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Friday, March 30, 2007

Late Day Posting ...

Ok, ok … we’re back … the time is now 10:15 am. Several things happened. First we revised the policy and procedure for Human Resources, and then our friend came in, and then I had to go watch the front end again. Pshwoo. Busy hour. Nothing spectacular on the policy, but our friend is always fun to talk to … well, almost always fun. With his daughter home the family goes through extra challenges, and I think there’s a part of him that feels as if he referees them. Hehehe that and hand out that hard-earned dough! But, he’s surviving through it and we’re looking ahead. I think she is going home on Sunday, although I’m not sure. It might be Tuesday. I have to imagine she’ll have off Easter too. I was just told by a peer that it is coming up next week and that we’ll have Thursday and Friday off WOOO HOOO! That be some break, especially if I finished the paper this week. Our friend was going home, but he was in a pretty good mood all considering. He still complained and listed off the work things that he has to do. I think he’s fighting a loosing battle in that … he thinks when his kids come home they should sit and relax … perhaps read a book. But, I think their family is very activity orientated. HEHE that’s the part that’s costing him the big bucks. Oh well, that’s as much as we want to be involved. The big deal is that MAYBE he can come over tomorrow night and that would be a very good thing. But, there are no promises … he’s still into crisis management at home. We’ll let that be. We’re doing fine at this point. But, of course, this isn’t a long be by yourself weekend. That will cause more distress.

SOOOO, oh the front-end? Eh, that was simple only one door bell and our friend on his way out let in the person who was the other Q who took over my job up front.

Nothing much to do but make sure everything is ok, open doors, and answer the phone. The phone hasn’t rung though in the last hour … so all is good. Nice to be back in my corner of the world. Hmm, who said that yesterday. Maybe the inspector or the new CSO person? I’m not sure, but someone commented on them having put me way back here. I just smiled and smiled said how nice it was and how nice the garden, PLUS all the greenery is up and ready, so we’re going to imagine very soon will be afforded the view with all the tulips. WOO HOOO! We’ll let you know when they come up.

Ok, 10:30 am. What to do next … I had in mind that job posting stuff .. should I do that? Ok, that will certainly take up the next 75 minutes no problem, guess we’re off to that then … see you soon.

Hmm, just me again. It’s a while later. The time is now 2:45 pm. We’re holding in there. We’d been working before lunch, then did the lunch crowd, had lunch, did something, and then worked on the information for the Thinking Group, then we did the Thinking Group, and then talked to a couple DSPs – one-on-one, and then for the last 15 minutes we went into brain meltdown. We’re just coming out of it now. I have in front of me the information Sister gave us on the students or volunteers. I would like to get through that now, but I’m feeling pretty zapped. Might have to come in through a back door.

The lunch was done early today, because everyone wanted to go outside apparently. I’d forgotten to meet a staff at 10:30 am so that looks bad on me, but I asked her to call if it was obvious I hadn’t shown up. Maybe that is putting my responsibility on them, but in some way I figure this is their responsibility to learn, so that we need to meet some fair ground. It’s not their fault I forget. I had the note on top of my desk, but it hadn’t occurred to me that I needed to turn around at that time. I have a note of what we were doing at 10:30 am, but it wasn’t the right thing. Now we have a back-up meeting on Tuesday at 10:30, why don’t I try putting it in the Organizer with an alarm … that will work hopefully if we’re in the room, if not I think it leaves a reminder on the screen. Hold on.

Pshwoo … that’s done. We’re all set up. We’re going to try and start using the calendar again.

For the record, we did get done with both objectives in revising the policy and procedure and entering information from the job objectives. So, now the frosting on the cake one. Let’s look over the material you!

Yeeks, that face is scary, she’s still looking at me. Make her go away! Shhh, just pick up the material … you can do it. Go ahead.

Pswhoo … it’s almost 6 pm now … I just finished up a big section on the volunteers. I wrote a volunteer service agreement and policies on confidentiality and dismissal. I don’t know how things are going to go, but I’ve made a decision that if we are to proceed safely, we need to hand Sr. our work for approval. That means giving her the last set of reports, policies and procedures, etc. I don’t know how mad she is going to be over all the changes, but she has to understand what I am doing, because she is still my boss. I hope that this information gets presented at the administration meeting. I’m sure its going to be too much, and I most like am going to get lambasted. But, it has to be done sooner or later, because there is a lot more to go and I need to be getting on with it. We made good pace today … we finished up the straggly ends of the fourth page, and got about 1/3 the way through the 5th page. We need to get through 9 pages. And, then when that gets complete, we need to go back and restart entering information on the different sections. It’s going to take a while to get it all done and it probably won’t all be done by the time CARF gets here, but it will be far enough along, so that I think they will be pleased with the results. Soooo, that’s how it is going to go. Maybe sister is too busy this weekend to look at all the changes, or maybe she will get assistance from her sisters in looking at the material. I know that all changes have to be approved by the sister center and most likely they will need to go through a lawyer, but in the process I’m doing what I believe I need to do. Hopefully, I will be allowed the latitude that I told her I would need to complete the work. We’ll see, but for now, we’re off. I’m going to stop by and put gas in the car and I’m going to deposit my check hehehe before she withdraws it! Ok, on we go. We’ll see.