Oh man ... we're just sailin!!!
Good morning … this is me. We’re still at the Michigan suite, and we’re waiting for Sweetie Pie to come back. He’s downstairs getting eggs. He is going to make omelet’s. Woo HOOO. There is some left over steak and there’s some good cheese and butter, plus I figure if he wants some garlic he can crunch up and throw in some of the extra triscuits. Hehehe well, he didn’t like that idea too much. He just got back. Now since the computer is facing him, we get to watch him work while typing … he’s washing a few extra dishes in the sink.We told him after watching the Tim Allen video last night, we were not going to remind him how to wash dishes. Tim Allen was pretty funny in stating through his comic genius that women can’t handle watching men do the dishes. I guess its like a special gene, we must have. Ahh, now he is cutting up the steak … he just commented on its nice pinkness. He cooked for us last night after resigning himself to the fact nothing was going to budge us out of the house. He decided that he could and would like to cook steaks himself rather than pick them up or have them delivered from a restaurant. That was fine with us … he makes good steak, plus we had potatoes and corn on the cob. We had had a little wine first and found the cheese – just a couple of pieces, but we had some pop for dinner before watching the Tim Allen video.
After that we tried watching with him a couple of TV shows that he wanted to check out for the fall season … one was heroes and the other was Journeyman. But, we were out of TV logic and fell hopelessly asleep during the second show. I think fishyman helped put us to bed. We didn’t wake up until about 1 pm. Then every couple hours there after. I think its harder, but we are getting some kind of sleep laying down which makes us very happy. I like being in the same bed as Sweetie Pie, but unfortunately he got out of bed and ended up on the couch. I didn’t know that until we woke up later and that made us feel bad. I didn’t want him to be put out of his own bed because of me. I think it was ok, until I turned toward him, but then I must have sounded like Darth Vader to him.
Anyway, we got up and both went outside to watch the world go by. It seems like it is going to rain today, which is fine, cuz it just is. The only problem here is that we’ve had fly problems. Not major, but I really haven’t had to deal with them this year and I’m not used to being out in the world with them. I’m a little goofy about giving them so much time and attention.
Hmm, now giving fishyman time and attention he’s just put the mixture in the pan … I think we’re going to have scrambled eggs instead. Hope there is no flies in there. Fishyman likes catching them with his hands. I think he’s got a patented method. He sure is working hard … I just sit here and ogle him. He’s about the most interesting person I know. I think we’re going to need going pretty soon. He says he’s drooling and I had to agree with him. We’ve fallen to just watching and smelling what was happening. Ahh, now the salsa!
WooHOO… This is me again. We don’t have much time left. We are down to the last hour. We need to check out at noon. We’re hoping to get to sail for an hour on the paddle boat at 1 pm, but we will be checked out of here by then. So, maybe we can look around town some more … I would like to do some window shopping where we don’t go in the store, but take a walk down by the stores to get a better impression of what’s in them.
Aha! The woman next door that gets the paddle ship ready is moving now … I think she has to put the chairs out … they tip them at night in case it rains. Right now I’m in it as far as one could get – we’re talking Nirvana here. I’m on the balcony … the weather is wonderful and Rich brought out the computer and coffee. We’ve been out here for about an hour and Rich spent the last 20-30 minutes here with us. He had been working on some work stuff with the computer and talking on the phone for some business stuff. Oh man … just watching a hawk hover over the river and I can here some seagulls fight over a fish. And, there are ducks to be watching too.
I don’t know if I can explain this … but there is us up on the second floor balcony and then this river, and then on the other side houses and condos and stuff. In-between too is the docks where all the nifty boats and yachts are docked … I keep saying we are going to get a picture, but we haven’t yet. I know I can snap a shot, but I don’t think I could get the beauty and ambiance of what I’m seeing and feeling as the wind shuffles through my hair and wrists. Now there is a little excitement, because the woman has started the paddle wheel so it feels like a slight vibration, I can smell some gas and see her wiping off the tables and chairs.
Rich said he is going to go over there and see what we can do with getting the chair and or at least me over into the boat before or after the “crowd” comes in. I don’t think there will be a whole lot of people because its been pretty dead out here except the birds. I should have gotten pictures Sunday because then there were sooooooooo many boats and boaters. During the weekday there seems like almost nothing, except we know that almost everyone who is left to tourist gets a ride on this paddle wheel. At least it feels like it because of all the advertisement we see of it from the Internet, magazines, or billboards. I can’t believe our incredible good luck to be here. AND, a few moments ago before Rich went inside to clean, pack and take his shower, he said … yes. I hadn’t asked him anything, but he said, “I already know what your going to ask.” “Hmm?” Then he said, “You are going to ask if we can come again, and the answer is yes.” Hehehe then he begged off sorta in saying only for a couple of days can he sit around doing nothing because by then he starts to get itchy. That is of course, unless he is fishing.
Rich has wanted to go fishing in the baddest way, but he says that he isn’t going to pay $20 to cast his line 20 times. We were trying to get him interested in the charter boats, but he said that would cost too much and that he came to be with us and not fish, BUT we think eventually he will bite that worm. It’s just so gorgeous here. Rich says it’s a very clean river and its opened up his thoughts to this new experience. He says that it is a sandy bottom and its connected to the local lake and Lake Michigan. It’s got a pretty good current then.
Yesterday Rich and us went out and did several things. The longest part was that we were checking out the area. We did this by car and went out to a couple other towns in the neighborhood too within about 12-15 miles. I had a couple addresses I had gathered, but that wasn’t really necessary, because this place like at home it seems there is at least one house for sale almost every block we turn down. Some of the houses had brochure boxes where you could look at the MLS listing and by doing so get an idea of the cost and value of each property. The ones both Rich and us focused on was the ones directly on water. He had his GPS thing, so we followed around the water roads that were close. He was teasing me that the only house he could afford was the one’s that looked like doll or dog houses. I wasn’t going for that in the least. He’s trying to work me down in size, and we’re trying to work him up in size. I think I am the point that I could settle for a two bedroom and just have visiting kids stay at a motel. But, it has to be on the lake, and then Rich said if he was going to be up here, he would need a boat. So, naturally, we said, “No problem!” But, he had to get stairs, so I could take a boat ride sometimes. But, for most the part … he’d be out doing fishyman stuff and might often invite Bob up. That would be so terrific.
The water is making slapping sounds against the docks and we haven’t seen a moving boat for a long time. Hmm, I think Rich’s phone just rang, but it was a telephone sound like mine, so that was a little confusing. Chances are that he’s taken a shower by now and is just putzing around. It’s already 10:30 am – 11:30 Michigan time. Wow that lady is great … she’s now mopping down the deck. I wonder if they get bird droppings over there.
There is one boat across the way that is painted black and it’s a real old fashioned kind that looks sora like a small pirates boat. It has two tall mastiffs with lots of rope, and it isn’t even the biggest one we saw this week. These …
Umm, interruption for a second. Rich stuck his head out and asked me if I wanted to help him … umm dress. Well, of course that’s an affirmative, so we raced ourselves in and found him available in the beroom, WOOHOOO!!! Now that’s a way to end our stay here … we’ll note that it is a very productive place to be. Ok, stop that silly grin … better pack up … he’s moving and its 10 to 12 … see you soon.