List ten things that make you happy (in no particular order), and then tag five people to do the same.
Because Christina tagged me after being tagged by Paula who was tagged by Cynthia and asked the question what are the ten things that make me happy in random order:1. Having a God who is happy with us!
2. Not only having three wonderful sons, but having good friends new and old, and a psychiatrist to explain to us that nobody's young 20-some year old sons spend much time with their mother.
3. Everything in my apartment makes me happy because during the last year I threw away everybody else's leftovers and went out and found things that are ME!
4. Ordering or skimming through new books from Amazon
5. Coloring in our new Human Brain coloring book ... new colored pencils and sharpener too!
6. Completing a paper for school whether on time or not, but with plus happyness points for being on-time!
7. Writing in my blog for long hours on a peaceful early Saturday morning and then finding V. has finally woken up, made his coffee, and is ready to chat!
8. When my Granddaughter asks me a question starting with "Grandma Ann? ..."
9. When one of my kitties crawls against my chest and into my arms while I am typing on the computer.
10. Being madly in love :)
Now I am suppose to pick out five people I'd like to see do this ... Who to pick? Hmm, I don't think it would be cheating too much to find people from the new community. I had help in this by going back to Cynthia's list and discovering:
Laurie, Candace, Lisa, and two new time favorites Gabreael and Louie!
So happy to meet you all!
Our best,