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Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Saturday morning - prior to the zoo

Good morning this is me. We’re just coming off a small upset that nearly gave us a hard attack. Not sure why. It’s a little after 9 am. We have been up since 5 or 6 am. I don’t remember which. It’s been a groggy morning … we spent time with the tabloids and reading a couple of our last entries. We didn’t have a few posted so we did that … We’ll probably bring a few over to the other blog this morning yet too. Around 8 am we heard the 8 am alarm on the phone and that took us out of whichever space we were in. We took our medicine and got our yogurt and a few moments after that … Rich got up … I think we finished that and then we went in to check on him and he was doing sorting laundry. Then when he went down I put dishes in the dishwasher and checked on a few items that needed to be put to a grocery list. Then he came up and we came out to the living room. He was going to take care of fixing the new ear thing for his phone that he got for a Christmas present from his brother, but that’s when the emergency happened.

Well, no it wasn’t a real emergency, but it might as well have been, because whichever part was out went into emergency mode … full panic mode, we should say. I don’t know why that happens. It’s very uncomfortable. There is hyperventilating, and a kind of whining desperate line of logic, at least that’s what I remember mostly now … I think the situation might have gone poorly, but it might have been made worse by Rich. He came around the edge of the couch and saw that one of the kitties had lost part of his or her breakfast on the edge of the couch. He made some comment that made it seem like … oh no here it is … the end of the Earth … I knew it was coming, but here it is. He started giving commands, but we were like blocking out already everything he was saying. We have had these two cats for nine years and we’re pretty clear on how to clean up kitty garp. We have an extra supply of paper towels in the bathroom … etc. etc. But, it seemed that all the time we were just taking care he wanted to be giving directions, which was making our part even more hyper-excited … almost likely screaming leavemealone, leavemealone. While that wasn’t happening exactly, it’s what was being sensed on the inside.

It seemed to be a life and death matter … matter of fact later there was some conversation with one of the parts sort of a stand-off as to whether this was a make or break deal – as to did this mean WHAT!?? Did he think he could even THINK we would get rid of our cats????!!! Oh man he sure didn’t want to go down THAT path.

I think it’s under his breath all the time, but he knows that would unleash the
wrath of all known common sense. I’m pretty sure it would have to be decided at that time … would he be invited to stay … UH HUM!

Well, he backed down, but we did feel the tension. We keep going over it over and over it again. You got to make peace, you got to make peace. We are a family. You got to get a long! They are doing their part … they are trying to be friends with you … Wouldn’t hurt to pet them a little. His main complaint is that they make themselves comfortable on HIS bed. Well, their main complaint was that it was their bed too before he came. Yup yup it comes down to that. When he leaves, they taunt him because when he comes back there they are in the middle of his bed just daring him to not like them. He seems to be ok with them when he can be watching them from afar doing something interesting, but he’s not for them doing something he doesn’t like. Like when he and I are in bed … they seem to watch us and wait for us to get comfortable and then one of the two will jump up on the bed and sneak either between us or behind my legs and cozy up. He’s like doesn’t want to spread the love, where the kitties got my hand that says there’s enough love for everyone. I don’t know … it’s tough.

One way or another … it took a bit to get the very hyper part through the tension … it ended up in a win for him, because we through the paper towels down the toilet, which we KNOW is a big no-no in his book because it will maybe one day clog things up. He went one point further today to point out … we should know whose going to become responsible for cleaning THAT mess up. At that point we are consumed with some heavy guilt, because he’s right … we know we’d be hiding and he’d get stuck.

But, at the time the thinking that was going through our brain was … to flush it before he could tell us not to do it because that’s OUR way of getting rid of the yucky stuff. We’ve never liked putting the stuff in the garbage on top of the dishwasher because that would mean we’d have parts refusing to go near it until it was thrown away. But, anyway. Once we turned around back to the computer for a few moments, parts changed, and we were again to a point we were writing about it rather than living through it. There seemed to be some safety felt there.

Right now Sweetie’s down changing a load in the wash. He’d gone out to the car because I told him we’d been saving quarters for him. He found enough, but then we got lectured for having $1 coins mixed in with the quarters where they could have been confused. So he said he took them out. Umm, ok. Was way over our comprehension already? We didn’t know how to handle odd amounts of money. It’s like us turning on angled streets. We’re just starting to figure it out. Give us time … we’ll get to everything.

Hmm, we were just talking to him about something just before he left … what was it?

Don’t seem to have the faintest … Maybe I’ll ask him again when he gets back. Hmm, remember something … I think we’d talked the last part about this event tomorrow …

Hmm, something too about before that how today was going to go .. I think he said something about a game. I think its at 4:30 pm., but its close so he won’t have to leave until quarter to 4 pm. He said though that he might go about noon or so and stop by to visit his mother. I thought that was a good idea. Apparently, she had another fall a couple of days ago, and neither she or Bud told Rich about it right away. I can hear her thinking … let’s not worry the kids, but it is something that should have been communicated. I hope he gets over there so he can figure out for himself how bad it was. I drilled him on questions as to getting her to a doctor.

It sounds like she evaded it all as if a cracked rib or something on that order was no big deal, but I think that’s the most outrageous thinking. OF COURSE SHE HAS TO CHECK THAT OUT!!!

Maybe he’s getting SOME INKLING of my thoughts?? I think she needs to be reminded that she’s loved and people who are loved (ALL OF THEM) need to be well cared for which means making doctor appointments. I’m pretty sure she’s felt miserable over the last few days, which means Bud’s been living a Hellish day too. Time for an intervention here. BESIDES … I hear that Rich’s brother is in town now too. Bud was supposed to pick him up. I think that every time that Rich gets a chance to be with his family that it’s a good idea. It is very clear that they are a loving family and will both want what’s best for the mother. It is a good time to check in. We’ll ask him to reconsider with the next laundry load.

Hmm, he’s sure taken his time with this last load … AHH here he comes

Ohhh … that was the reason … he got the cooler out to the car and he came up with four rods & reels. And, I guess that his new earphone thingy was charged up enough to try figuring out the next part. I forgot part of the trip was to get out to check on Bud and his Mom’s new computer. But, he made another call … because of his Mom’s soreness it is iffy if they are going to get out today and they might be going to the place that is closer. I think they should wait til she’s better SEEN THE DOCTOR and then plan a trip with Rich or someone during the week when things aren’t so busy. Hmm, we just thought that was important enough to tell Rich … the part of a salesman could take advantage of them and that he should take them when it is quieter during the week. He was preoccupied though and said something like … we’ll think about it.

AHA! Rich just got done talking to his brother … he got the new earpiece type headset to work. It was great! Now he can comply with the law and not use his regular cell phone in the car when he is driving. GOOD RICH!!! That is just that less to worry about … two hands on the steering wheel is better than not. BUT, it’s not coming to bed with us hehehe. He also emphasized to him to encourage that the Mother rest. That’s good brother stuff!

He went down for another load of clothes. Anyway as to tomorrow’s trip, I don’t remember what’s been said about it so far, but basically, we will be waking up Rich about 5 am in the morning. We’ll try to have our shower ready. Whatever we’re taking should be ready the night before. Rich we’ll shower, we will grab our coffee and be off. Rich we’ll make sure we’re packed before we leave. He will be coming home after the 4:30 pm game so be home for dinner about 6-6:30 pm. I think he said something about going for a basics shopping trip, so I might be getting out tonight … wooHOO!! This is still like an event for us … like folding towels with him in a few minutes.

We’ll have to think out what we’ll be doing tomorrow … basically, Rich will be fishing from the shore from about 9 to 3 pm. It is supposed to be about 65 degrees where we’ll be at about 3 hours south from here near St. Louis border at a warming lake. There is a 30% chance of rain … so I might be spending part of the time in the car. We’ll come home right after. But, if it’s nice I will be outside. Most likely from the chair. If it’s in a quiet area … I might bring a book, or write, but I might also think of bringing the what do you call that thing … recorder? Yes that’s it. I think I know where it is … and there are plenty of hours of tape.

Hmm, time has gone on … I think Rich likes to keep us in a constant state of confusion. I think major things has been a couple of loads of clothes been folded, lunch is over, and we talked to Angel – our friend who is having the RNY Surgery with our doctor on Feb 5th. She says she’s having problems concentrating too – a lot of it around money … I think she’s on gov. subsidies, which makes everything hard. Her girlfriend works, but I forget at doing what. I guess we just focus mostly on what is going on with the surgery. Hmm, thinking that we are going to need arranging our schedule so that we can spend some time freed up to be around on her surgery date. Maybe I can take the day off if Crystal doesn’t have anyone to sit with. I don’t know if she’s bringing anyone for HER support. I feel bad because with Rich here I can’t offer her a place to stay … He really wouldn’t go for it. I don’t think she would really leave the hospital anyway while Angel was there. I’m thinking they’ll let her sleep over, but not sure how that works. I know they are pretty poor as to getting a hotel/motel. I think they were like on change to get gas up here and they had to borrow a parents car.

Oh my God … that’s incredible. I just talked to Rich and you know what he said … well beside giving me some cautions and stuff, but he said that it was up to me … but, that if I wanted I could ask my friend if she wants to stay over ... wow!