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Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Welcome to Our New Home!

Hi you! We are going to write a short note. It’s only a half hour until bedtime. Whoops, medicine. BRB. Pshwoo. That always helps to fall asleep better. Gabreael asked a few times over the last week when we sleep.  She’s so nice! If we are being good, we’ll go to bed around 7:30-8:00. I think we sleep around 6 hours a night. I heard that when you get older you don’t sleep as long, though naps seem ohhhhh so much nicer! We have a hard time shutting down our minds. It seem each want to do just one more thing. Yeeks!

Wanted also to say, did you see the new kitty? We found it at the site Christina suggested and she sent us an email getting us over the hump. I’m really surprised how easy it was after those one or two big confusions. The directions weren’t really helpful as much as a few more sentences would have been. *Sigh* The big parts were in that I wasn’t real familiar with extracting pictures, and I didn’t understand which codes they wanted to “replace,” and that they wanted me to open that little document thing that wasn't an jpg or gif, and which had ALLL the code. This simplified things quite a bit! Eh, live and learn!

I don’t know if all skins are actually this easy, but I sooooooo love the kitty, it will be a while before I want to let her go. I love her in the background to remind me of peacefulness and pleasure, I thought the little paws when hovering were pretty darn cool And it amazes me how the script appears to move while the back sits still. YOOO HOOOO!!!

I suppose we’ll be hearing kitty stories while we are gone to work. This is mostly ok, BUT, I’ll have no more of those tired “party animals” lying about after strewing champagne bottles cuz V. thinks its fun to rough up the place a bit! Hmpf!

Well, that’s about it really. I just am so happy the place has been decorated. I never felt more at home and the colors are soothing to my eyes, spirit and soul.

Take care the night! (Especially, Bon and Mal the resident night owls!) Ok gang, my shift is over!!!

Nitey nite… us