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Friday, July 06, 2007

Working our way through the work day

Good morning. This is me ... we're typing from work this morning because we're trying to get organized. This is a hard thing to do. It's already 8:50 am and we're just really starting even though we got in about 7:30 am. We were really hoping that Sweetie Pie was going to call, but maybe he is going to wait a bit and call after we get home from work. We only knew that he said he would try sometime today.

We talked to him coming home from Dr. Marvin's last night. He said that he is number 10 of 10 of all the fishermen and that he's a lousy fishyguy. Well, you better believe we weren't buying that. My loverguy isn't lousy in anything bad! I think he's going to need some boostering big time if he doesn't catch a big fish today. This is his last day fishing and he starts home tomorrow morning at about 6 am. He says they will drive all day and get in around 9 pm. I'm not sure if that's going to happen cuz its a long trip to figure that closely, but we're going to hope for the best. I think its going to be a long Saturday though. We're going to go along HOPING he gets back pretty soon. *Sigh*

He said he would talk more of the particulars later on, so he's not saying too much. He started to say something about being behind in work,but I didn't want him going on about that, because what's the good of a fishy trip if you can't be getting the most out of it. Besides we figure that we went through all this hardship so he could have a good time ... so he BETTER be liking it! Besides ... I shouldn't have to hear just the bad stuff before his trip and the bad stuff after the trip and get nothing of the good stuff in between the trip! That just wouldn't be fair.

I think I have to concentrate today on preparing for annual meetings. I think that is coming up next Tuesday already. Hmm, yep one on the Tuesday the 10th.

Pshwoo ... that was a lot to do. It's now 11:39 and I'm about to go watch the lunch group. I figured out what was going on with the annuals to the first degree. I set up staff meetings with two staff, talked to one of the clients mothers for the first meeting ... talked to her support people and sister, stopped by for a second to check the progress of the annual report, and then talked to Sr. after reading this 25 page manual on how to process motor vehicle reports. No, I don't know where it says in my job contract I do that *giggle*

We still have a desk that's not perfectly in order ... maybe we'll do that after lunch. I need to make sure everything is in order. We also have to go through all the things we used to do for an annual to make sure that we are doing the absolute things. I will not be able to do the parts where we get a preference interview or an observation ... unless I do it condensed. Maybe we are still going to get that other Q?? Ok, lunch .

Ahh. Now it's an hour later. We're back from lunch. We did the group and talked to one of the staff who's planning her first plane venture in March. Woo HOO. Then there was the new staff in the lunch room so we were talking to her about her experiences. It's a lot to take in when you first start out. I love that she so excited, but I worry because her eyes look like she's not been sleeping so I hope that she's not overwhelming herself. She had the soaps on when I came in and we're thinking she's been in a total different world then she's used to. I hope she stays ... I'm afraid she's a worrier, but she is smart enough to do the job ... I like the way she thinks and is trying to get a grasp on it.

Ahh did one more thing ... we called a Dr. concerning one of our clients who I would like to talk to before her annual comes up. I think Sr. would like to discharge the client and the doctor wanted to be notified before we made that choice. Hmm, ok ... then what next. We've been monitoring informally the leadership group because the staff took some time before being here. It's ok ... Friday, remember? People including myself are a little out of tilt, because there is no Thinking Group. Normally that happens on Friday, and normally the staff meeting is the first Friday of the month. AHA ... that's another hour for us!

Ok, we gotto go back to the thought what's next. It seems before lunch we were concerned with the state of our desk. Looking around now and would have to agree it shows some problem areas. WooHoo that's one thing done. We had a CD of 3D globes we wanted someone to try so we brought it out to the leadership group. They'd just gotten in from downtown looking at the cities globe collection they have all along the lake front.

Hmm, we just took a moment to watch the new DSP working with balls outside with a couple clients. She is doing a very good job. It was a pleasure to be watching them. They are two clients who don't usually interact so it is good for both of them. Hmm, though my desk isn't much cleaner. Well a little ... one of the clients came for garbage so we cleared a few things into the basket. I suppose we are going to need to try harder. Ok, let's start with small stack to the right. Ok, that was pretty easy ... let's look at the stack in front of us on top the binders?

WooHOO got rid of another stack. I took the client surveys - the forms that I had hand wrote and I asked them to make a project out of it by working in pairs ... she could give them each a page and ask them to do it out in a worksheet. And, then after it is down you could have them reading one of the pairs to the other getting the notations in order higher to lower. It's not a project with a deadline, but is something pertinent to them, because it is their peers and their survey answers. I hope the DSP can handle the project ... I have to let it go, but we were emphasizing how I wanted the group to be doing it with only her organization. She's got to think through it a bit. I'm also hoping that she does it without complaining of the time it took. I know that she has a lot of unorganized time. Most of the clients had found something to do while she was organizing garbage, but there were a couple of clients sitting around with not anything to do. I also saw one of the regular clients hoarding a computer she considers hers, where it is supposed to belong to a team. *Sigh* Ok, have to back off that, but one more thing got accomplished.

Oh man ... do you know what just happened! Sr. Theresa called, and then she made an announcement over the intercome ... to announce that today is my 8th anniversary ... OH MAN! That's definitely a WOOHOO!!! I can't believe 8 years official. That's a pretty long time to work anywhere, right? I just called Rich to leave a message on his phone to let him know when he gets back in proximity. Shoot there must be someway to celebrate that's special and doesn't cost money.

Hmm, that's for sure ... it seems that I might be about $70 over ... I think it's not going to show up for a couple more days yet ... there are about 1555 bills ready to go out or be cashed and only 1486 to cover ... that's a difference of about $70. Damn ... I looked over my accounts there were a couple that I'd forgotten about ... the car insurance was $68 and the gym was $23. Those were the two sneaky ones. I knew I was close because we ate out a couple of times. Shoot.

Well, we are going to wait I think. I know where fishyman has his extra money and he said to use it in an emergency, but I think he owes me a couple hundred toward rent or work, so I'm going to wait it out. He will be home late tomorrow ... we'll settle accounts then ... I don't think anything bankwise is going to happen until then. Just DON'T SPEND ANYTHING!!!

Ok, there's been a change in that plan! When I was putting away my cell phone in my purse ... I found the missing $13. That money just has to be waiting for a celebration. I'm thinking subway sandwich here. Now we're flittering between a good lemonade slushy we make for ourselves, OR a milkshake!! Man-o-man it's going to be hard to fight the demons on that one ... what you say?? Fried MUSHROOMS? Oh you are surely the devil my girl.

Umm, excuse me ... we're building up food phantasies again. Maybe we should head out? I know, I know ... Oh one more thing we had a meeting that was very productive. We talked to one of the DSPs about a client's annual coming up on Tuesday and roughed in her goals and drafted an ICAP test ... that was good work AND we cleaned off our desk. That's pretty much when you sort through things to see if you missed any emergencies. We'll save til tomorrow the good feelings of getting to the bottom of your desk, especially on a Friday night where you can GOOOOOHOOOOOOMMNMEYOUUUUUUU Ok, that's a request on me ... Seeya