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Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Flopping loosely

Good afternoon … this is me. We’re into the last hour of real work, but I’m not sure how much real work got done today. I’m not sure all what happened though. I remember that we did a group, but we weren’t very good at it … It was group I and the two lead males are at odds with one another. Kid stuff, he said, she said … yah yah right. *Sigh*

I’ve been at odds with ourselves I think. If there were any sense of unity holding us together today it would have to be around the weight. We filled out a long surgical information form that was sent to us. At least three of the pages were repeats depending on whether you wanted lap band or bariatric surgery. I want the bariatric, but I’m not sure if I can have it. My doctor says it is the better of the two. I think she meant that it was more likely to help in losing weight. She had recommended me to Dr. Ayloo a bariatric surgeon. I think we’ve told you that we are going to see her next Thursday. I’m thinking that I might take the day off.

I’ve got Dr. Marvin on that day too. I will have seen the knee guy two days before and there will be another appointment 5 days after to check on the hair loss.

I can’t tell you how often that I think that the things cascading on my head now are going to take me to an early grave. I’m not sure how far we’ve processed all of that. I feel so much guilt toward the boys and Rich. Keep feeling like I’m just not going to be here. There are too many things wrong with us. I have to be careful, because my eyes are starting to tear up. We’re still at work though so that isn’t a very good idea. Rich would remind us of that. Ok, you buckle up!

Change direction?