Man-o-man when it rains it pours - State survey edition
Good morning. This is me. AHA! I see V’s done some work over there behind Vlandish skies! Bravo V!I want to welcome one more to the blog. If I played my cards right, CS or Connie Sue my sister is now sharing our space. So welcome to you sister dear!
CS has reminded me that I have an invite to her son’s wedding on June 20th. AND, she doesn’t know this yet, but Rich is trying to strike a bargain with me that is a win-win situation. He says that if I go back to the gym, he will make sure he personally hand delivers us to the wedding. WOOHOO!!! I think we’re coming! We’ll get a hotel room, but I wanted to tell you CS … thanks for the invite of sharing your home. LOVE YOU!
Ok, ok … I know I’m not up much for open shout-outs, but I thought this time an occasion. You should know CS that I discuss the people that read here very, very little. I hope this is not insulting, but I’m trying not to offend anyone. Now to those who don’t read … well at least we try to be very honest and real and not disfavor anyone. We’re trying.
Yesterday and today are two of those days that were made in some kind of hell. You knew that I’d stayed home yesterday and we were working on the Lenovo package. We did by the way advance that enough to get the print-out and filled-it-out and then sent it back through fax. I’m not overly optimistic of getting a loan approval though especially in this day and age. It will just depend. On most applications we send in for credit, it comes back no, but then again sometimes we slip through the barrier. All we can do is hope, but not so much that it turns us into a tails spin if we don’t get through. We’ll just have to keep figuring … I really did like the part though that we were paying off some of those bills. That was nice. I really hope we can do it.
There’s something more of the day that I figure we should get out before our time is gone … it’s 5:45 am now. Yesterday I got an email soon followed by a call. Sister communicated and then had Rosa communicate that of all days … the State had showed up for an inspection. This is the one day of the year you have to honestly fear – especially if you don’t have all your work done.
When we first got the message … oh yeah on more thing … we’re not over it yet.
Usually they send 2 people and it’s done by noon, but this time there was one person so she is coming back. I think she’s done with me, but we’ll find out soon if she discovers the parts we would rather wish to be hiding. But, now we’re jumping ahead of ourselves.
At first when I talked to St. Rose, they told me that they’d already gotten two client files. It actually turned out to be 3 client files, but that’s beside the fact. I guess she took the extra because it was the last client added. I didn’t know how that was going to go. I figured out pretty quickly that the two clients she’d chosen were both through the part of having Qnotes. But, I had to be a little more creative with the annual part. I’m embarrassed of this part though so I’m going to go without saying thoroughly what happened … I’m not to confuse anyone, but we’re only part honest. Ok, that’s enough … we’re going to move on past that point, where we’re more honest than dishonest, but would wish for more strength in this direction.
I waited a bit at home thinking since they had my files there was no reason to go in. My feeling was that I’d hurt the agency more than help it. But there were a few calls and Rosa let me know that they thought I’d be coming in and then we talked to Rich who didn’t shade that for us at all. He said we really had to go in because we’re part of the agency or whatever. Mostly he got us to be thinking that although it was nonsensical that we were panicking, we might be able to help in one slim thing or another, so we really should go in. I wasn’t convinced on the phone to him, but in talking to Rosa that moment or two decided that shower or not we should go in. At the time I was hoping that they’d be in and out before we could get there but that appears to have been wishful thinking.
The ride to the city was pretty much in a blur. I made it there in 20 minutes. I was going pretty speedy. Oh oh … the one of us that says “pretty” too much is out.
Shoot. Rich would say take it up a notch. Shoot, shoot.
Well, we got there and it was soon confirmed with what I thought I’d heard over the phone. Holly was being very adamant. I heard that she was yelling and such that they were too early and couldn’t be here. But, I guess she was going to do the Qnotes afterward, so Holly had time to write up something for that one client she had to present. She always says … they always seem to pick my worst client on the list. I don’t know what happened there, but for wherever we were … Holly was into it more.
It doesn’t excuse our own problems, just it gives me some relief in knowing that I’m not the only one. Sister indicated too that we were already being noted for doing a few other things wrong. I don’t recall what they were yet, but I had the idea that they were the nit-picky stuff that could have been interpreted otherwise, but wasn’t. I was able to help Sr. with a few things to let the surveyor know – especially in earmarking some of the policies and procedures.
Sister after seeing me come in had been standing at Cathy’s door. She said the lady needed 3 staff and so she picked Cathy and Maria and me. That was probably the easiest part. I think I interviewed well enough. She had about 3 – 4 pages of questions and they were mostly based on safety. I had just gone over policies and procedures with the group, so I felt pretty confident there. Beside at that time she felt to be the shakier of the two of us. She’s the newest surveyor and I don’t know how long she’s been out doing it on her own. She was being very sticky though and asking every question in the book going down several lists. We tried being accommodating without talking too much. That is Holly’s problems in this she talks out loud when she’s nervous tipping her hand generously. I tend to answer in simple answer form. My thinking is that both Maria and Cathy would do the same as us - only the information that was asked. There was nothing personal asked like about our feelings for the center, so we didn’t respond to them.
Maybe a little more of this in a few moments, but we’re going to need going to the shower now … should I think wish me the best?
Ok, ok … we’re back. We did all our morning things and then we had heard Rich rustling so we went into his bedroom and laid down with him a moment. As things go … he caught us in two things wrong. First someone didn’t get to bed right and had fallen asleep on the couch and then somebody apparently ate the left-over burrito that Rich had brought home for us. I wish those somebuddies would stop getting us into trouble! HMPF!
For the most part though he’s just nice and cuddly … just that we get lectured a moment or two too. If we started doing EVERYthing right, he would have probably no reason left to talk to us. See there’s a good reason for this kind of misbehavior, right?
Shh, shh. Ok girls let’s move on.
*Sigh* Ok, ok.
I think though you got pretty much of the day. It was hard to breath at times because you want to do the right thing, but it sometimes feels a million miles away. I really wish we weren’t walking into a situation that the lady is coming back. I don’t know how many more points we can afford to have taken off or how much she’s caught me doing something wrong. I have to argue with our own circular logic that says it’s more wrong if you get caught than if you just smooth over it quietly. I’ve made a study of people in the news doing things wrong. I know that if confronted it’s always best to tell, but I think most people are like me and not wanting to say anything until caught. I think that makes me a particularly bad kind of person, and most the time we just try to live with ourselves.
Oh dear … sounds like we’re being judge and jury over ourselves. Ok, girls let’s just take it a little at a time as it is coming in. There’s no reason to worry about things just have to take them in stride. I think the only or best reason I have for not getting things done on time is that I always take care of what’s priority first, but we’re not real good at putting priorities in front of the parts of us that are trying not to be overwhelmed. There’s certain parts of us … many of us that are just trying to get along with life the best we can. Confidence has never been our strong suit.
I’m trying to think what we would do if she said … ok, I’m going to give you one chance to come clean before I might bust someone. I think if put that way, I would take whatever lumps we’ve got coming to us and tell her about those two annuals. Oh please … just make this go away. This is the advantage of our dissociation.
There’s something else I already got busted on … One of the clients of mine she selected had a late staffing. I knew it at the time, but the day that I had scheduled the guys grandfather had died and it took a while before the mother was in any shape to be at the center for the meeting.
I should get busted for not having signatures too. I just don’t want to think of this anymore.
Sweet Pea is out of the shower … WooHOO! At least some parts of life are grand. AHA! Naked man alert!!
Shh, ok you … now we’ve talked about that before. Modesty, remember?
Last night Rich was out but had told me to bring home the books and fix them. We couldn’t drag them out of the bag. Instead we lay back on the couch and tried to be ok with life. We investigated a few things on the laptop from work, but didn’t get a lot done … we were still mulling over the part of trying to get a new computer.
Hmm, there was one good thing that had happened yesterday. We got approved as to our taxes. That’ means that we should be able to use the green card in another day or so to do with it as we please. I’m going to need to figure some way about that so the money doesn’t get spent until we play out all our best options.
I can’t help but to think of not getting a computer at all and instead putting all the money aside for debt, but that part doesn’t seem nearly as wonderful as the other. *Sigh* ok, few moments left let’s try to find something pleasant?
One of the things I was looking at on-line yesterday was about a book that was available to learn how to better use a tablet. It’s pretty inviting and might be worth the $24. Oh please let’s get the tablet!
As to today’s plans, I’m hoping that we don’t have to do CIRCLEs at noon, but in case we have to we’re going to think positively that we can do it. We’re also going to need watching group 1. I think the lady came yesterday about 9 or 9:30 am. So I have no reason to believe she’d come any earlier. We need to hope for the best.
We’re going to make it right?
Well it’s obvious we’re not getting anywhere too fast too soon. Even the attempts to find something positive have failed. The only thing is that I have to finish the annual work even if we do or do not make it through the inspection. Then we have to put full forward momentum into getting the CARF prepared. There is so much to do, but so little time to do it.
Ahh sweetie pie is here. Someone just got smooched! WooHOO! That’s a bright spot on the horizon. Rich kind of snuck it in that he’s going to want to be out again tonight. There is a special card game over at Ron’s he wants to go to. There are supposed to be about 10 guys there. I was in no position to deny him his desires.
Especially since last night was soooo good! Well … we’re not going into all that, but we can honestly say he’s a mystery nirvana!
Ok, better get on with the day … wish us luck! And, again thanks CS for being here!