"Bout an 1 1/2 hours Observations" Please don't read - just transferring - drive ya silly
10:03 There is music playing10:03 Everyone is working on goals, because last week was a short week
10:19 Maria discusses with the group who was finished with their bears and who was not
10:24 Everyone is told to sit and wait because the DSP needs to use the washroom (Q is in the room)
10:25 Several people seem to be yawning or wiping their eyes
10:28 The group is told to push in their chairs – they wait at the door for their DSP’s cues and then walk into the room across the hall as the other group leaves. They find their chairs.
10:30 The art room smells slightly like chemicals, but everyone sits down and is given a newspaper. The Christmas music is turned on. Glue is distributed, but slowly, until the DSP goes to the supply closet and begins filling empty glue bottles.
10:36 The group is told that after they get their glue they can just go ahead and finish
10:41 Everyone is working
10:45 People in general stop to say hi when Carl walk in to put away his coat
10:52 Q goes out for Styrofoam cups and more glitter
11:03 Everyone is working
11:15 Maria starts to put away the supplies
11:21 the glues are put away.
11:21 Everyone except one is sitting in their chairs in front of their lunch boxes
11:24 The music is stopped
10:03 Ana is in the hall walking
10:24 Ana comes back from her walk
10:30 Ana is given a bear cut-out with seeds and eyes to glue on
10 36 Ana is given instruction on what to do and encouragement
10:41 Ana stretches
10:56 Ana is given more instruction while the staff places more glue on the design
10:59 Ana is sleeping and is waken by her DSP twice
11:06 Ana is assisted with more glue
11:14 Ana is given more glue
11:19 Ana is told she is missing a few beans, but after completing the labeling of a peer’s bear, the DSP completes Ana’s by labeling hers and returning it to the drying table. The DSP folds the newspapers. Ana was told to go after Liz, but Karen went in before her
11:23 Ana was affronted by Karen to have her hands washed with the sanitary cleaner. The DSP told Karen it wasn’t the right time because Ana hadn’t been to the bathroom.
11:26 Ana is told to wash her hand after sneezing
11:28 Ana’s lunch is shown
10:03 DC is working one on one with her address. The staff tells her to take her time and shows her which figure goes in which box and is reminded to separate them
10:10 DC is reminded not to bunch up her letters and that there is one box for each letter
10:15 DSP directs herself to DC and asks, “DC if your done, did you go to the washroom?”
10:17 DC gets her lunch independently
10:20 DC reminds “the room” that it is time for art. The DSP asks her if she has started to work on bears yet.
10:23 DC is sitting waiting with 2 other peers for directions to leave
10:26 DC points out that Kenyana needs to put her box away and the Q suggests she can help her, DC takes the box is awkward with it and tries to give it to another peer. She complains she doesn’t know where it goes. When the peer tells her where it goes, DC ignores the peer and continues to ask where the box goes. After the DSP comes back – the DSP states that the box should be put away by the peer
10:30 DC has started a bear
10:33 DC is asked to wait while the DSP starts people with bears who have not been started. She seems to be ok with this
10:35 DC sings lightly with the music
10:37 DC is given instructions on filling the spaces she has missed previously
10:41 DC is given more help filling in the spaces.
10:52 DC Is told she is going to star on the Christmas light bulb.
10:53 DC is given instruction to start from top and follow example of Jeannette. She was to not go too fast which would wipe away the glitter. DC arranged herself pushing her hair in back of her.
10:54 DC calls her DSP over to confirm her work is being done correctly. She says, “like this?” The DSP puts more glitter glue on the bulb and says to go slower so cup doesn’t spill out of the Styrofoam cup and to make sure the letters on the top of the bulb were covered.
10:58 DC says “K”
11:02 DC is given more glue and instructed to spread to the white parts of her bulb
11:04 DC says “K”
11:05 DC is given more glitter glue and reminded to go slow.
11:07 DC needs more help. She says she needs more glitter glue. She is given instruction to spread out the glue.
11:09 The DSP goes to DC and shows her a white area and reminds her to go slow.
11:10 DC yelled out after a slightly lower-leveled peer who she had thought was leaving the room without permission. The DSP let her know that it was alright for the other to go.
11:13 DC was given more red, but she complained lightly, “I didn’t see any more white.”
11:14 DC tips her glass to the floor, but it doesn’t break, she continues to rock quickly as her DSP picks up the bulb and places it back in the cup
11:16 DC complains that her hands are dirty. Her cup is marked and she is told twice to go wash her hands. She says, “I’m finished man.”
11:18 DC talks to herself in the bathroom. When DC comes out of the bathroom, she is given sanitary cleaner
11:24 DC is asked what she is having for lunch and DC shows what is in her lunch
10:03 Danny is told to sit down
10:08 Danny is asked to copy numbers … it appears there are about six lines for him to place numbers, but this was viewed from a distance.
10:09 Daniel picks up his pencil box and takes out a light green/yellow pencil
10:10 Daniel sits back in his chair
10:12 Daniel doesn’t appear to be working
10:18 Daniel gets up independently to use the washroom
10:19 Daniel allows Gaspar to open the door for him after coming back from the washroom.
10:23 Danny is standing as are four of his peers
10:24 Is the only one that remains standing after the group is told to sit and wait while the DSP uses the washroom
10:30 Daniel is given a bear cut-out with seeds and eyes to glue on
10:34 Glue is placed on Daniel’s bear and he starts to place seeds on his bear
10:35 Daniel stops working to look around
10:55 Daniel is staring
10:59 Daniel is given eyes and sent to work
11:01 Daniel is given more glue
11:17 Daniel gets up to wait for the bathroom then goes soon after when his peer returns
10:05 DSP goes to Roy and works hand over hand to draw letters. One of the letters is a “B.” She gives him instruction such as “go up, down, and around.”
10:07 DSP returns to assist Roy
10:09 Roy is told to put his pencil down harder
10:12 Roy is watching Jeannette who is putting away colored markers
10:17 Roy gets his lunch independently
10:23 Roy is standing to leave as are four of his peers
10:30 Roy has started a bear
10:36 Roy is given instruction on what to do and encouragement
10:43 Roy picks up his beer to show his Q the beer in progress just over the back of his right shoulder. He works another few minutes and then shows the bear again. He is told to keep working on the bear and that we would see it when it was complete.
11:01 DSP places glue on Roy’s bear and hands him a bean
11:04 DSP goes to Roy to give him more glue and instructions
11:05 Roy begins to sing with the radio, “Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer.”
11:06 The DSP checks Roy
11:06 Roy is assisted with more glue
11:07 Roy continues to hum
11:14 Roy is given more glue
11:19 The DSP tips Roy’s completed bear and a few beans fall off. She writes his name on the back and adds it to the drying table. The DSP folds the newspaper to throw away and asks Roy to go to the bathroom and wash his hands.
11:26 Roy shows his lunch is a dinner
10:06 Jeannette states she is done and is told to take her time writing her first name and last as a separate task.
10:11 Jeannette is asked if she knows her name. She is reminded that she only asked for the name and that the DSP didn’t ask for the address.
10:12 Jeannette is asked to put her complete paper on the DSPs desk and then puts away colored markers
10:13 Jeannette finds an automatic orange pencil in her box that was given to her at Halloween by a Q. She initiates questions about it to her DSP. Jeannette is asked to look at some pictures. The DSP then tell her she’ll be right back.
10:16 DSP returns to Jeannette and goes over pictures wish her. She asks, “What is it showing you?”
10:17 DSP marks the correct pictures. Jeannette identifies 5/9 pictures correctly
10:18 DSP assures Jeannette she is done and reminds her to use the washroom
10:23 Jeannette is standing to leave as are four of her peers
10:30 Jeannette is asked to come over and help identify bears that have been worked on while the DSP was absent.
1030 Jeannette has started a bear
10:38 Jeannette is told to wait because she is going to start on a special project
10:46 Jeannette is given a demonstration on applying glitter glue to a light bulb and then spreading it with a paint brush.
10:57 Jeannette is given instruction on spreading her glitter glue out, but not with her hand, because that would make them sticky
11:05 Jeannette is given more glitter and showed where to go next on her bulb. She seems to be spreading it out very thin.
11:09 Jeannette is given more instruction and continues to spread the glitter glue thin
11:13 Jeannette sits back in her chair relaxing for a moment. She smiles appreciatively still in the space of her work. She looks content.
11:17 Jeannette is given more glue
11:21 Jeannette is the last one and continues to work.
11:22 Jeannette was stopped and told for the time being she would need to put her work aside because she wasn’t finished with one of the sides.
11:23 Independently Jeannette used the hand cleaner
11:25 Jeannette shows what is in her lunch
11:27 Jeannette is told she can bring home her bear because it is dried.
10:07 Elizabeth has paper and pencils out, but is watching staff working with peers
10:10 Elizabeth is asked if she is finished
10:11 The DSP corrects liz’s work – they both sit by her station. She discusses the number in her address, such as the circle in the number 6.
10:12 Liz is directed in Spanish
10:16 Elizabeth is prompted to get her lunch
10:18 Elizabeth gets up independently to use the washroom
10:20 Elizabeth volunteers to help Kenyana to clean up her station
10:23 Liz is standing to leave as are four of her peers
10:30 Liz has started a bear
10:34 Glue is placed on Elizabeth’s bear and she starts to place seed on her bear.
10:50 Liz is assisted by the DSP when the DSP points to spots where she has missed
10:54 Elizabeth is also started on a bulb. She chooses orange and is given instruction in Spanish.
11:06 The DSP assists Liz
11:14 Liz is given more glue
11:15 Liz dabs at her bulb
11:20 Liz is done with her project and the DSP ask her to go to the bathroom
11:26 Liz shows what’s in her lunch
10:07 Kenyana’s back is faced toward the Q, but it appears she has papers in front of her and markers. She is holding one of the markers and looks at it closely.
10:09 Kenyana’s pants are pulled down so that her underwear show, which doesn’t seem to bother her.
10:12 Kenyana doesn’t appear to be working
10:19 Kenyata continues to look at her hands that are holding a marker. She is told to put away her markers when she is finished. One minute later she is asked again to put away her markers
10:20 DSP starts to help Kenyana and then Elizabeth volunteers to assist her peer
10:23 Kenyana is sitting waiting with 2 other peers for directions to leave
10:30 Kenyana has started a bear
10:36 Kenyana seems to be sleeping with her tongue sticking out.
10:39 Kenyana seems to be bent over appearing to be barely awake. She holds her tummy and then bends over it. She is sitting on one foot and the other foot doesn’t touch the ground. The DSP talks to her giving her simple instruction. She is told when she has enough glue.
10:41 Kenyana stretches and wiggles
10:48 Kenyana has more glue applied by her staff and is asked to pick up one bean and then another and place it on the glue. Kenyana continues on her own.
10:55 Keyana is given more glue. She seems drawn to the project
10:58 Kenyana is directed by pointing where to put pieces
11:03 Kenyana is asked by her DSP, “Are you done?” Then she writes Kenyana’s name on it and puts it on the table to dry. Kenyana is given a light bulb and Styrofoam cup. She is rocking
11:04 Keyana is given blue glitter glue and told, “This is glass. Go slow and careful.” Kenyana holds the cup in her hand.
11:05 Kenyana is checked and told to go slow.
11:07 Kenyana takes out the light bulb from the cup holder. She is assisted by the DSP in placing it back correctly and is given more blue. She continues to spread it smiling lightly. The DSP stands by closely. Kenyana leans over on her arm and brushes. Her DSP points to the white spots. After quickly finishing the bulb, she is told to wash her hands. The DSP marks the cup and then goes on to the next peer.
11:10 Kenyana left the room knowing independently without being told that it was time for her to go to lunch, because she was told to wash her hands.
10:07 Gaspar has a newspaper in front of him and sometimes looks at it and turns pages. At other times he is looking around at his peers.
10:16 Gasper is prompted to get his lunch
10:19 Gaspar is told to put away his papers when he is finished.
10:19 Gaspar opens the door for Daniel who is coming in from the hall bathroom … Maria points out that he has learned to be courteous.
10:22 Gaspar is vocalizing “uh-uh”
10:23 Gaspar is sitting waiting with 2 other peers for directions to leave
10:23 Gaspar is told 2x to put disc away because the group was going to art and not music
10:25 Gaspar is laughing to himself
10:30 Gaspar is given a bear cut-out with seeds and eyes to glue on
10:34 Gaspar is told how to place glue and seeds in Spanish. He carefully starts to place seeds where the DSP has placed glue
10:48 Gaspar is reminded to follow the lines
10:50: Gaspar is given more beans to finish, but then it appears the design is complete and the DSP writes a name on the bear and takes it away to dry on a nearby table.
10:57 More glue is put on Gaspars
10:58 Gaspar is given eyes
11:02 The DSP responds to Gaspar “whisping” for the DSPs attention. She shows him where he is missing beans on his bear
11:11 Gaspar whisped over for Maria. Maria wiped off glue and labeled the bear. Gaspar finished the last bean. He then picked up his peer’s beans and put them in his cap cover. He also folded his news paper and threw it away. It did not appear that he was told to do any of this
11:17 Gaspar goes to the bathroom then comes back quickly and his peer goes
11:18 Gaspar looks at the container with all the different colors of glitter glue (appx 10) before putting it down by cue of his DSP
11:18 Gaspar is given sanitary cleaner
11:25 Gaspar takes out his lunch to show, but sneaks a drink of his juice. The DSP teases him by giving him a look as if he’s in trouble, but he’s not and he laughs as if he’s gotten by with it.
10:08 Karen has her notebook open and is writing in it
10:15 DSP goes to Karen and says to put numbers by her ingredients. It appears that she is copying a recipe. She is reminded to do only one page.
10:20 Karen assists the DSP in following the direction to bring the newspaper with them
10:23 Karen is standing waiting to leave as are four of her peers
10:25 Karen goes to the closet and is questioned by the Q – she states that she needs to get her cell phone. She shows it to the Q and then puts it in her pocket.
10:30 Karen is given a bear cut-out with seeds and eyes to glue on
10:32 Karen is given a choice of 3 different sizes of eyes. She begins to glue though looks up at the Q every time the Q looks over to her to observe her
10:56 Karen has outlined her bear and is adding tiny little beads to it. She seems to be going very slow, but intently.
10:58 Karen is told her bear is very nice.
11:06 Karen tries to tell the DSP that Kenyana messed up her sleeve with paint, but is put at ease by the DSP
11:20 Karen gets up independently, but not securely to move her project by holding with two hands the newspaper around the cradled bear. She appears happy when her DSP comes over to help her. She goes to the bathroom.
11:23 Karen went to Ana and initiated having Ana wash her hands with the sanitary cleaner, though she hadn’t been to the bathroom or asked for help
11:24 Karen asks why the music is stopped and is told that it is time for lunch
11:26 Karen doesn’t open her bag, but she states what’s in her lunch