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Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Long Day made some progress ... going up a tall hill

This is me. We are now in a waiting mode. There is about a half an hour before my last staffing for the year. Everything is ready. There was one loop when the DSP for the staffing started to tell me before we sat down was that she wouldn’t be at the staffing because she was needed elsewhere. That’s like “Oh FUDGE!” moments. To make matters worse, she had a cotton pad in her mouth due to having a tooth pulled the day before … I wasn’t sure if she was going to be able to speak at all.

Fortunately, that worked out. We both got settled and then she came in to answer some questions. There isn’t a lot of real valuable information, but there is something. Because there will be a translator its not all a bad thing that there isn’t a whole lot of info. I have just a sentence or two about each of the program areas. All the copies are made and things are set aside to pick up when we get the message that people have arrived.

I can’t tell you how happy I am that I’m so close to the end of this annual ordeal.

I still have a few Qnotes to complete and I will after today have 3 annuals to be writing out. They aren’t too late. The other two were from last week. We’re getting there, it’s just a process right?

Snuggle bunny is not at work today … he has time off to go with his older son to visit his grandmother. That’s going to be a nice day for him. I think he is going to be home late, so we might be here later if we can get in the groove. I’d like to get a few things done, like we need to plan tomorrow’s staff training meeting, and we should do some advance work on the Thinking group, not to mention, we don’t have an official plan for the CIRCLES group. It would take some stress off to complete those tasks today. We can get by with the CIRCLES because we can read out of the book, But, I want to keep on track with the other two groups. I can’t believe all the time these groups are taking. It’s going to be ok, right?

I am a little jittery. I might have to stop in the washroom before going to the meeting.

Ok, I’m back … it’s now about 1:30 pm. I’ve finished the staffing and I’ve finished the CIRCLES meeting for the day. I’m feeling very out of it. Kind of shaky … I’ve had lunch already, so I know it isn’t that. I’m having trouble clearing my mind.

There was a lot of pressure from inside us to finish the meetings. I thought Sister was going to be angry at me, because the first parent had to be called after the meeting’s start date to remind them to be here. Fortunately, sister was in a good mood, came in and chatted with us and the CSO person. She just made one simple comment about calling parents before. I’m so glad that’s over.

Now, we’ll just have to complete those three annual reports, goals and objectives sheet and the long goals. We can do it, we can do it.

The new Q is frustrated with us. I’m not sure what sister told her before I got there, but she was very defensive concerning the things Sister had called her for.

She kept repeating that she hadn’t been told to do the 30 Day report before the meeting. To me that meant that she assumed she knew and didn’t ask questions.

She’s the one that wanted to do things on her own. After that point was made clear and she got her client load, I backed up … whenever I’ve asked if she needs help, she says no thanks I can figure it out. *Sigh* We can only offer help where it is accepted. Let’s move on. Eventually she’ll talk to me. Sr. steered the meeting as if I were her higher up. Sister emphasized don’t ask Holly ask Ann, but I doubt that is not going to happen anytime soon.

There … I made a separate document for ALL the questions Candice asks. She thinks she asks, but she doesn’t. She sure didn’t like being disciplined. But, then neither do I. I stood up for her where I could. But, I won’t support her just making statements that I don’t believe. Next time Sister gets a statement, she never asks me questions, I will be prepared. I know though that I asked her about the 30 Day and as always the response is no thank you … I can figure it out. Ok, ok beating a dead horse on that one. Better let it go. I’m the trainer and as much as I am allowed to train I will, but I won’t chase after anyone. You need to want to learn to make the teaching effort worthwhile. I’m not a great teacher, but I have useful information.

Ok, what’s next of the day. It’s now 1:45 … I’m still a little out of it, but I should get something done. Where’s that list. Pretty simple list

Complete annual for 3 people

Complete goals and objectives for 3 people

Complete long-goals for 3 people

Ok, we’re repeating. What’s so hard about this, besides we’re not the part that usually does such things? Ok … let’s look around. What do we have to do? Hmm, start with the first one? Ok, that seems to make sense. So and so’s annual. What do I need? Probably a good idea to clear the desks … let me do that first. Ok, that’s done … had to then take care of some doctor things, and then run a slip up to sister concerning those dates needing to be off. We got our pop for the day while we were there. Now it’s about 2:30. How long should we stay tonight? Are we going to leave at 4 pm, or stay later?

I’m kind of sick of work today and Rich is going to be gone til late. He’s with his son … hmm, think I said that at the start and now we’re still on page 2 … Not making very good progress writing, but maybe that’s good, because we are doing work.

Work ? Oh that’s right. Ok, need … hmm, doctor’s office must have been reading our
mind. They called to confirm the appointment. I think I’m ready. I put the necessary paperwork in my bag. Now … don’t slip here. We have to get back to work. We need to put something on our desk to do dear? I know, but it’s nice and neat and there is only 1 pen. Hold on … I can fix that. We had one last pen hiding just in case. Ok, dear pens all balanced. Next? Need work out remember? Hmm?

Ok, let’s take this slow. We need to get so and so’s client file and we need to get his annual file. When you get the annual file … look in it to see if there is anything that needs to go to the regular file. Then look for the papers … Hmm, which papers? We’re going to need the agenda and the last annual from the Word program, then we have to start editing it for this year. We’ll need the meeting papers if there are any to write that set of notes. Maybe? Let’s go look, k? Shhh be brave! Yes maam.

Hmm, we’re back. It’s 4:30 pm. We’re going to stay for another half hour, I think. I am after hours, so it doesn’t bother me so much. I finally have a quiet space and I’m going to revel in it. We took care of a lot of desk work. We started putting away papers from the client’s file – the annual file is a temporary, until everything is ready to go to the other file. While, we were putting away, we reached into that bad spot that was collecting papers, and we filed and processed them. It meant a couple of trips up front, but I can have a really clear conscious now. I think though that we are going to place calls to those parents who don’t have records in. Hmm? I wonder if I should do that now? Seems like a good idea, Hmm?

Ok, we’re good … it’s 5 pm now … it took about 22 minutes. We had 5 families to call. That wasn’t too bad. I didn’t get a hold of everyone, but I left messages.

I will call a few back. There are 7 documents outstanding, but 3 are covered by appointments already made, and 4 of the 7 are for dental, which the state doesn’t really require, but it is a St. Rose rule, so it is just as important. Lots of the people here have bad teeth problems. The parents owe it to the kids to get them in once a year. We’ve had a few that needed extensive dental work done after they went the first time. It’s like a public service. At least that’s what I tell myself to get through the calls. You have to be tough, but nice at the same time.

Because people like to say, ok … whenever … and then a month later on follow-up they are saying oh yeah, ok, I’ll make that appointment right now. I’m good on it this time, I had sent out letters a month ago, one month later is good follow up. I will sit on them until they are in. The ones who haven’t contacted me by mid November will get another call. I’m determined to get through this … I want all my records ON-TIME.

I know, I know then we’ll have to get through those three annual reports. See, we avoid too. Just it would be embarrassing at this stage of the game to get called out for not having work done. Specially because the State is on schedule to come visit client files anytime between November and December. They don’t have to announce they are coming and they can look at any file. They only take a handful, but you never know which one’s they are getting. I’d relax a lot more knowing they are ready. Ok, girls calm down.

Holly came back to check when I’m leaving … we had said 5 pm, but one of the mothers is supposed to be back by 6 pm. I said, we’d call back. That’s 45 minutes from now. I’ve been given thorough directions on how to lock-up because I’m the only one in the building now, but it boils down to locking the secretaries door and check the main door on the way out. Holly was out of sorts because SHE was supposed to lock up. Eh … can’t do that kind of stuff. At least we’re trying.

I’m not sure when Rich is supposed to be getting back, that might be worth a check.

Hmm, he didn’t answer. He said late, but that he would call sometime. I have to suppose he’s still with son and wouldn’t pick up my call when with him. Well, that also tells me I don’t have to rush home. I feel good because everything is pretty much in order, but I should do the staff training before the 1 pm meeting. That might take about the same amount of time as I got now, why don’t we look at that, Hmm??

Ok, what do we gotta do? Hmm, got a copy of Staff Training from Week 3. I wasn’t here last week so this stuff is like spreading out forever. Need to figure out where we’re at. One of the other little things we got done was to get something in for the next newsletter. I submitted something long, but it is on “Bullying.” I think first people think of school yard bullying, but that’s not it. Some of our clients bully each other without knowing it. I was bullying the families almost into getting their forms in. The difference is that I’m not trying to hurt anyone or ask for anything that’s not within my job description. This is the paper we turned in.

• Need to control or dominate
• Could be prejudiced
• Have low social skills
• They may be jealous
• Have a poor sense of humor
• They may have suffered from bullying in their past too.
• They may want to avoid heavy punishment by staying “under the wire.”
• They may be quick to anger
• Addicted to aggressive behavior
• Mistake others as hostile
• Have a poor self-image
• And may have rigid or obsessive behavior.
Things the victim should know:
• Most everyone gets teased some of the time.
• If you feel good about yourself and have a sense of humor, it’s easier to let remarks roll off your back.
• Bill Cosby suggests try repeating the word, “So” as in “what about it?” after receiving a barb.
• People who tease can be scared, confused, or unhappy. Try seeing their point of view
• Keep your cool.
• Write down all the things that have been dumped on you and then either by yourself or with others come up with ways to respond to each.
• Practice having the power of not being bent out of shape by someone else.
• If you start to get mad, take a few breaths and walk away.
For the person in charge, they may:
• Try to listen
• Investigate the situation and decide if there should be an intervention
• Follow-up in communication with the victim an all instances of aggression
• Monitor the behavior of the bully and the safety of the victim
• Make adults aware of the situation and involve them
• Make it clear that bullying is never acceptable
• Increase adult supervision where necessary
• Emphasize caring, respect and safety
• Emphasize consequences of hurting others
• Enforce consistent and immediate consequences for aggressive behaviors
• Teach cooperative learning activities
• Help bullies with anger control and development of empathy
• Encourage positive peer relations
• Offer a variety of extracurricular activities which appeal to a range of interests

I don’t know if it will be too long. It could fairly take up a page by itself, but it is also 1 ½ spaced I think. Yep, took it down to single space … it’s a long ¾ of a page. It might be ok. I like it because I think that around the holidays when this paper is due, people – regular adults start bullying each other adding pressure and stress to the family. If they read it, they might recognize themselves. The statements are neat because they add three perspectives of bully, victim, and helper. I think we each do some of all these things, but I always believe that given conscious effort, we can stop. I never know who is reading these things, but the newsletter goes out to 800-1000 families. Maybe it will influence just one person for the better and that would be enough. There’s just so much abuse and neglect out there. You just never know who you might touch … better get something out there for safety’s sake. Hmm, we’re imagining someone’s younger sister picking it up and coming into enlightenment why maybe her big brother is picking on her.

That be cool.

Ok, ok … that’s enough of that. What’s next. Hmm, not really up to doing teacher stuff … we’re kind of tired. Maybe though we could at least come up with some ideas for it? Hmm?

Hmm, we could do something with health activities … I’d like to do something for the hands on part … do we still have our DSP book?

Pshwoo … done with that part. I’ve gone as far as I want to with teaching skills.

We didn’t find the safety book with goals, but there was something better that happened. We found ourselves in front of a book we had loved before called, “The Skillful Teacher.” We flipped a couple of pages and found ourselves at one 5 page chapter on “Routines.” This seemed like a beauty place to go, because they and we all have routines. And, we are coming off a rough situation of teaching this afternoon with the CIRCLES group. The problem was there were a couple of people pushing for command of the group and the others wanted attention, but they couldn’t get past the two majors. There were only six people #1N, #2A, #3M, #4J, #5C, and #6K. #2 and #6 were the two who needed attention. #2 and #6 both took considerably long turns at speaking and speaking over their peers. #2 played a game of feigning sleep and #6 wanted to invasively help others. #4 is usually a trouble-maker too, but he’s into a new routine where he sticks close to me, such as when I go to the front of the room to insert a tape, he follows me. That seems to be because he gets bullied by #2. Today #4 seemed more tired. Hmm, funny the major characters are all even numbers. That should help somewhere along the line.

Well the basic of the group is that there were so many attention and attention deficit needs – the odd numbers struggling to relate to something that we didn’t get very far with the goals on my agenda, which was talking about neighbors and how they were in the yellow circle where people didn’t hug, talk intimately, or overly trust each others. This is not a global statement, but in comparison of family or close friends. It was important to say that neighbors are within a distance of polite handshakes, but that’s it.

Anyway … where we are going to go with the teachers is to establish a small exercise – I can have them distribute the materials used at the CIRCLES group, do a small exercise, and then clean up. Then we can talk about how they completed the task and compare it to routines of the group. Then we could talk about establishing routines. How would you teach people to put the scissors in head first, or collect extra figures, or get the coloring done, or getting it taped on proper? Hmm, better work on this … if we then looked or checked my original goals against the list of 7 items to see if I were consistent. We could then check to see which standards were embedded into the routine. That would be like a report card. Hmm, I sorta accept the third section, but I don’t think we’ve hit the mark yet.

It seems that each day I go in and over and over again we repeat the routine of coloring the next circle and cutting out the pictures. Each of the four groups do this. I could compare that to what? Better do some more reading, but now its 6:15 … let’s make that call and get out of here, k? Woo HOO!