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Thursday, December 08, 2005

Tempered by the night sky ...

Good morning! There is just a few minutes left now before I am off again. Dr. M. TONIGHT!!! It seems like forever. We’ve spent the morning over at V’s place … Wow! Does he have it going on! I don’t know Christina. Did you see what you started? Pretttty cool. It’s hard to believe the difference in my feelings over at V’s. I feel the scene and my eyes have to readjust to the dark, creepiness. Pshwoo … happy to come back to quiet sleeping kitty, Emelia. I can perch it so she sits in the upper left corner while I type on the lower right corner. She gives us a sense of security and warmth.

I didn’t go so well with the experiments in sound this morning. And, I know I have to go to work with a malfunctioning something or ‘nother. I would like to take the print out just to leave it where I can see it over the kitchen table, but I’d be scared of a kitty accidentally ripping it. We CAN’T have that! My friend says maybe on Saturday … Shoot, seems a long time away.

Hmm, not much else going on here … For the record, I was doing my homework earlier in the morning. It was coming together well enough, just not fast. Pshwoo… just stepped over to V’s again. Kind of makes me feel like not wanting to go out! That’s good thinking … we’ll have to leave him and it to his CREEEPIER thoughts today. “Living on Blood,” “Banished by God.” Oh man V. What a place you got goin on!
