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Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Should we mention we had a Monday

Good morning. This is me. We’re up most of the way. Rich let us sleep in today.

I heard him in the shower and I remember thinking I’ll just wait until he gets out, but then we fell asleep until he woke us after he was done and dressed and ready to walk out the door. So, we got a few moments to talk, but the rest of it is for me to wake up. It’s now 5:42 … so we’ll have to be in the shower in 15-20 minutes.

Today is the day that COMCAST comes and Rich and us are still trying to figure out who’s going to be here. I think that it’s going to be me. Sister bumped me from my meeting schedule to be here at work because so many people are going to be gone.

There are a lot of meetings going around. Sister is going to be gone today as is Holly. And, then Theresa, Maria, and Cathy are also going to be gone. Margarita will be driving Sister so she’ll really be out too. Imelda will take most of groups 2 and 3 and Stephanie will have group 4. Sister Florine has group 1 and the few left over from leadership, so all I really have to do is take lunch and be around as a good influence. I’d be the highest “in command,” but no one needs commanding.

Rosa will be there for the doors, and Sister Florine if anything were to happen to the building. Pretty much people leave me to my own devises.

So, the bottom line is that I think I’ve got to tell Sister that I need to leave at 12:30 pm to be here at 1 for the cable company. I don’t know how that is going to fly, but it should be ok. Both Rosa and Sr. Florine know what’s going on and Imelda will be there after Rosa leaves if there’s anyone to watch at the door, if not for Sr. Florine, and by then … maybe Sr. and Margarita are coming back, because Margarita will have to end her day at 4 pm.

I think it will work.

Silly cable guy probably won’t even get here until 5 pm. Just they really gotta hold you up. I’m going to try not worrying about it excessively. I should have had enough moxy to tell Sr. yesterday about the cable guy, but she was being insistent.

Ok, what’s next? Maybe I’ll jump in the shower a few moments early … that will help me on the other end time and in getting to my medicine a little bit earlier … maybe that will help me calm my nerves. Hmm? Our nerves? Ok, that works too.

Ok … good good … in and out of the shower, got my bag ready and took my medicine and its not quite 6:10 am. Looking good.

Now all we have to do is quiet the meowy kitty. She’s such a time clock. I don’t want to tell her this, but in my dreams we got a puppy last night … a beautiful little dog.

Whew that was intense … we gave her a very good 8 minutes. We know she doesn’t stay real long because she’s nervous about Chief. But, she does appreciate a very good pet. It usually starts off piranha style with her taking swipes of walking past my hand near the ground, and then I move my coffee cup and she does the same up on top the desk, and then finally she will allow herself to lay down and we’ll pet her intimately especially around the top of her head area. She’s such a good pet absorber. Good kitty. Plus, we haven’t established yet if the pet is to calm her down or to calm me down. *Sigh*

Ok, moving on. We’ve got about a half hour left. We’re very conscious of the time today, because we’re feeling the pinch of it already. Hmm, thinking about work now. Sister says that we are going to need going on the field trip with our group on Friday. Won’t that be interesting. We told her we still couldn’t stand long and would need to use our wheel chair. She didn’t think that would be a problem. My group had been looking forward to cooking, but that will have to keep … a field trip takes precedent. They are going to be doing something with the park, in that they are going to be shown how to fish. One of the other groups have already gone. They had a good time and one of the girls caught 7 fish the others there and about. We have enough guys in our group that I think they are really going to have fun with it.

Yesterday, we had a couple things going on. We did the morning group of course, and then we did our group in back. We went over quite a few things before chapel, and then we did what? Hmm, Oh, I think the first one was language. We got out some laminated food cards and worked on them recalling the words. They each got up to 4 sets of words. Their accuracy ranged from 71% to 94% … not too bad, but it was hard going for some of them. We worked hard on teaching one Spanish speaking person to say “oatmeal cookie,” and others similar to that.

Before we got into that … we had a problem with the printer. Someone from last Friday had placed an exorbitant amount of printing through the printer. We kept running the same 20 or so sheets through, but it cycled 7 times … so that meant someone printed out 140 sheets of paper. It was just gobbilty gook. We put away the computers, but then we saw Holly had taken them out again later during the afternoon. That really frustrated me, because they weren’t monitored enough by her, and then the printer stopped working. I think it may have run out of ink, which was pretty wasteful in having printed out 140 sheets.

Getting over all that … and my really bad frustration with not having a printer that works … we went after the language to time and numbers. We had written out a couple of sheets while the group was at chapel. One was to measure 5 lines such as 2” to 6”. It was a challenge for them to especially line up the ruler at the beginning of the line, but we struggled through it. It took about a half an hour and then after that we worked on clocks. I’d drawn 4 circles on a sheet of paper and then they had to write in the numbers in proportion and draw in the clock hands for times at the hour, half hour, quarter hour, and minutes. It was another long project that took about a half an hour and was very challenging for them. I’d done both of these kinds of tasks before and I figured that it was a good idea to back up the concepts with a little consistency. It was time well spent.

After lunch, Holly had the group, and I had only an hour to prepare for my staffing at 1 pm. I was frustrated in that … the CSO person came in a half hour early and was using my available time to work on just talking and then after the staffing she wanted to kill time, so she used up my available time. It was an hour and half loss. Don’t get me wrong. I do enjoy talking to her, but I felt she was using me.

She had another appointment at 4 pm, and just didn’t have anything better to be
doing. We did talk about a lot of things that gives me good general information about how things are being processed at her end. I find that kind of stuff in general very interesting. Just felt guilty about losing so much time to not doing things I really have to be doing.

We ended the day cleaning up a few things, but in general my desk is still a mess.


I think we left work about 4:30 pm. There was something happening that last half hour, but I don’t recall now what it was. We got home before Rich and went immediately into setting up the movie born free. Sister had left a note on my desk saying that everyone had a very good time with it. Apparently, while we were gone on Friday, she used the time to show the movie to the entire center. The group had a lot to say about that during our morning session. They really seemed to enjoy it and it made me feel good in having given some kind of contribution.

Rich came home in time for him to help me figure out the DVD on the television. I guess the biggest secret is that you have to push the play from the DVD machine. I know not too bright of me for not having figured that out. *Sigh*

After the movie, Rich and us were negotiating what to do with the time. He wanted to go grocery shopping, and then stop to get his mail and then stop at the library.

I was supposed to go, but then Maury gave me a call back in the nick of time to say he was coming over. I’d called him earlier to aske that he pick up my camera cords to get to Joe so he could upload the pictures we’d taken. Speaking of that son … by the way … we texted with Joe and he stated that he was going to be moving within the week to his new place. I was really excited to hear that from him. I think it’s going to be super cool that he is getting an apartment right above the Dojo. It’s going to be really neat for him to have that kind of access. COOL COOL!!!

So, anyway … Maury came by in the nick of time as stated so that I could stay and wait for him while Rich did the errands. I was supposed to go with him, but it’s never my idea of fun to go out after I’m in for the night. Maury and I talked, but in general it was about him looking over our TV connections and making some adjustments. He was really interested in the fact that we were getting channels that nobody is supposed to be getting … all those dash channels like 82-14 and 83-9 weren’t really supposed to be on our TV, but he said that our new TV must have some intercept somethings that picked up abstract shows. He said that we’ll probably lose that after COMCAST is in today, but he reminded us we’ll pick up a lot more channels.

So that was pretty much of our day. Rich had come in while Maury was here and they talked a few moments, but Rich had some work to do in the kitchen on his computer.

So, he did that as Maury and I talked. Oh that was a big deal too. While Maury was here there was a tornado touchdown in the area, so Maury stayed a few extra minutes while that blew over. Rich had gotten stuck in the grocery store, because the rain was coming down so hard he would have been drenched in 3 seconds. After Maury left, Rich was still in the other room, so I fell to watching standup comedy for a few moments before Rich came by to shag us to bed. We’d also tried to eat some more linguini from eating out the night before, but that didn’t stick too well.

Oh, that’s one more thing. I don’t think we wrote yesterday, but we did get to the zoo the day before with Rich. After the zoo we’d gone out to our little Italian place. That’s where the left overs came from. I did want to say one think about that … in that … Rich wanted to pull a new trick on the way to the zoo. He stated that he didn’t think we needed our wheel chair, because there were enough benches between everything. That of course, horrified me while at the same time – it made sense from a Rich perspective to be moving me on in our development like this. He didn’t get by with it without a lot of complaint, but he stayed strong and in the end – we did good walking without the chair. I didn’t enjoy it as much in that we struggled several times to get from one bench to another. But, there was something very freeing and liberating about it. We didn’t even have our cane. I’m glad to have done it … just feel still complainy about it.

Ok, I suppose that’s enough now for this morning. We’ve got to get going. It’s about 10 minutes to. We’ll post this, get dressed and head out for the day. Just think Sr. may be frustrated with us, but bottom line is that we’ll work only a partial day and the cable will be set up … wooHOO!!!

Ok, better get going … talk soon!

Oh ... ONE more thing. When Maury was in and was playing around the computer, he had signed on to his aim account and talked to Thom and Alex for a little bit. Maury had spotted Alex' picture and we gave him the passward to get in so he could see that he'd been written about. I just thought that was cool to think that Alex had been here and seen how much we appreciated him for being part of our Saturday. I don't know if he read on very far, or whether he'd ever go back, but it was nice in a very cordial manner for him to have been here. I am still obviously trying to influence others to seeing the writing, though I'm sure for most they get overwhelmed within a few moments, if they had stayed long enough to realize how much we post.

But, other than that ... really have to get going now ... Just wanted to say in our respect thanks to Alex for dropping in. If you're still reading, come back as often as you wish.