Just some tidbits on Saturday morning before Obama
Good morning. This is me and it's a Saturday morning and I've been up for a couple of hours and not gotten too far, but we're still here nonetheless. It's now about 7:30 am. I've taken our shower already and I'm waiting for another half hour before getting Sweetie Pie up. I figure that will give him an hour to get ready. We're thinking we would like to leave about 9 am. We'll again be heading down to Obama National Headquarters. WooHOO!!! Yup, yup that's the deal!*Sigh* ... I'm looking forward to the day. We've been trying to get our computer up and running ... it seems that we were bogged down I'm so happy we've finally gotten up, but then there isn't much time to be writing. I'm pretty in the air about where or what we want to be writing about. Ok, ok ... this seems normal, hmm? It is just that it was so hard to get everything going this morning on the computer, and then there's the catching up on news ... I don't know why news is so important to me, but I love getting back to CNN.
Hmm, now we're listening to Gupta ... he's the medical guy ... they are doing a piece on memory ... they've got this one guy who's got a phenomenal memory and they are saying that studying him they will find secrets to memory. It's more specific than that, but it's the just of it. What a cool asset that would be.
Ok, this is just more stalling on the day. Maybe I'm not too proactive. I'm just kinda floating. I keep looking at the clock as to when I can wake up Sweetie.
Hmm, ok, that's something we do. We talk about the day before. The last memory I have is that Sweetie came home ... Not sure about when maybe about 10 pm. He had been out with the guys doing his last football game of the season. And, then they went out to eat. Somehow or another we fell into this little intimate interlude. WOOHOO!!! My guy is hot!
He put us then to bed and the rest is this morning. we've got about 15 minutes before we wake him up. I'm looking so forward to our little warm-up exercises where I'm going to crawl into bed and slowly massage him to waking up. He's soooo cool. Did I tell you that part already?
I don't remember too much about the day before that time when he walked in and we were woken up. So, that's yesterday in a nutshell.
Ok, is there anything else we need to be writing about? Not sure. Whoops forgot about charging up our mini-machines. Just plugged them in ... at least I'll progress those for about an hour or so. Couldn't hurt.
Hmm, feeling just a bit flighty. Not sure where to lead our mind. Maybe it's just because my minds are no where in particular. We just happen to find our fingers on the keyboard with room to roam. I would get dressed, but I figured I'll wait until Rich gets up so I don't interrupt him. Just a few more minutes now. I'm surprised how long he is sleeping in. He's such a snugglebunny.
Ok, 10 more minutes before the WAKE-UP moments. What should we be thinking next? Anything on the day? Hmm, not really. We know that we're going downtown and that Rich is going to pick drop us off and pick us up. He's got the thought he might play poker today, but then he's also thinking he may go fishing this afternoon with Bob at Bob's club. Bob was going to go further away, but he didn't want to wait until Saturday when Rich was going to be able to go, so then Bob called his back-up fishing friend, but then he backed out and now Rich I think feels insulted that he wasn't considered first, because it had turned out before the other friend cancelled Bob had switched their time over to what Rich had originally wanted.
I think too that Rich is concerned because they are talking snow by Sunday or Monday and he is thinking it might be too cold to be out there. NOT that my superbuddy isn't well-worthy of all the fishyman bravado to be out there, it's just that I think he might need a little break. He's been going on strong for about a month and a half now. I think he's looking forward to sleeping in his own bed. I can't remember the last time we watched Sunday morning TV together. It's got to be that time soon, right?
Hmm, anything else? Wow I'm really reaching into the depths of something not real deep this morning aren't I? Maybe I should give in and go snuggle the bunny. It's gotta be a good idea, because he's soooo warm and fuzzy!
WooHOO!!! We woke him up! He's such a nice person in the morning. He doesn't ever growl at us. There was a little question as to the time because his clock said 7 am while our clocks were saying 8 am. But, sure enough 3 of the 4 clocks said 8 am, so we're thinking we're good to go. He's in the washroom now. He's going to want to take a shower before we go. When asked he said, he'd still prefer some card playing opposed to fishing. I think he has some domestic goals too. Whoop here he is!
Oh dear ... he says his mind is foggy, but he's holding the remote ... what am I supposed to do with that? Whoops said that outloud ... doesn't make him less foggy. He's looking for his bass fishing shows. I know I have got to give him time, but it is a little hard to give up our CNN.
Oh good ... he's in the shower. We are going to have to work on that space we got between smooching him to pieces and messing with my CNN. Life is hard ya know?
AHA! We figured out our coat. Rich says that it's getting up to 55, but I know that it's cold downtown and we're going down there in the morning and coming back in the evening ... so we think we're going to miss that 55 degree weather. I tested out two coats and the one I found best usable is my Dad's old coat. He used to give it to me to wear when I went outside to have a smoke. I haven't worn it for a couple of years, but it's now about time for that one. It's between seasons, is a nice muted green, and is a little big so feels comfortable to wear. I've still got to worry about wearing my more summer clothing, but I'm not sure what else I could be doing about that. I wish I had a long sleeve white shirt, I could wear that underneath my other shirt. I'm not sure maybe we should look, brb
WooHOO!! We're back. We were in the bedroom with Rich and we did some snooping around and we found that we have some sweatshirts in the middle of our two closets in a hard to reach spot. BUT, they FIT!!! That means I have some fall clothes. I'm soooooo happy. I don't have to wear summer clothes when its cool outside. I'm wearing the sweatshirt with my jean skirt, and I only pulled back the top of my hair instead of putting it in a ponytail. Ponytails are for summer or for the gym, but for now ... I feel super fall like ... It makes me sooooo happy. I know these sweatshirts are years old, but they are new to today's wardrobe. This one has some faded delicate redish flowers with shaf-wheat type background spread. It's blue and has a white collar as if I were wearing two shirts, but there's only one.
Actually, yup yup just checked ... it is the same shirt and hair look that's on our website ... the one under Dr. Marvin where we are holding the phone. Yup yup ... that's just what we look like except we are happier because we're really looking forward to the day. Rich is happy too, because we gave up our CNN to finish our blog here. We've only got about 10 minutes to go. We're both happy now. He's got his fishy show taped so he's crusing through the commercials. I like it too in that it allows me to concentrate more on the writing - that's not to say that we have that much more to write about ... We're still low there.
Whoops, I forgot we've got some getting ready to do ... better brb. Take care!!!