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Thursday, February 12, 2009

Good to be back to doing some Organizing

Good morning … this is me. It’s already 5 am so I’m not sure where the first half hour of the morning has gone. We’re trying not to fret for the morning. We’re going to turn up Podrunner and see where we end up.

The first thing I wanted to say for the records is that we’re through with the state survey. I told CS already and she’s reprimanded me something to do with sitting in a closet? Well something like that … I guess you had to be there - Hehehe.

The basics are that we passed with a 98%, but the two percent wrong was three problems and I was the one to cause all three errors. The first one was the client’s file I’d forgotten a cover sheet for an annual, the second was that I’d been late with one of my clients, and the third one was that I was missing a goals/objective sheet. I know this isn’t anything major and I am trying to stop with the guilt stuff and feeling bad, but it’s going to be I’m afraid something I carry with me for a while, and in that aspect it might be good, because I shouldn’t be doing these kinds of things. I was doing well on the Qnotes, but some of the other fell behind. I could only concentrate on one at a time.

Sr. Theresa came back to my office after the surveyor had gone and a little time had lapsed. She gave me a copy of the surveyors report and she said she was going to give Rich a copy, but that she WASN’T going to give Holly a copy. Holly had made an embarrassing issue in front of the surveyor because she wasn’t done with the file she’d been asked to get. She then worked very hard to cover the client’s work on Qnotes for the year. The thing was that Holly only had completed 3 sets of Qnotes of her approximate 24 clients … and two of them were the clients she did for me (I was getting the clients). Sister knows this and so she also saw that most likely Holly is going to gloat for having gotten through it without being caught. I deserve my fair share of the blame, but I don’t want either to be held out by Holly as if she’s now better than me. Sister was telling me upfront she was more proud for my conscientious attention than for Holly’s just getting by.

Sister and I had a longer talk. I told her the problems with the annual reports and that I still had to finish that work before starting on CARF. She asked me what had happened … and I told her I was rushed for time and that the regular CSO people had been taking my prereport that I’d been doing with the signed face sheet as my annual report. I knew that I shouldn’t try this because it was still not performing all my duties, but it’s why I had gotten by. I told her that I always do the most immediate thing and that there was so many immediate things that the reports that just sit in the file hadn’t made it to the front of the todo list. I apologized sincerely. But, I felt happier with letting her know what was happening than in always trying to hide my problems.

I haven’t told her yet how so much time goes by when we aren’t concentrating on the center’s work, or the work we do concentrate on is of a different natured than filling immediate needs. I know sister wouldn’t fire me over it, but she’d be worried a lot more. I like to think I’m buffering her from me, but then one of us told her later after we’d met with her a couple of times discussing a job candidate that the lady didn’t seem beguiling. Then when she was looking directly at us we told her that sometimes smart people are sneakier … like us. Then we got the hell out of the office before our guilt would really carry us under. Yeeks!

I don’t think we’ve heard the end of that though I’m thinking she might go to Rich with it before she comes back to me. *Sigh*

Ok, moving on … The surveyor didn’t leave until 12:30 pm. I knew sister had had enough. Before the meeting that was to be held with the surveyor at noon, sister brought to my attention the question of me having canceled the CIRCLES group. I had to remind her remember … she said it was a time conflict with the noon exit survey meeting. She was too tired to catch on to that. I hate the kind of pressure we put on her during these surveys. She would feel pressure anyway, but our stuff is the extra … ok, I know we were going to let that go for a bit, I know.

*Double sigh*

Ok, fresh topic, hmm? Let’s see … we did want to say that we got back to work of one sort or another. I know Cathy from CSO came back to my office to finish our business. She had been in earlier when we had to postpone the immediate discussion until after the job interview in my office with Sister and the candidate. While we were meeting Cathy went out for her interviews with the clients. Then she came back and we finished up. With Cathy it always takes a while, but I’d rather give her my time and attention, because the bottom line is that I appreciate our good working relationship. The CSO people know our clients besides us the best of everyone, so it is nice to talk to them and make sure they are doing alright.

After that we went through the current stuff that had been added to our desk including reading the last two weeks of DSP chronological notes and then filing the last 3 sets of them in each of the individual files. It was my mind numbing work that could be done before settling into the serious. I had a feeling of wanting to be doing things right … I wanted just to be working. I don’t always feel like that so it was a nice feeling to have.

After that I went back and finished another client’s Qnotes … even though the inspector had left and won’t be back for another year, I felt a need to complete them to feel better about myself. I reread them then and signed them and got them to the folder. I have only one more client to go whose last name starts with a “W”. I’d gone alphabetical order so reaching this point of pulling out his materials felt like a blessing. I will do all I can to get the next part done before the new person comes in a couple of weeks. I’d like to say I’ll be done before that, but I know that I have goals to be doing too.

I have to balance staying over with getting back to the gym. Rich had said if I go back to the gym he’ll see we make it to see Nathan’s wedding … He is my only nephew and I’d really like to be there. With Rich out of town next week it will be a good time to put down some real effort uninterrupted. Hmm, I forgot though tonight is Dr. Marvin’s night. Pswhoo. I will sure be glad to see him! It’s been a tough week!

We thought we might stay late last night, but when push came to shove, we were ready to leave at 4 pm. When I got home Rich was still here. He had made the two of us dinner and we tried to be appreciative although I didn’t feel deserving of it nor much capable of waiting the five minutes it would take for him to complete the cooking task. We get moany. *Sigh*

We did make it though by crunching on a few cereals, and then we sat down to dinner with him and talked about the stuff happening between us for the day. He has been having a bad couple weeks at his work. Plus, he’s under a lot of pressure to be getting everything ready to go on time for fishing. He’s really doing well all considering.

He had gotten a phone call so I think we went back to the computer, but I’m not sure about this part. It seems right. He had to leave about 6 pm. We’ve been getting not only moany, but we’ve gotten groany too. We’re trying to hold it into check.

We were feeling fussidy though because we’re not sure what’s going to happen with the computer. We talked to him for a few moments, but I know he’s got his extra money invested in the fishing so isn’t in a good position of doing much that might help. We feel crabby with ourselves for not being able to figure it through. He didn’t like the idea of putting it on a lease, but we knew we’d wait for the financing announcement before we could make our next decision.

I know that we aren’t good at saving and we wouldn’t want to just dribble through the money. So we figure that if we don’t get this computer – well we’re not going to want a regular laptop … just isn’t towing the mark. So, we’d have to make a decision whether we were going to put it aside and try the impossible of waiting to collect the balance, or if we were going to take care of some of our credit problems like paying off the gym, Dell, Kohls and a little down on school, or if we’d do something else. Dr. Marvin is right when he says money burns a whole in our pocket.

We did try the other day getting a hole of the printer people. It was a big hassle and a lot of waiting. The guy that answered the phone finally said it sounded like a software problem and he was going to hand us over to that department which was the guys that were going to charge me. I was pretty crabby about that and thought I was going to have to swallow another $30 like I had with the Microsoft people, but after we got on line with them, they said they would be charging us $120. MAN-O-MAN was we mad. Not even Sr.’s expensive computer guy charges that much … and HE would have to be responsible for an hour and he knew what he was doing and CAME out to the place so we didn’t have to fumble around for the help guys. I was just fuming. If someone had hung up harshly … well it wouldn’t totally be a bad thing. Right?

I think we are going to need going through the plan where we call Maury and ask him to take a look at it. He installed it the first time and has had more experience fixing computers … I know this is a printing problem, but we’ve got to be doing something. It was an expensive printer that we really need and Rich needs to have working.

That reminds me Sr. Theresa asked about our printer working yesterday … I guess we were in a very good confessy mood yesterday so we told her it was down too. She never likes it when we put things like this off, but we’d thought it cost so much to have someone out that we’d wait until someone was coming out for one of the other printers. She said she’d have the guy come out. Man when it rains it pours. Poor sister … I’m not so sure if she should want to be keeping us.

Hmm, Rich just woke up … It’s 5 minutes to 6 am so he’s up a half hour early this morning. He wanted to remind me right away that our phone had gone battery dead yesterday and should be plugged in, but we’d already taken care of that when we got up. So we smooched him good and let him go. There’s been some teasing back and forth about me messing with the other guy because when he walks past I stop typing.

*Giggle* He sure wakes up a silly bunny!

Last night I fell asleep on the couch watching CNN and we must have woken almost by the time he got home or there about. I remember laying on the couch so I could get massaged and he could watch a show to tire him out. He said he only won $30 … that’s not like a WHOLE fortune, but it might help. Then he said something about REAL bed and we scampered in ahead of him to jump in HIS bed. WooHOO!!! He be the bunny friend!

We’ve gotten now up to this morning. We are going to have to take a shower though.

Shoot … why does that happen EVERY morning!??

WooHOO! We’re back! We just got done smooching smooch-face to pieces … we told him we were pre-kissing for all the time he’s going to be gone. I think he almost bought that … but he was jittery with goose bumps … he says awe ‘cmon now! We say like … ok … we’re now coming on! Then he wines a little cute wine and says he has all this stuff on his list to do. *Giggle* He read for me two pages of notes when I was getting my medicine and doing our lunch … then when he got done we said, “Hmm? What did you say?” For a split second I caught his mouth falling agape. Then he knew we were teasing him. It would have been a long list of stuff to do to read twice. He’s definitely into fishy mode – he’s got a jillion things to do. He’ll do most of it and what he can’t do he’ll catch up with down the line. I figure that somewhere around where he is fishing they are going to have a fishy store too. I’m really glad that Ron is going … he’s had a boat for a long time and is softer on Rich than Bob would have been. He’ll make sure that Rich is taught right! And, they’ve got a whole week in Louisiana to work things out right, hmm?

So now with all that set aside … we’ve got about a half hour left of our “At HOME” space. What comes next?

First thought was to throw some order on the day … I suppose that would be logical, right? First thing is going to be Group 1 … it is Thursday … so I only have one more day with them before I get the next off. We haven’t done any groups this week, but there’s a good chance I’ll do the CIRCLES group today and tomorrow. I’ll also have staff training today and Thinking Group tomorrow. I’m going to try not being grouped out to pieces!

In between all that … Hmm? Well the first thing is first … we’re going to want to finish that last guys Qnotes. And, then we’ll set up a system for doing the annual reports. Hmm, actually, we should be doing the goals first or alongside each of the annual reports since they are part of the annuals. Maybe that would mean for that 7-8 that need some kind of correcting … hmm, do we do them all at once or do we throw in annuals in between? No, I think we should do the goals first and then the annual reports. Better get the trainers caught up … this would be a good time to do it … and then we could set up some kind of marathon of doing the annuals – like so many to the day. Maybe that’s the way to go. It’s the goals that are going to slow us down. We’ll have to set our speed to a little speedier.

Is there anything else? I know I want all this done before the new trainers come in … I think we have one doing papers this week and starting next Friday … and then the other starts Monday March 2nd, so that’s in 12 business days. That will be our goal with all this then. There might be one more person – the third one starting in between the other two, but sister’s not too sure of her. I only gave her a 50-50 report. I’m sure she’d do fine, but she’s not overly smart and probably has bad habits from working in another facility for 3 years. She’s got the most experience, but they didn’t have their people doing too much. We’ll have to see. I’m thinking Sr. is not going to take her. We’ll have to see if Theresa is going to be gone for a while. If she does become employed by St. Rose, she will work under Maria while I take the other two – the ones with the degrees.

That means I’ll probably have only 10 days to work through this because two of the Fridays’ before the second one gets here we’ll be on training with the woman coming in just Friday’s AND I’ll want to throw in getting the Qnotes done for this last month. I only caught us up through last month’s notes. Pshwoo. I’m going to need and stay focused. Have to put our goals firmly down. And, along with that we need to start gym again … hmm, did we mention that? Whoops. Sorry.

Hmm, Rich says he’ll be getting back around 7:30 pm and then he still needs to go grocery shopping and check on his mail. Yeeks … he asked if I’ll want to come with, but we’re not very good in a grocery store yet. It takes longer most often than our ½ hour and we’d like not to go in with the electronic cart. BUT, then there is that thought maybe we could go to the gym? No, probably not after a Dr. Marvin’s … we won’t get home until 6:15 pm and we’ll be hungry. That would be too easy of an excuse to stop somewhere bad for us. Better get home and eat here.

I would like to keep in consideration a couple of things. First the gym is open until 11 pm M-Th, until 10 pm on Friday and 7 pm Sat/Sun. AND it opens at 5:30 am weekdays and 8 am on weekends. Probably due to the writing we’ll never get there in the morning, but maybe we should try to set our clock differently for the evening.

There’s too much down time … just sleeping through the early evening waiting for Rich to come home, and then we never really thoroughly wake up and just sleep again. I’d like to build some stamina. Wouldn’t you like to see that too?

I’ve been thinking that we should try going back to a liquid diet for a bit until we get the weight back under control. I think we would allow fudgsicles and jellos, but I think that’s a partially liquid diet. We’d have to go back to the protein drinks though and stop eating the tortillas with peanut butter for the energy. I’m thinking that with Rich gone this week it be a good time to start.

Now how are we going to stick to something? Maybe we’ll have to figure out the part about switching gym for swimming. This means we are going to have to get our body ready for swimming *sigh* I think the part we get stuck on is how to get changed back into our clothes after being wet. We don’t want to go through the locker room wet, because we leave a puddle, but the alternative is to take off the suit and dry in the shower, but that means going through the locker room naked. I see most women doing that, but with all our fat I’m not comfortable with that.

I guess the alternative ... no - that wouldn’t work, because we’ll have our clothes locked in the locker. Oh dear … this is a sticky one.

We’ve only got a few moments left … so what are we going to do? What we have been doing is leaving a puddle in the dressing room. But, it’s more complicated with the coat because we need to lock the clothes in the locker because the coat is too big to just hang in the bag loosely. Shoot, this is troublesome … Maybe we can bring it up with Dr. Marvin tonight maybe he’ll have some idea? That’s our best bet so far.

No use fretting over it until we get to that point.

Hmm, we just thought of something … what would happen if we left our clothes in a bag by the shower and then locked up the other stuff like coat or other valuables in a locker … then we could get dressed in the shower … and drip dry there without getting the gym floor wet or having to cross the floor naked. Hmm! That’s thinking now girls! I think it could work. Just have to split our stuff. Wow … we’re being impressed with you this morning!

Ok, now … let’s get on with the next step … We are going to want to be with Rich tomorrow for his last day here, but that means no excuses we have to do the gym on Saturday. Ok … now what’s going to keep us honest? We do have new motivation … I would like to think that we’d comply with Rich’s trade-off – going to the wedding for getting back to the gym. Hmm, I think this could work!

Ok, then … be taking care … it’s off to work we go!