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Sunday, June 13, 2010

May 3 - May 8 with CS and Linda

Ann Ludford Garvey May 3 at 9:45am
Yup yup ... it was a very good day. Those are the kind of days that help carry you through the individual weeks. Everything was perfect. We did do quite a bit of cutting. I got everything done except the petals. What I was thinking is that Dee could go over and meet CS at CS place and they could work on the petals together. there are 60 of the petal blocks and there are 14 petals on each block. Both expressed an interest in that part. They could of course work separately too, but there's something about both being home and living so close to one another. Then for the rest of it ... I figure maybe that both Linda and Emily could each work on 10 big blocks and 10 small blocks. We don't have to get this done in a month ... we might want to take 2-3 months. I would then take on the remaining 40 small blocks. I think it works out pretty evenly. There still is a lot of work to be done. I'm looking forward! I will mail you the petals CS maybe by the weekend when I can get to the post office. Then Emily could come over for hers and CS could mail Linda's and mine. I had left everything but the petals at CS place. Let me know if you think this division of work might work. Then when we get together after all the parts are finished we can sew them together on one of our Saturdays. If we find that by June any one person is feeling really overwhelmed ... we can again redivide the work. Hmm? What do you think?

I put up the pictures I took this weekend on the blog. I have to get through this week at work and then maybe I'll have some better time to be getting things the way I want them with the sewing, blogs and new room changes. This is the week of our big 3 year accreditation survey ... I'm supposedly in charge of it YIKES! The woman will be coming in from Florida and be here at the center on Wed, Thur and Fri. Please pray for us!

Bob said that he has all the stuff for the shelves and he's planning on coming over after work for a couple of hours. I think Rich will be home for some of that time before he goes out. He's got an 8 pm game tonight YEEKS! It would be really good if the two of them could work together and I'd just sit there looking pretty :) We'll see. Ok, back to something ... let me know how you are all getting along.

Linda - don't worry too much about the closet. Think of poor CS ... I took the 164 pictures of her space and placed it up on-line before she could say yes or no. CS - proud of you for sticking to the work load! Both of you just gotta keep me from visiting if you be wanting peace!! Lookin forward!

Our love,
Ann Marie

Ann Ludford Garvey May 3 at 11:09am
A year is too long to finish a quilt - especially for such an qualified group of sewers! I was up at 3 this morning, but I fell asleep like 8 pm last night. Rich just gently nudged me to bed and we fell in. I worked for about 1 1/2 hours on cutting pieces this early morning and then fell back to sleep for about an hour more. Guess we were being lazy. Still got to work just after 7:30 am. The thing about working AT work is that you get to a break - being home and you want to dive up coming up for LITTLE air. I'm having problems with my ears still. I can't hear out of my right one. I don't think your dog could do that ... though we WERE holding onto our sanity. I just couldn't volunteer to do that often. It was like a car siren that belonged to someone else who left the county. *sigh* Didn't overtake a good weekend though. Just glad when she finally stopped. It was very confusing to our brain.

What do you think about the division of labor on the quilt? I haven't been able to get in blogger/blogspot this morning ... maybe later in the day?

Ann Ludford Garvey May 3 at 12:30pm
Fair enough ... thing would then to be in touch with people. When Linda gets back on-line - Linda would you be able to take on 10 large and 10 small squares for the group quilt - only as much as is comfortable by the next meeting IF there is time at all. Then someone is going to have to get a hold of Emily. I can do this, but I know she's mostly out of contact, so it could possibly wait until Saturday. Shoot forgot ... we're going fishing early Saturday to Sunday afternoon, and then stop at Rich's mother's on Mother's Day. CS or Linda if either of you want to call ... I might still call to see how she's doing on Mother's Day ... it's going to be a tough day for her. :(

I wish we'd gotten this far over the weekend to discuss in group, but I didn't know if I could get as much done as I did. As to me ... and if we were to make a contribution, I wouldn't mind starting on the 40 corner stars - that leave plenty of work for others if they want something sent to them. CS then could you send me that much? All the corner fabric is in one bag of the big bag for the project ... send me 2/3'rs (40) and we'll check on others as they become available. When the call is made to Emily someone should check with Emily of Dee's interest level and possibly ask for a phone number to lessen Emily's load and feelings of responsibility for Dee. Linda - how goes you!?? ;) Any recommendations?

Ann Marie

Ann Ludford Garvey May 3 at 2:48pm
WooHOO!!! GOOD GOOD! I keep forgetting you have an Emily transfer mode of communication! Maybe then CS you could split up the stuff for everyone. Emily - 10 big squares, 10 small squares, Linda 10 big squares, 10 small squares. Ann Marie 40 small squares. The big squares should be fairly easy. You just have to set things out so you know what's what ... you can call me and we could walk through it together if necessary. Anyone can call me after 4:30-5:00 pm. By then I'm driving home!!! Basically then each (Emily and Linda) will take two colors - reds, blues, greens and browns. In each color set there are four ... so like four reds, four greens, etc. You can see by the number if it's a part of the first set (2 of same color different design) for the color or the second set (2 of same color different design) for the color. Send all four of the same colors as per instructed above. I don't remember how the beige was, but it's still in the right bags according to big squares, little squares or one bag for the petals. You'll keep the petal bag to work with Dee on. One of the beige is broken into 5 sections. It's all the same stuff, just 40 in each of the first four sets and 20 in the last set ... It's the set that required 180 pieces. Shoot shoot ... I know you know how to read my stuff. Just use the cheat sheet. Oh ... and for the first part that says (3) and (2) for each color it means for that color - say red .... the two reds there will be 3 blocks and the second two reds there will be 2 blocks - I just had to do 5 blocks of each color. Keep in mind that the first of a set is for the larger colored piece and the 2nd color of set is for the smaller colored piece of each block. And with the golds - all those pieces are split evenly between the four golds. Maybe I'm confusing more?

Maybe put in a note for Emily how the work was split and if she has any questions or concerns to call - and state she doesn't HAVE to get it done in a month - we're under no time restrictions and we can divide more work as we find out how the month went for everyone. Everything in the small squares 1/6 to Linda, 1/6 to Linda, 2/3rds to me. This makes sense right?

Emily as to the giving out of our first quilt, what we'd talked about - sorry we missed you on this one, but we're actually making 5 SMALL Quilts one for each of us. So you look at the basic design and then each of us will have a four square of the big squares - 9 corners, and 12 of the petal part (2 on each side and a plus sign in the middle. BUT, we will have to talk more of where our other quilts go.

The pillow case is nothing to do with us - that part you can discuss with Emily or CS. I think it has something to do with all quilt shops across the country and CS seems to be working with Ann at the Quilted Basket on it. I don't know if you want to do that, but you could send her or your own regular quilt shop a donation - BUT, talk to CS. K?

I'm so proud that you are getting in on the computer stuff. It's such a nice factor to be communicating to others and to other ideas - the webs full of so much of interest. I sure hope your not sleeping just because you are worrying over that danged closet! CS is trying to better organize her stuff too. Me? Just starting out to make my chaos ... HOPEFULLY Bob's there when we get out of work - TO make the Shelves. I saw CS's room and I KNEW we need shelves! Give us a call when you're out of town if you need someone to talk with. Pretty sure though you are going to be plenty busy! Just get that bag packed ... set it at the door ... and maybe have some beer or a Margarita! You've got time to worry about the silly job soon enough ... drat that kinda work ... should pay us for our excellent stitchery!

Lean on us sister-dear :)

Ann Marie

ahh 1 hour and 15 min. to go ... we're going to make it through the day!

Ann Ludford Garvey May 4 at 4:33am
Morning guys! Linda you don't have to apologize for the photo. I loved it! It took a lot of courage for you to post something that has been difficult for you to look at. You are in the learning stage of doing the pictures so you have to be nicer to yourself. As to the posting sideways ... it's just the next lesson. Take a look at the picture below. At the bottom right corner you will notice two arrows ... it looks like a sign for curve right or curve left. This is for straightening up pictures - just experiment ... you can always undo by reversing the direction or going all the way around with one arrow or another. To find the arrows just go to the picture in question on facebook and look just below to the bottom right of the picture. Wallah! This is how you become the expert ... just gotta keep doing what you are doing. If you don't experiment, you won't get better - AND, don't forget to bring your camera! Maybe we can set up a collection of all the quilt shops we collectively as a group visit :) There is NOTHING as exciting as a new electrical devise. I remember thinking the same thing as to being able to suddenly find absolutely anything my heart might desire. The first thing I did with ours was to sign up for a series of meetings in Ohio. Skies the limit! No doubt you are going to stay busy on the trip - it wouldn't be a bother if you had time to call. Just give me another chance to smile :) :) :) :) :)

Ann Ludford Garvey May 8 at 4:04am
Welcome back Linda! All I can say about this work thing is we PASSED with only one recommendation - has to do with writing a better strategic plan. Sr's given me the quick go ahead to get that done after the weekend, but I'm SURELY going to take Monday off! WOOHOO!!! I'll be up in WI again next weekend. Sorry for the confusion there CS, but its the 13th that Rich is leaving for the next weekend fishing trip. WooHOO!!! Cats away!

I'm sooo happy to hear about your job situation Linda ... it has to take a big load off your mind - though I could understand the next series of headaches. I would like to think most of all those co-workers that are going to catch you by the "water-fountain" to tell you all of what's what and who's been doing what while you've been gone. It's very nice to know that you were so well spoken of by your peers.

Also glad to hear that the kids are coming over ... are they bringing the food? Make sure they are! Hehehe. Maury and Joe are coming by today to pick up furniture and then Joe and his fiance Cari and Rich and us are going out to breakfast tomorrow. Rich says I have to make sure that JOE pays this time. Thom alas is in Japan ... sure be nice to hear from him though. Miss that kid.

Over here ... the day will be spent with the sewing STUDIO. I've got a bit of a tickle in my throat and hoping that's nothing. I need a mental break from work. If the weather is nice Bob and Rich will go out fishing, but it sounds terribly windy here right now. Be nice to be just home with him a bit and relax together. CS - I had a dream last night and you'd taken all my clean clothes to wear ... so give them back and WASH them first! Yeeks where did that one come from?

We will do some catch-up blogging too. So-so nice to have a weekend. Hope you two are appreciating the time as well. WELL AFTER you all get up!