of rules and includes about 10 different standards, but then each of the standards have multiple sections. Let’s look at the first one … maybe we could set a goal for each standard to be answering 40% of the goal. I don’t like that we aren’t going over the whole thing, but that’s what we are supposed to be checking for – if we have to go through the complete standards teaching. Sr. Theresa is looking at if the DSPs know the material well enough because they are complaining they are bored of going over the same things over and over again.

Ok, here we go …

119.200 General requirements

1. Who is responsible for the cost of providing transportation for the individuals to and from the center?
2. Can individuals live in the same building as their program?
3. For regular one-way transportation to and from the center, how long can the individual be in the bus/car/van?

119.210 Exclusion, Suspension, or Discharge of an Individual

1. How many days does the center need to present written notice that they are going to suspend an individual from the center? Are there any exceptions?
2. Can the individual or his or her representative appeal the decision to be suspended, excluded, or discharged?

119.230 Individual Services Plan

1. Within 30 days after an individual’s entry into the program a plan has to be developed that states goals and objectives for developmental training. Which of the following responses are relevant? (You can choose more than one)
a. Based on assessment results
b. Reflect individuals or guardians preferences for goals, objectives and services
c. Identifies services and supports to be provided
d. Must state the individual’s reason or condition for becoming developmentally disabled
2. Objectives are measurable, have time frames for completion, and are the assigned responsibility of both the Q and the DSP. (True or False)
3. Qnotes are completed quarterly. (True or False)
4. The goals designated at the annual meeting can be changed prior to the following annual. (True of False)

119.235 Individual rights and Confidentiality

1. What does it mean that individuals have rights to confidentiality – list 3 examples
2. What would you advice the individual to do as a DSP if he felt his rights had been abused? (You can choose more than one)
a. Contact Guardianship and Advocacy Commission listed on the rights statements given to the individual
b. Discuss the rights violation with the parent or guardian
c. Contact Equip for Equality listed on the rights statements given to the individual
d. Offer assistance in obtaining services of address and phone number
3. The administrator has the final word as to the decision to suspend an individual? Explain
4. An individual can be discharged for being a danger to him or herself or to others? Support your answer.

119.240 Special Training Procedures

1. Does the program permit corporal punishment?
2. Can we restrain individuals as part of his behavioral plan?
3. Is it ok to give the individual misbehaving a time-out?
4. What is one function of the Behavioral Management/Human Rights Committee?

119.255 Environmental management

1. How does the building meet the requirements of being safe and clean?
2. Is the building required to maintain a comfortable temperature?
3. Is it a requirement to provide soap and towels in the washroom
4. What is the procedure of the disaster drill?
5. Which of the following are you required to know? (You can choose more than one)
a. Fire
b. Severe weather
c. Missing persons
d. Theft
e. Medical emergencies
f. Poison control
g. Birth control
h. Death
i. Abuse and Neglect
6. What telephone information is given on sheet kept near the phone?
7. Evacuation drills need to occur bi-annually?

119.260 Administrative requirements

1. Can you be employed by the agency if you do not qualify to be on the Health Care Registry?
2. Which of the following are requirements of DSPs and professional staff (You can choose more than one)
a. CPR
b. Normalization
c. Heimlich Maneuver
d. AED (defibrillator)
e. First Aid
f. Age and cultural appropriateness
g. Infection control
3. List 7 of the 10 locations for fire extinguishers
4. Which State Office is called in the case of abuse and neglect?
5. Can you be hired to work at the agency if you have a criminal background?

WOOHOOO!!! Done … we sent it to Sr. Theresa and to Rich … We asked Sister to d/l it, print it and copy it in case we are late. We also gave a copy of it to Rich so he could include it in his safety notes. In the real test there are (Yes or no) (True or false) statements and spaces for explanations, but I figured that get messed up here in the blog. I think the report is pretty good. It is only 8 am now, so it took then under 2 hours to complete … I guess that’s ok. Good enough … because I still have then 45 minutes before our shower … time to go fill up the coffee and smooch mushy face hehehe … brb

Ok, good good … we had an apple too so now we’re lacking time but our tummy feels better … we had a bowl of cereal, but that was 3 hours ago. HMPF!

I really feel good about getting that pre-test finished. And, I’m glad that it didn’t interfere with reading through the psychological report. It always looks different the next morning. We have to think through time so that I’m not so far behind. I think I’m going to miss group II this week as to CIRCLES, but I was ready for that. Just had to print out about 10 copies of something that I had made. It’s the boxes one with clouds. Don’t think I have a copy of that one at home to show you, but wasn’t any more significant than that. Group I had a really good experience with doing that paper and they were told over and over again about teacher’s being acquaintances and only giving them handshakes and such … I drilled them on touch, talk, trust, and we went through examples of introducing people to acquaintances – there was more, but we’re not in the zone now. The important was for them that they could draw six of their favorite staff. I’m not going to name names, but some of the folks got high-fived (appropriate palm to palm communication) for drawing in a picture of Ms. Ann Hehehe Their staff came in a little early and was told to look-into some of the work that we were doing. I can’t say we were doing anything profound, but it was nice for someone to show interest.

You know one word about the circles program as I look to evaluating it … I think that the individuals are getting something out of it, and I’m happy about having the different group levels – that really lets me know that I’m covering the bases. I have to be careful to not make the projects with coloring, cutting and pasting more important than the wordy part of the lessons. I think one of their favorite parts is watching the DVD. They’ve been introduced to 7 clips so far of “Susan” introducing her private space, family, boyrfriend, neighbors, teachers, etc. It is just 7-8 minutes each, but they are done pretty well for people our age. They first give the information, then they center in on the touch, trust, and talking part, which becomes like reinforcement. We try to find good experiences to match what is happening. I think we’re about half way through the regular part, but then there might be another 6-7 weeks going into things that are more orientated to sexual – close relationship topics. I’m going to encourage sister that they should go through that too, but it will have to be evaluated … because it makes me a little squeamish. We’ll have to see how they do over another 2-3 months. That will put things to about February – March, if we went on the material would be good then almost to June – the end of the year.

Something happened yesterday that made me feel really good. Sr. Theresa had come back to talk about something … I think we were both going over Candice’s 30 Day reports, but the subject of the Chronological Reports came up … I think she wanted to talk about the lack of enthusiasm Candice had because she is so short with the time she spends. Such as if she comes in a half an hour early, she wants to leave a half hour early. Which to sister is like she is making up her own hours. Sister is not for that … Holly and I’ve spoiled her with putting in all kinds of extra time … I’ve been at the center the last couple of nights from 6-6:30 pm – 2 – 2 ½ hours after I was supposed to leave. So instead of arguing that battle on-top of poor Candice’s head, we turned the conversation toward what was exciting me into putting in extra time. I had brought out the report – and Sr. seemed to know really what it was about. She said that if she weren’t in the position of the administrator, she would be doing the exact same thing.

Man-o-man … talk of doing handsprings! It made me feel like the things I was doing were important. I mean sure it feels that way to me, but the part where she is getting value out of it too? That just made me incredibly happy. We also told her that we were now going through how to respond to what we were seeing – basically there would be an outcome response that was more like the result of an action plan.

I think we showed you it yesterday. Hmm, where did we put that? We should look at it again in the light of the newest additions to the report. AHA!

Response – 2007/11/14 Chronological Notes 104 – 1 Personal – Personal Responsibility – behavior (Resistant) Antonella - 2007/11/12

2) Talk to DSP – Theresa about general washroom etiquette and about suggestion to use seasonal card markers in library type envelope slips to mark who is in the bathroom and who is next up – include slips for use of hall bathroom if necessary – incorporate tooth brushing and waiting in line for going to the bathroom.

Response – 2007/11/14 Chronological Notes 104 – 1 Personal – Personal Responsibility – behavior (Resistant) Antonella - 2007/11/12

1) Record Note to Q - Holly about being resistant and slightly argumentative given example of putting tooth brush in closet (3x), summary of lesson (high prompts), and mood when prompted to leave faster (high prompts).

Ok, that worked for being a behavior issue, but now we have to think as to there being issues with goals and programming the general areas, etc. Hmm, better take a moment though … 5 minutes late in shower. Hold on.

Hmm, lost 24 minutes to doing something … oh yeah shower, fumbling with friendly face, and we gave our landlord a message to call Rich. That was pretty good, but now it’s like 9:15 am and I have to do something like revise time. 10:45 appointment, leave by 10, allow half hour for registration and walk … Ok, that should be good enough, but we’re going to splurge a little more, because I want this entry posted. Hmm, better do that right away … bye for now!