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Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Quick look at finances this morning

Good morning. I think I’m going to need continuing later, but I’m hear for a few moments. I woke up about an hour ago and I’ve been trying to take care of a couple of business matters. Unfortunately, I found Sallie Mae a headache to work with. I messed up with my on-line account key word or password and it signed me off and I made it so far on their auto-thingy and it disconnected me to. Hmpf! I was worried about our son’s student loan. I want to get it on automatic. I did find out that it isn’t due until December 15th, so I have some time to get it going. That was a good thing.

I also found out that the numbers worked in our direction this time with the bank. It has the deposit I made yesterday posted before the other transactions, which had been pending. That is a very good deal. It looks like we have $106.70 in the bank … wooohooo. We’re not so good on having a life savings, but for the moment we’re managing. I’m definitively one of those people they say that live paycheck to paycheck.

Either today or tomorrow we’ll get the next check. We have to be very careful of spending. I want to get in touch with the electric company, cable, government loan, hmm what else do I pay… want to find out how much I owe them. Hmm, better add UIC to the list AND I gotta start paying off our class. I owe about $850 to the school. I think I’m behind on some of those. PLUS, I have to give our friend a couple hundred. AND, save enough for turkey dinner. I want to get the bills paid up as much as we can, because we know we’re probably not going to pay December bills yet, because of Christmas.

Wow … not too bad at all. The cable is only $113 and the electric only $43 … I figure a couple payments to government loan … so $113 cable + $43 electric + $100 government + 50 hospital + $175 school + $63 son’s loan $544 have to figure in autopayments too, but I think we can safely give our friend a couple hundred … that bring it to $750 let’s say. I get $1200 – 750 = $450 … ok autopayments - $23 gym, $60 car insurance, $19 videos, $15 music, $25 debt, $25 parking … hmm. That should be it, plus $100 gas. Let’s see … that leaves me with $183 in the bank. Better get this info to friend right away. Then there’s the other payment of $1200-870 = $330 So that means this month I’ve got $513 to spend? I mean save up for something. Ok, Ok … sounding good. Why don’t we keep real tight and see then if we can save up at least $900 for Thanksgiving and Christmas … whoops $1000 … we got the clients and staff too. Sister should contribute the other half we’re not including. Ok … I think this is doable. Shoot medicine … that’s going to be the hard one … hmm, that’s running $120 a month average … I wonder what I could do with those reduced drug prices. Maybe Walgreen’s involved? Better check that out … if not … might be good to check out Walmart, YEEKS! Haven’t been out to a restaurant since Oct 23, but before that we were averaging about 1 every 4 days … Umm, that didn’t help … we can do this diet, right?