What a Wonderful Weekend!
Good morning. This is me. I was up earlier, but we decided to go back to bed. So we’re really up now. The biggest difference was that I was reading of some old entries and I came upon something that mentioned an annual and then I remembered that I’d scheduled an annual today and that was going to conflict with me staying at home to do work. I thought then that I better get some more sleep … I’m not sure if it was because it brought me down or whether I was just being more responsible. Eh, could have gone either way or both.It looks like though I’ll have to go to work. Maybe I can stay home tomorrow instead. It would seem like a shame to go there and then come back early especially because I would like to if possible be at most of the sign language session even if I haven’t been practicing. I’m not sure yet … I could at least go in late … I’m thinking now that I need to prepare, but I’m not sure how much preparing I’m going to be able to do with the responsibilities of Group 1 … Theresa was supposed to write me some things though so I’m hoping that went through and I have something to write about and that I could talk to her.
Maybe I could get that before I go to Group 1 and write when I’m usually just doing my own thing … that would make sure that I was going to get it done in time. Maybe that’s the best deal. I sure do hate it when staffings get scheduled on a Monday morning, but it’s the only time I could do it and still stay up to date. Shoot … ok, we’ll just have to get over it.
There we sent sister a note just saying that we’d be in and that there was an annual. Fortunately, I had put it on her calendar so she won’t be too frustrated and I did remember it before the meeting so that was extremely lucky for me. Shoot, ok that’s enough of that.
Yesterday was a fantastic day. I was so happy to be seeing Joe and his girl Cari that you could have rolled me over in a steam roller and I’d still be happy. Hmm, skinnier too!
Ok, silly enough of that …
We were a little late leaving the house because even though we were ready on time, Rich needed to finish the laundry. I hadn’t known he wasn’t going to have it done in the time that he said to be ready. So that was a little aggravating because all I wanted to do was get out the door to see Joe. Then it seemed that I was a little cranky with Rich because he’d changed his driving style to slow way down before reaching the next car at a stop light because he was figuring he was saving gas.
Man did that one drive me bonkers … but not as much as it could have because we WERE seeing Joe!
We called 10 minutes before we got there, but I guess we were supposed to call when we were leaving. I messed that up a bit. So they weren’t ready and then too Joe was into his video game with Thom and Bob and others, so we decided to just wait around a bit and not rush him because it was giving us an opportunity to watch him a bit and then more so turn around and be able to talk to Cari. That was a golden opportunity … I really like her. She seems to me light-hearted … I told her that too actually during the car ride over. I meant it with all my heart. She just seems like a happy person.
After we’d talked for a while and believe me I could have gone on then Joe finished his game and joined us. She’d gotten ready before I stopped watching Joe and the game and then Joe got ready pretty soon after he stopped the game, but there was still talking. I was really happy too because when Joe was at the computer he let us hear a little conversation with himself … ahh too Alexis was there. Lucky she plays … she’s really part of them all doing something together. I was so excited to hear Thom’s voice and realize that he and his brothers were still connected. I’m pretty sure that I heard Maury had the microphone set-up. I’d forgotten about the connection. I asked Joe and he said they might spend as much as to 3 hours a day on the computer minimum and more on weekends.
That was one of the conversations – we were asking about it and Cari said that it doesn’t bother her because she does a lot of reading while Joe does the game. I compared it though to Rich’s fishing. I really didn’t mind it, but then sometimes I get lonely while he’s gone. I think it’s something that Joe has to be aware of that it is then time they aren’t REALLY together … Not that there isn’t togetherness just being in the same room, but it is time that you aren’t talking to your partner so much directly face to face. She didn’t complain at all, but I know sometimes that can be hard. I think she’s benefited in that this has always been something and so in her mind she’d long compensated for it like we had with the fishing … It’s just something that comes with our guys. She’s really intent on not wanting to change Joe and I admired her for it.
AHA! I am an official picture swiper. I was over at the kids sites … I’m probably going to get busted for this, but this is everybody … Pretty cool, hmm ?
This is pretty cool … they are all in different places, but man … just so happy that I can call this my family. They are just beautiful!
Ok, ok … trying to calm down. We just took a shower, packed and did our medicine.
Rich found us in the refrigerator getting our lunch and we surprised him about going in today, but we could have not forgiven ourselves not to be at a staffing.
We have a half hour left.
The only thing I felt bad about last night was toward the end I realized how much I’d been doting on Joe. It was a normal conversation between us and the others were included to some extent, but mainly the focus turned to Joe and I didn’t feel I could get enough of him. I didn’t see it until I spotted Cari wiggling in her chair … she had to use the washroom, but Rich confirmed later in the car what I was afraid of that maybe Joe and us were boring her a bit. I really didn’t mean to do that.
Rich thought it was Joe who was a little self-centered, but as his Mom I’ve always highlighted him on the visits. We’re going to have to learn a better way of spreading that out. I was waiting for the others to interject where I should have focused more on them. Just feel real bad.
Joe talked about many things that excited me like how he was doing with work and the karate and in the relationship and with family. I feel these are the main areas. I was proud of him for doing so many things. I was happy that Rich and Cari were there too … it seemed to validate the experience differently. I felt a sense of a family unit which was kinda cool. When I pushed Rich afterward during the car ride home for some kind of feedback on the situation, he noted on how the boys seemed to communicate. I think it is really nice that they are on the speaker with each other … it’s not only one on one, but the whole group of them … it made me feel better too in worrying about Alexis and Thom each being alone.
I’m grateful for all that … and I’m happy that it seems that Alexis is going down to celebrate Thom’s graduation. They might be driving back for a bit of a break before Thom reports to his next duty station. Joe thought he was graduating on the 24th.
He said Thom was bringing home his computer. I know that if there is any time extension he’s going to want to stay connected. Good Thom!
There were a few other things happening with the day. Rich and us got together to do that cleaning and washing clothes that was good. I was pretty beat afterward … oh I know … we talked to my sister! That was great. A little in the beginning my brother came up. She said she talked to him and he sounded like an abrupt minister – not exactly did she say it like that, but pretty much.
We talked more about other stuff though … like Nate’s getting married the 20th of June. I’m going to try real hard to make that date. I’m not sure if Rich is going to be able to do it because of fishy trips, but she’s also going to invite Maury and Joe. We could go with them, or we could go on our own. She said she was only inviting Meredith and us to stay over at the house. If no one went with me I might consider it just to help her out and keep her company … there’s so much that has to be talked about during a wedding preparation. I think the bride and groom are doing most of it, but I think CS is helping the bride a bit where she can. It’s a pretty phenomenal thing when one of your children gets married and she has only one child so it’s like a MAJOR thing!
We talked about so much stuff I felt I was really getting caught up. I had a very nice time and it was a good extension of it being a family day – continued from being at Joe’s. I was so glad she left me a text … it was perfect timing … I didn’t get it until I got home from Joe’s, but I responded to it as soon as we found it.
Rich had said he was going to watch Star Trek for a bit so he didn’t miss me and he let me talk in the room, so I didn’t feel so isolated with the call. I would really like to talk to my mother again, but we’d gotten tired.
Rich reminded me that I was going to reward him for being so good by giving HIM the massage. We giggled and sat up to do our thing. I’m afraid it wasn’t too long before we fell asleep. Shoot … hate that when it happens. But, I fell asleep with him so that is always good. Wow between CS, Joe’s and Rich’s Moms … we really did do good family stuff this weekend! I feel so plugged in. I wish we could make it so the intervals aren’t so far apart. I always enjoy it after we get connected … I’m just terrible getting from one place to another, especially if it means leaving this computer. *Sigh*
Ok, we gotta be nice to ourselves. We like that we’re going to get through another staffing. It makes us feel better. I sure do wish we were staying home though … I really like being here.
We found when we’d woken up early this morning we stayed up for about 30-45 minutes and we found ourselves back looking at the house. It had come up while talking to CS and I felt a longing to reconnect. I told her that if she got a Google account we could connect via the blogger … we talked a little about her starting her own blog.
Good good, I just stopped for a few moments to give her some more information on how to do it. Hopefully she’ll respond positively. I would really enjoy knowing about her life on a more day to day level. I hope she takes us up on the invitation. I have to remember to tell her the house we’d like to buy is in the section for November, 2008. BUT, as things go … we find ourselves crunched for time again … it’s time to post and get ready for the day by getting dressed. Rich is up and will be out the door this morning about the same time as us. I think he’s got an 8:30 am meeting somewhere.
So with all this … I’m afraid I have to get going … wish us luck on the day!