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Friday, January 30, 2009

WooHOO - We're a Video Success!

Good morning. This is me. No word on yet who me really is, but I’m here nonetheless. We were at Dr. Marvin’s place last night and the question came up more or less. Basically, when we’d gotten past the first half of the session then we asked for the hard work and in so doing asked to work on multiple business and then in return of that asked how do we get to know the parts.

I guess that must have made of nervous though because Dr. Marvin noticed that we were at the edge of the couch and we were rocking. He said that was a normal behavior for when this question or types like it had come up in the past. It was like … umm, ok. We’ll have to leave a marker on that point.

Besides the nervousness though we progressed the best we could. But, in so doing there were at least 4 parts who came out … the one that was originally there most likely Jamie, and then I was there – Corey, and then the two Casies were out … Casey and KC. I think there was a little disappointment. Dr. Marvin said something about hmm, don’t remember, but the disappointment part was that after Casies were there then the conversation just stayed on their interests and didn’t progress before the time was out.

But, for the part that they really must have needed some time … that had to be alright too. Dr. Marvin noticed that certain parts come out after certain parts. I don’t know why I would come in after Jamie, but it’s often that the Casies come out in that general order, so maybe I’m a part of something I’ve never really put together before. We’ll have to watch for that.

The Casies interest turned to a discussion about too many rules and then when asked what kind of rules, they immediately went to a discussion of somebody who may or may not be Rich saying something about the puddings. Their concern was that he had noticed how quickly they’d been going and then Casies interpretation of that was that they wouldn’t get to eat as many as they have been.

Dr. Marvin got around to asking how many did Rich think was too many. They pieced together that someone may be having one in the morning, two during the day at work, and one more sometimes in the evening … so that would be 4. Dr. Marvin didn’t appear overly sympathetic … we think he sided with Rich on that one. I just agonize over things when he does that.

Someone came home and complained to Rich that he had come up in session again and that the pudding situation had been brought up. He said something about not telling us what was too much, but then I would suppose in the systems feelings of guilt we just assumed if he was paying attention to noticing the puddings were disappearing too fast that that was going to be his next probable move. We also told him that we were disgruntled at Dr. Marvin always taking Rich’s side. I suppose that isn’t always true, but it’s true enough to mark a similarity.

Casies too brought out the similarity in noticing that they always had food conversations with Dr. Marvin like on fudgsicles or candy bars and such. They were pretty cranky to want to figure out that much farther with Dr. Marvin. HMPF!

That was pretty much the end of the session, but there were things that had come up prior. I thought it was interesting that we decided to make changes in the conversation in that different parts came out when asked about figuring out the multiplicity. I suppose one reason is that there is a general curiosity in that part of us, because we spend so little time trying to figure that out.

I’m pretty sure we’ve discussed in the past about not calling us out by name or being really too much aware of the switches. Last night when called on the carpet about it … it was hard not to notice when things had shifted over. It’s like we want to know about it, but then we don’t. So Dr. Marvin progressed the conversation and talked more on us or multiples in general as carrying secrets amongst the parts. We didn’t like the sound of where THAT one was going though, mostly because if it were true, then I’d have to worry … do I have secrets too that I might not want exposed.

In the switching of parts … you only sometimes are aware to one degree or another what’s on the mind of the part before or after you. I knew that Jamie was interested in figuring parts out, and I knew that I had made a noticeable entrance, but I didn’t hear me thinking differently than following along with where Jamie had been. My interest in the case was a little off that mark, and then the Casies seemed to be a lot off the mark. I didn’t like the idea of secrets … again mostly because then I’d have to worry about stuff that hasn’t been my business up to now.

I guess the Casies way of thinking was that this part on the pudding was something they’d held back on and now we’re going to expose it’s nasty truths.

Hmm, and now almost on cue … we stopped to blow our nose in the bathroom and then found ourselves reaching for another pudding … take THAT Dr. Marvin. Whooops …

who’s up? Hehehe.

Ok, that’s enough of that … yes ma’am…

Anyway … while we are remembering some of the session, I wanted to say that Kelsie was the first one to have come in … she was bent on figuring out some stuff with the iPod. At work after the work with the staff training group we’d fallen back to figuring out what was going on in the Senate with Blagojevich. We’d paid some attention to him earlier and how he’d been in the last of four days fighting for his career. Without going into that too much – except to say that we’d watched a great portion of a bunch of Senators giving 5 minutes speeches on their thoughts of his impeachment … we listened after the session and the new Governor Pat Quinn was sworn in and giving a short presentation.

That meant that during the hour they had finished the 5 minute speeches and had taken a unanimous vote to get rid of him … AND they made sure to vote that he would never be able to hold an elected office in the State of Illinois. I thought that was good thinking on their part. It will be decided after his federal hearing whether or not he’s going to be able to keep a pension that’s almost $200,000 a year … Wow that be a handy thing to block. WooHOO! Good luck finding a new house former Governor Blagojevich!

We had covered our knowledge resources at work in that we knew the tribunal would be recorded as taking place at CNN. But, then we had to worry about leaving the office for Dr. Marvin’s. So we found the Chicago Public radio station and got their call numbers which we didn’t know so we could be listening to the situation on the way to Dr. Marvin’s. But, then we had to get out of the car there … and we wanted to be still listening to it. We were trying to then figure out if we could somehow get it on the iPod. The iPod is an amazing instrument and we find almost anything we think of … can be done on it.

First thing we thought of would be could we get on-line with it … basically, did UIC have WI-FI we could tap into. We got stuck with that for a few moments, and then carried that problem into Dr. Marvin’s office though it had made us 5 minutes late.

We did find that there was a guest pass and all you had to do was call a certain number and the pass would last for like 24 hours. We thought by the time we got the numbers/letters that we would get in, but we must have heard the case sensitive code incorrectly so when we got in to Dr. Marvin’s it was still heavily on our minds.

We asked him then if he would call the number and confirm if we had the right key and passwords. I’m not sure where we went wrong, but the basic thing was that we got in! WooHOO!!! Then we wouldn’t let him tell us what the radio numbers were again because we were trying to be self-sufficient. We couldn’t use the part of the radio stations system of “playing now” the station, but then Dr. Marvin remembered that he’d been told of an application to get public news stations. So we went off to find that. We figured it out before Dr. Marvin did … WooHOO!!!

He had gotten out his iPod too and I looked up at one point and said out loud how cool was that that both us AND our Dr. Marvin was iPodding together! Hehehe. He’s so cool! He seems to have the same idyllic interest in the gizmo as us. It shouldn’t be a surprise that he’d have something because the something was just so darn cool. I’m guessing though he had his before us. We’ll have to ask.

To have found that application was really cool. Just think anytime we’re near a WI-FI … we could be listening to the radio – especially our up-to-date news service. I know just as easy to turn on a computer or the car radio, but how cool … not … would that be. Eh, too simple! It reminds me though that we should be charging her up.

It’s already about 4:45 am. We’ve been up for 45 minutes.

I think that Dr. Marvin listens to NPR on his way home from work. We should confirm that so we can be cool like our Dr., but we’re listening to it now and it seems to have commercial type things. I think we have less control when we listen to the radio than if we do the podcasts, but it will be interesting to get another view on the news. I just want to make sure we don’t become too jaded with news only for CNN. I have really been enjoying Rachel Maddoux (not sure on the spelling of her last number). I think she’s on hmm, forgot. Maybe the Internet MSNBC. Aha! Found it … her name is Rachel Maddow. I was close!

Ahh just skimmed through her website … It wasn’t overly ambitious, but it was comforting to know where she lives. Hmm, that’s news … did you know that Dilbert got the boot? He didn’t make the cut through the recession. I think that is the most hilarious thing I ever heard. Dilbert is know as a comic strip for being work orientated. It adds soooo much interest to his character to know he goes through more than the problem of cubic office space.

We’d gone over to check over The guy that was hosting the show announced that it was his last day because he was going over to work on the companies blog and podcast … that’s an interesting thing. Maybe he is going to become someone interesting to listen to. He said that he’d been in his position not seeing the light of day for 3 ½ years. Good for him!

Hmm, ok been off over there for a bit. You know what it’s like when we get over to the iTunes downloads. Do you know that Dilbert has his own podcast? WooHOO!!!

Just remembering something that Dr. Marvin said … he said something about the way we used to video tape things. I wonder what that was all about. It was something about us noticing the different multiple parts and conversations.

Hmm, we’re going through electrical hell again … I think our computer though has picked up our video devise … I hadn’t realized it was unplugged. We’ll have to get it wired better later if it works.

Hmm, it worked fine to be doing the video … now we’re checking out to see if blogger can handle it. They grayed out my screen an it says that it’s processing the video and that we can save it and return to publish when it’s complte. It seems to be taking quite a while and it’s only a couple of seconds on the video. We still might have to go through Hipcast … I think that’s how we really did it before. I might want to check that out too.

AHA! The first test bringing it directly up through Blogger worked, but then the Hipcast method might work faster or for longer videos. I know it can do 2 hours and some. Right now it says its read to transcode.

AHA! They BOTH WORK!!! I must be pretty smart! The next test will be to see how long the videos take to load at a longer length … I know that Hipcast can … oh I just said that. Sorry … The Hipcast is being paid for anyway, so it would be nice to make better use of it, but then now side to side … the quality of audio seems the same for both, but the blogger direct is a bigger video screen that’s kinda cool.

*Giggling* we’ve got the video camera on us now we talk out loud to ourselves. I don’t think this will last long because now Rich is up and we don’t want to disturb his world. Chances are he doesn’t want a camera with him first thing in the morning. I don’t know what’s wrong with that guy!

I think that’s going to be about enough … I’d like to try more later, but actually more when Rich isn’t up and around. We had gone to his bedroom and shut the door so we wouldn’t disturb him, but I think the kitty felt shut in and woke him up by scratching at the door. Ok, that’s

We’re going to record another video I hope you don’t have to readjust your volume I’m speaking lower so as not to disturb the other household beasts. No, not my Sweetie! Rich is already up and is using the washroom. I can be pretty sure that he’s not going to want me to be videoing him first thing of the day … whoops quiet!

Rich is in the shower we’re going to do this at the same time we’re typing … I’m sorry to keep the volume down to a whisper, but we really don’t want to upset Rich.

He’s already asked why we were running the video if we’re typing already, but we didn’t have a really good reason for him yet, and so then he left with a scowl and a warning that we had used up a lot of memory before. I don’t remember that part, but I don’t remember that as not happening.

I’m just beginning to remember that there was a little more pressure to be doing what we do with the camera moving because we are more conscious of what’s happening. Mostly were into your space just as much as we are into our space … and since it’s happening at the same time … It’s a little overwhelming.

Whoo … just saw a naked guy walk past … so obviously that was my naked guy face … did it look surprising. Ok, ok … we’re being a little goofy this morning. Umm, we are supposed to be taking our shower because its now 6 am, but since sir sweetie wanted to jump in fast we decided to let him go. He says he has an 8 am meeting.

Oh, that happened yesterday at Dr. Marvin’s too. We told him about Rich’s big surprise for the day … He had some very interesting gossip.

Do you remember me talking about Al? He’s the guy that’s always bothering Rich … He’s his lead production coordinator, which is the job I used to do for him. Well, he told me the first part was that Al was FINALLY going to retire … well you can imagine that about amazed me to pieces hurrah hurrah … because I’ve pretty much disliked him all along. Then Rich had told me he was going to see if he could get Sean in the position. I’m not sure, but don’t think that went particularly well with the main office, but we’re still hoping for the best for Sean … cuz we love Sean to pieces!

BUT THEN!!! This is where the gossiping gets good. It turns out that Al got married … the only thing we’d thought in that direction was “poor girl.” But, then Rich said do you know WHO he married? Well that’s a clue that I’m going to know the person, but would have never guessed. I wouldn’t have if he didn’t tell me … not in a million kajillion years.

It turns out he’s married Lucille. That was such a shock on our system we said something like … well how the hell did THAT happen!?? I think Rich must have thought the same kind of thing. But, it was from Sean and Sean and Lucille have been friends for all these years. Apparently, it had happened not too long ago and now Al was going to move to another company. Well sianara! (Sp?) I’m soooo pleased he is finally going, though I don’t know if Rich is going to get a replacement. Anyone’s better than Al! But, to see those two married? I thought that Lucille had a lot more class than that. They are both over 62 and I think that Lucille might be in her 70’s. I think she was pretty old. Sorry I hope Lucille you never heard me say that, but Al? Hmm, I think it would be an easier thought adjustment for them all to figure that Rich and me were together after all these years moreso than Al and Lucille. She’s been much higher rated at JVS and doing more important work. I think she does the billing. Just really disappointed with that. I know that Lucille liked me ok, but at the time I felt just like a little guy. She called me in once to figure out a computer problem. I couldn’t believe she’d think me able, but it might have just been her way to figure me out. Well, Lucille I hope to say … God Bless … and please do save your sanity!

Rich is out now so I’m going to take the shower. Catch up with you on the other side.

Ok, we’re back … that last clip didn’t seem to work so well … my program got frozen up.

Hmm, we are back … we listened to a few more moments of the movie before we set it up to be saved. Hopefully I can upload to the computer in the next 15 minutes before we have to go. It says about 3 minutes to where we are at now. We’ll see.

I tried doing this movie as a larger screen than the one before. I’m not sure if I did that right … but again … we shall see.

I think that’s something you could definitely say about us. We are curious. I’m not saying we’re ready or willing to try everything, but around technology … we’re probably at that upper 10% level for our age. Just simple stuff though … we are nowhere even IN the ballpark as to professional computer people … we’re just talking about casual moms ;)

I don’t know if there’s anything else important to say about Dr. Marvin’s last night other than what’s been said. He seemed to be in a good mood, but we caught him once drifting and that will probably come back again later when we’re explaining how perfect we expect him to be. Hmm, ok, that was a surprise? Hhehehe

Ok, now we’re doing the uploading part. I’m giving us a general timing … the video turned out to be about 11 minutes long and we are saving it with Blogger. REALLY you don’t have to watch the whole thing we are doing the videos at this immediate to sorta preserve something of how we are, but mostly so that we could watch ourselves and try to figure out how the switches are happening.

Going back to Dr. Marvin’s it was a little frustrating that we didn’t yet know after all this time very much about the parts. Wow … there’s a lot of noise … we’re listening to the typing on the movie and we’re listing to us typing now. It sounds like we’re in a newspaper office. WooHOO … someone is doing double time in productivity. Ok, so far upload 3 min. There’s no reason to think it won’t take it.

Hmm, seems like we’re avoiding going back to the other thoughts. Maybe with this little time left its best we let it go. As to yesterday otherwise - we got through a couple meetings and ended up spending some time trying to get a sign language version of “Our Father” for the Spring Fling … and you know … It’s actually out there. At least 3 sets of people have videotaped that particular song in sign language. Is that just not a little amazing? I think just about EVERY thing is On-line.

I think we’re going to be going in a few minutes late until the entry is ready to publish … but I better get dressed in the meantime … I’ll be right back.

Ok, it’s now 7:08 so it’s been processing for about 18 minutes. This is telling us something we should be paying attention too. Unless there is a whole lot of time we might have to go through Hipcast … though what I remembered of that it was a long upload too. I’ve decided that we’re going in of course to work, but we’re going to wait out this effort to publish … It’s that part of us that wants to make sure everything is complete before we feel comfortable moving on to our next step.

I want to say something here while the screen is up. Our cheeks and chiin seem to be looking on the fat side … we really need to be getting back to all that again … We’re going to need trying harder though. Maybe we should plan DEFINITELY to be getting back to the gym.

Sir Sweetie Pie just left a few moments ago. He’s got a full day ahead of him and he’s going to end it with a basketball game, so I don’t expect to see him for quite a bit of time. It’s up to us to make the best use of our time. Right?

We smooched him up for a few moments before he escaped out the door. I know that we’re not going to get far when he’s in a hurry, but it sure feels good to try and break into that space. WooHOO We’re here dear!

Woops … we got it ready to publish … better get going … our last thoughts? Thinking of Hill Street Blues … when the sergeant says be safe out there. Ok, that’s a deal!

Oh and the time .. it took about 25 minutes. Yeeks!