Ok ... so this isn't quite figured out yet ... we're getting there
Good morning. It’s Sunday morning and the air is cool and crisp and beside having an unsettled Missy … everything is in order. Hehehe Pretty much! It’s now about 9:15 am. We’ve been up for a couple of hours, and we’d been up previous to that, but had gone back to bed. This last time we were serious about wanting to be up, but needed to reinforce ourselves with coffee and medicine to get on to the right path. The other path had us falling asleep at the wheel. But, we didn’t use our real keys so that was ok, just needed some improvement.Oh man … she’s going to be confusing again today. Shoot.
OHHHHHHHKKKK. Not! I’m trying … be nice!
Yesterday in our progressive work of the day, we’d downloaded a book called, “The Motivated Mind.” We just finished the first chapter. It’s one of those books that don’t allow you to copy and paste in PDF format and we haven’t yet decided to use our translating sources, because we’ve enjoyed the format … It gives us a chance to really think if we want to type out a sentence or paragraph, because there is work involved, but if we do the work, then we’re happy with the results of that extra reinforcement. So … all is good.
We are out of habit with real reading again so we’re taking it slow. I figured one chapter read deserves some writing time. Because in truth it is kind of intense stuff. I think books in general ask you to go new places with your mind and your mind gets stretched and it is good, but takes time so as to not get overwhelmed.
Before we get too much further … we did indeed have an excellent time last night with our Sweetie Pie. He came about 6 pm and stayed about 4 hours. Yes, this is the course of things … Eat … Talk … Play. This is the most terrific kind of schedule one could carry. Always the discussions feel progressive and the love-making seems new. Dinners aren’t bad either. Last night we had rib tips … Wooo HOOO!!! I had to put the foot down though, because at first he said that he was going to pick up a dog and that I should go ahead and grab something to eat. BRAKKKKKKES! No good. If we’re having a date, I am certainly going to want to talk over dinner, because after a week, we had plenty of thoughts and questions as to not so much our time, but his.
As natural as our courses of events go … we want to know all the details. We think our honey-bunny is the most interesting person alive and we get focused in to wanting to hear ever syllable he utters. Our attention is ‘rapt!”
He put us down before we left and we cuddled in and now we’re almost about caught-up. I would like to pay a little attention to the material that we just finished reading. I copied out about 5% of what we’d read or … about 1.5 pages of 27. I’d like to discuss that iin a few moments. Might need to get some more coffee and settle kitty first. AND, we got an IM from our wonder-bunny friend He’s doing fine … socks half washed and heading for shower and the store. Good objectives that man has!
Hmm, anything else on that score? Naw … just the residual good to be alive feeling he gives me. Such a sweet!
Oh and too? Our question got chosen as the best answer out of 8 after 6 days. Soooo we’re feeling pretty good about that.
What does creativity means to u?
6 days ago - 8 answers -
Best Answer - Chosen By Voters
Creativity means to me keeping an open mind to new possibilities. What usually works for me is to think of a question and then look for options that work with it. For example, I might look at the light bulb in front of me and then ask a question such as what comes to mind as something I have yet to do. I have learned to appreciate the immediate responses my mind suggests such as 1) I should put a new long life light bult in my back bedroom, because I've been leaving that light on, 2) I've got surprise money to buy some decorations for that room and my bedroom, 3) I forgot that I was going to write something special considering my internal state and financial solvency. Basically, one idea feeds another and before you know it you are so involved in a creativity, because creativity is a process of moving forward. This doesn't happen by watching television and being brainwashed with commercials. You need to live - move forward. This is creativity. Become involved in your life.
Ok, enough about our stardom … let’s continue with our life’s projects … Oh we do have to say something about ONE particular thing somebodies bunny said to her last night. We were getting teased terribly. We told him we had gotten a new e-book on motivation and HE SAID … Something like it’s good to be motivated to tell you how to do something in another project that will take up more time from doing what initially has to be done, because we’ll have then another incomplete task to do, etc. etc. etc. We were both laughing as he said it, but I thought of our boss, V., and even Dr. M. saying all something very close to this certain truth. I think we are pretty good side-steppers. I’m so involved in starting new systems that I couldn’t help but to remind him … did he know I’d started a new group for multiples? I think he said something close to “ARGGGH”
Hehehehe – well at least he has a good sense of humor. I’m not sure or not if we need fixing, but there is something to be said here about having multiple minds. We each have different answers to the same questions. Oh yeah … I didn’t say anything to him about our new goal program started placed on a front burner Friday either. There’s so many things to do and traditionally we will soon get overwhelmed and then do nothing of the above. But, we’re working on it. For example the Yahoo Answers progam fits one or some of our needs to play some. The groups gives us our space to volunteer (toward multiples), this blog is our life direction set down … the new goals program we’re going to use as our major outline or points from which to focus, the news space is to help us grapple with world direction, and this new book? Good for getting us in reading shape and with giving us specific thought and exercise on how to be moving forward properly. Before we can get to self-regulation we have to have motivation in order. It also came up due to our last week or two avoidance of diet and gym, although we were more focused at work. I’m guessing the book has something to say about straight paths.
Ok, ok … Chapter 1 … Gracia, J. M. (2004). The motivated mind. Madison, WI: Stonefield Publishing.
“Too often, people excuse their voluntary actions with phrases like "have to," or "no choice." "… Every voluntary action you take is desired, otherwise you wouldn't do it. There is a motive, or reason, for every voluntary action you choose to take. This is true whether or not the action results in a positive or negative outcome” (Gracia, p. 12).
I think our thoughts will be toward if this is a true statement and there is no reason to believe otherwise, how does or has this affected our life in general. We’re still working with the 2006 concept of “going deeper,” or in general integrating for each of the parts with what works for all the parts. We still don’t want to integrate into one part, but it is ok to communicate to each what might work for all.
Do I excuse myself from doing actions with phrases like “I have to do …” or “I don’t have any choice, but to do …” YES! I do! The first phrase that comes to mind is “I have to go to the gym.” What the statement implies is that if I go to the gym, it is because it is something that I want to do … it is desired. I want to do that more than anything else, because I am indeed doing it. I don’t need to know the motive or reason I am doing something – although I’m guessing that is going to help, but it will be a voluntary action and not something my friends can cajole me into. I will choose because I want something to happen and because I believe it is a positive alternative in reaching the outcomes I desire, such as being healthier.
A negative outcome would be to choose not to get out of our chair. But, that would still be motivated by a desire to perhaps not wanting to leave the computer. Both are motivation and we’ll have to decide which actions lead to the most positive outcomes. For example, we might think that both are good, neither is better than the other, but doing one without the other might be a negative action. So, allowances of time will be made. Something we thought yesterday while looking at goals was that we would do the home tread mill if we chose not to leave home. Later on the chapter talks about long and short term goals. We can admit to having problems with this as she stands now. Particularly it shows in our usage of time and resources, such as money. But, for now … in review of the first quote, I agree I excuse my voluntary actions with poorly made phrases such as “have to” or “no choice.” As a forward thought … I would like to work toward longer-termed goals. I am like an addict in that I am admitting this fault, I stand before you. I say, “Hi my name is Ann, and I am a person who avidly makes poor choices. Help me help myself! I want to reach my positive outcomes.”
Ok, I feel better about that now … we’re moving forward.
Next, Gracia says, “Every action you take has a reaction for which you are responsible” (Gracia, p. 13). This seems to be remnant of old psychological discussions on hmm, what is the term. It is the thing which you ascribe credit and fault to yourself, or to others. I’ll think of it soon. When I hear the word responsible, I automatically tie it to being independent. We teach at the program that if you want to be independent you will need to be responsible. One does not come without the other. I saw this in the situation that had occurred a couple of weeks ago with the DSP who told me we were snaky and that she would never talk to us again. It’s hard to think of one as snaky, because that is a really poor concept to drop on anyone and might have been truelike, or it might have been a projection of her manipulation of my behaviors. It still is frustrating me that someone has interpreted that she can storm into my office to dictate what I can or cannot say to my boss. There should have never been any doubt as to my allegiance and for her to have placed herself above my allegiance to the boss showed me where she stood on that issue. I did tell the boss something I could have figured would upset her, but under this new form of consideration there was something within that made it imperative for me to have reported to the boss that three of the employees were considering themselves underpaid and there was a situation going on motivated by this one person to discuss wage earnings of each other. Again, I did not plan what happened, but I did not plan for it not to happen. So, I take responsibility for my decision.
For a second now I will consider the question of immediate gratification. Each of us acted in a manner that was immediately gratifying. It felt good to take the pressure off of me in giving information to the boss. It felt good to the boss to relieve her frustration on the employee, and it felt good to the employee to dump her anger on me. It was a cycle that took place. I still wonder why I didn’t go all the way in not telling the boss the employee was looking at other job possibilities and would frequently try to discuss her other options. I don’t think I had intended to get the employee “in trouble,” as much as I was saying that the center was being put in jeopardy by this loose conversation on money not being good enough for service rendered. I know at the time that I had made the discussion with the boss, it was important for me to say that it wasn’t that she wasn’t paying enough, it was a problem because the staff were not being conservative in their spending habits. I didn’t go into details, but this staff had spent about $12,000 on credit cards and had bought a new house, and then decided to take down staff morale in complaining about salaries and job satisfaction. She was looking for Sister to say the wrong thing so that she could storm out and she’d been looking for a backup plan so that she could leave. Why she wants to leave I’m not sure. I think more she was using that she was going to leave as a threat to achieving more money it was a form of blackmail. None of this was thought out at the time on my account. I made only a few short basic sentences. One staff was getting together to complain about their salaries. And, I thought the statements unjustified because it was more money management than any other. For example, the staff had relayed she had spent $3,500 on Christmas gifts for nephews and nieces with credit cards. BUT, then is it fair for her to complain she isn’t paid enough? Instead of using her for an example, I had used with the boss an example of myself. I said I get paid a fair wage, but I had not saved money and this was because I am an impulsive shopper. Sister took that moment to agree with us because she’s seen so many packages of ours be delivered to the door. I accepted the responsibility of the ensuing scolding, which has been taken to heart. That was the sum and substance of that conversation.
While I might consider it immediately gratifying to be frank with our boss, I recognize it is also asking her to check as to how the situation is going as to general staff relations. I carry on a lot of conversation with the staff through our meetings and in the case of this one staff with a lot of her personal things. But, since her personal business was so widespread by her to other people in the agency, including the boss, it watered down any special aid she might have considered in having talked to me. So much for my savior complex, instead it gave me the feeling of being used. When we confronted her on this, she was like … yah, yah, I was saying about my life now … Rolled off her back like water on a duck. There were internal choices being made that I wasn’t entirely aware of that were saying that enough was enough and I no longer wanted to carry responsibility for her behaviors, or poor attitude. In a sense I’d failed, and rightfully so when trying to take on the burdens of others. I didn’t pre-think hey if I tell the boss this … then she is going to go immediately to the staff with it. But, I don’t deserve to be shocked in that she did. I know Sr. is capable of these kinds of quick decisions. I should be aware that I don’t say much, so when I do say something it might have impact. I couldn’t be privy to what the boss was already considering with this employee.
As an after fact, I’ve thought recently, in the reaction of Sr. not to be overly concerned that I was bludgeoned by the DSP. Now, we’re thinking maybe she thought we had deserved this. Taking responsibility … if telling the boss of staff complaining to each other receives the consequence of a staff blowing up at us, than I can do that. The funny thing is that it is still a couple of weeks after and we’re still working through the situation. Both last two weeks with Dr. M. it has come up and it still remains to be solved. This week there was some compromise in that small hellos and such have been made, but no personal conversation has yet taken place. There was some business discussed, but we are both on guard. I don’t however consider this to be a negative situation. Primarily because I’ve enjoyed the extra time I’ve been using to not discuss her life and to be getting more of my work done. I’ve also enjoyed a sense of professionalism in only handling business matters. I’ve long since appreciated this with most the other staff including the new Q. I don’t need to know of her personal business and I am very grateful the little I know due to frequency of calls being made – it’s all in Spanish so I am placed fairly out of her business. I think this really helps the good relationship we have. Her honesty in keeping out of “office politics” and avoiding personal discussions makes it easier for me to be the kind of person I would like to be. I’ve made choices to not pollute her life with stinkin thinking. We respect each other enough to know that sometimes this happens … I start to think conspiritually, but she is quick to take note of standing on the other side of natural barriers. We apologize, rethink, and go on. Bottom line is though we are responsible for our own behaviors.
Next. … “every action, no matter how good or bad it is for you and your life, is motivated” (Gracia, p. 13).
Even though I didn’t understand myself my motivation for talking to the boss, I was motivated by something. Most likely it was a mixture of good AND bad. Hopefully, more good than bad. In an other area less discussed? Hmm where else have I taken an action that could have been motivated good or bad? What have I decided lately? Hmm, we decided to read this book on motivation … to the chuckle of our friend I may say. I’m agreeing we deserve that chuckle, but then there was something that both before and after his conscious remark, that has projected us into going forward with the “new project.”
I had found out about the book from a newsletter of the goals group. Realistically, I’ve been receiving mail from this group for a period of about 3 years. Most often I just avoid it, but this time I did not. Goals has become important to me, not only because of its value at work, but because the self-regulation material points to it as essential. Each month in the newsletter the goals group features a motivational type writer who has some kind of presence to sell. I was interested in Gracia, but frustrated how forceful he was in his site in getting people to buy the book. It may have worked, because with $27 in our account and after swearing not to spend a dime, we spent $17 on the ebook. Another question of immediate gratification? Maybe. Maybe not … we just know that we were motivated to buy and read the book. We liked the idea that we could work through steps in achieving the ability to have a more motivated mindset. It seems to be the biggest issue at both work and school. And, ANYTHING I can learn toward that end is top of the line precedence. I thought the author was assertive (somewhat aggressive), but since he was only trying to get me to spend $17 I could forgive that oversight. Maybe he knows how unmotivated people are and even to the point of passing on effort needed to read his material. Couldn’t blame him for that.
Though next, Gracia states, “You cannot get motivated because it is always present” (Gracia, p. 13). AHA! That works for me. I like not having to spend the other $10. He goes further in saying, “When you find yourself "unmotivated" to take action toward your goals, you are actually motivated to do something else” (Gracia, p. 13) and this something else doesn’t have to be good or bad.
It feels bottom of the line right to me. It seems like every time I’ve avoided something it was because I was more interested in something else. The thing we find ourselves most interested in doing is writing. Like right now. We are still not sold on reading, but think that maybe there is something to come by it. We like that idea. I love to be at my keyboard, you already know that. I have to ask though while we are doing this, what happens to our appreciation of following Flylady’s morning routines, the new goals outline, the group work, or the self-regulation outline. We’ve thought this week of the word, “Trump.” Not as in Donald. We think the word trump means accepting one priority over another. Frequently, we talk about our different parts jumping their priority over another. For us to just keep in mind all the priorities seems to be somewhat a struggle. So, let’s look at that again squarely in the face.
Flylady’s morning routines
New goal outline
Group work on MW2
Self-regulation outline
Motivational book
Writing in our blog
Which and how do we prioritize fairly. Whoops we forgot or going to the gym, or calling our Grandma about the family history. I think these are some of our major projects. I think the one thing holding it all together is our interest in getting work done, but maybe even more importantly in getting back to school.
So, the list again
Flylady’s morning routines
New goal outline
Group work on MW2
Self-regulation outline
Motivational book
Going to the gym
Our Gramma’s history project
Writing in our blog
When we opened the Goal outline … we decided that we better make it a priority, which included links to the others. The program is without a lot of bells and whistles, but sits fairly squarely on the page. There … we set it up formally. You have no imagination how many things compete for our visual attention between the two screens. Let’s see if everything is on the list both here now and at the Goals Manager screen.
Ok …. Still working here to integrate all of our tasks set-out. Here’s the big list as it stands and is recorded under Goals & Objectives behind My Notebook Dates.
1. Goals http://mygoalmanager.com/RepOutline.aspx
A. Goal Plan Outline Report for Aynetal3
1. Adventure
a. I would like to have fun, even though the fun at this time is related primarily to being with our boys, friend, or time spent on the computer.
i. Spend time comforting our friends and sons over their loss one day of us
2. Artistic
a. I would like to utilize my creativity more in assisting us to structure our time and goals.
3. Asset
a. I would like to spend time planning for things that I wish to accomplish and after the plan is made use my best abilities in accomplishing and evaluating the plans.
4. Career
a. I would like to establish a program based on CARF values and spend more time with program and staff development.
5. Charity
a. I would like to structure my finances to be able to assist my boys or their families with educational goals.
6. Family
a. I would like to understand our internal family better and the goals each has and is trying to accomplish. I would like to work better as a system in accomplishing those needs.
7. Financial
a. I would like to be able to save money toward things I want and spend less time spending impulsively.
i. Establish savings account for $1,200/$50 reoccurring when estate check received.
8. Education
a. I would like to complete my degree in the Masters Program at Capella University for Educational Psychology. I would like to do this in a timely manner.
i. Increase commitment to family’s education by announcing at Christmas our wish.
*Decide not to spend a penny of the available $27.83
9. Health
a. I would like to gain control over diet, exercise, and other health goals.
i. Get showered and dressed and walk on the treadmill for ten minutes
10. Recreation
a. I would like to play with my Sweetie Pie in the woods again.
11. Social
a. I will respect myself by being honest with my thoughts and feelings. I will love myself, my God, my family, my friends, and people I meet along my path. I will honor my freedom and independence and cherish my right to make choices. I will strive to be capable. I will be responsible for happiness, and I will share whatever wisdom I learn in offering help to others.
i. Do something nice for Rich today.
12. Spiritual
a. I will spend more time giving thanks to God for that which he invites us to share in his life dreams.
2. Writing in our blog - video taping - http://aynetal3.blogspot.com/
3. Morning Routine
a. Get out of bed and hit the ground FLYing!
b. Get up fold the blanket, weigh and feed the kitties
c. Shower and brush teeth/floss and get dressed to lace up shoes, fix your hair and face
d. While you are in the bathroom Swish and Swipe
e. Grab a load of laundry and start the washer
f. Check your calendar for today's activities
g. Empty dishwasher to start your day
h. Make sure the sink is still polished
i. Eat something good for you and take your medicine and vitamins
j. Drink your water.
k. Reread Auto-booster from the hypnotist - no cheating!
l. Do the Paper Patrol Hot Spots Clear (15 min)
m. Check what's to eat for the day including dinner
n. Check our notes to see if there is something missing, or if we need an attitude change to something more positive.
o. Do a 2 minute hot spot check
p. Do a 5 minute room rescue
q. Declutter up to two times a day using 27-Fling Boogie What to declutter? Things to ask yourself as you get rid of your clutter:
• Do I love this item?
• Have I used it in the past year?
• Is it really garbage?
• Do I have another one that is better?
• Should I really keep two?
• Does it have sentimental value that causes me to love it?
• Or does it give me guilt and make me sad when I see the item?
Cleanse this room of everything that does not make you SMILE.
r. Check the kitty litter area and make sure all the trash has been put outside. Do this for 15 minutes total then stop.
s. Put your feet up for 15 minutes (hmread National Geographic)
t. Set up at minutes to work on our Inspirational Page
u. Kelly's Zone Mission
v. Check you Holiday Control Journal
w. What a way to start my day!! (at the bottom of the page)
4. Reading on Motivation - Gracia, J. M. (2004). The motivated mind (PDF). Madison, WI: Stonefield Publishing.
a. Chapter 1 - Pillar 1 - Understand
i. Too often, people excuse their voluntary actions with phrases like "have to," or "no choice." "… Every voluntary action you take is desired, otherwise you wouldn't do it. There is a motive, or reason, for every voluntary action you choose to take. This is true whether or not the action results in a positive or negative outcome (Gracia, p. 12).
ii. Every action you take has a reaction for which you are responsible (Gracia, p. 13).
iii. … every action, no matter how good or bad it is for you and your life, is motivated. (Gracia, p. 13).
iv. You cannot get motivated because it is always present. The new definition of motivation is the secret to creating action and lasting change (Gracia, p. 13).
v. When you find yourself "unmotivated" to take action toward your goals, you are actually motivated to do something else (Gracia, p. 13) this doesn't have to be good or bad.
vi. The key to success is not in getting motivated, but in taking control of what's already there … direction (Gracia, p. 13).
vii. Impossible to create, motivation can only be directed. You can take a step forward or backward, but either way you go, the action is still motivated (Gracia, p. 15).
viii. The difference in outcomes creates two categories of motivation -- negative and positive. While the first will lead you to the dead ends of life, the second will guide you to unparalleled success and happiness. Negative motivation is the cause of pain, struggle, fear, and ultimate failure (Gracia, p. 16).
ix. A voluntary action in the opposite direction of your authentic desire - negative motivation (Gracia, p. 16).
x. The cause of negative motivation is short-term thinking; it is instant gratification at its worst. In short, negative motivation is doing what feels good now only to deal with the painful consequences later (Gracia, p. 17).
xi. It all comes down to living for the short=term versus the long-term. When I paint short-term living as a negative picture, I am not referring to enjoying the moment and showing appreciation for the present. I am talking about sabotaging your dreams through negative actions. Living for the long-term requires a small amount of sacrifice now to enjoy a massive amount of pleasure in the future. This is where most people drop the ball. They seek only what is easy now, ignoring the pain that will result later (Gracia, p. 18).
xii. Seeking an instant leisure at the expense of fulfillment is a road that leads only one place -- ultimate failure (Gracia, p. 19).
xiii. Positive motivation - a voluntary action in the direction of your authentic desire. Whenever you do something that brings you one step closer to achieving what you want, you are positively motivated (p. 21). It is important that you understand that the hard part in getting what you want is rarely in the act itself-it is in getting yourself to do what you know you have to do. Inspiring yourself to action is the key to achieving your desires, which is why positive motivation is so extremely vital you your success (Gracia, p. 21).
xiv. It doesn't matter what you know if it's never acted upon. Positive change requires action, and action is what you'll create with the skill of positive motivation. If you want it, you have only to plug your desire into the system and action ensues (Gracia, p. 22).
xv. When it comes to a change in beliefs, it takes repetition to make the new ideas stick (Gracia, p. 23).
xvi. "Work? Tired of it? I love this stuff. It isn't work when you love it. I can't wait to see what this project will look like when it's finally done. If I could, I would work on it every minute of the day" (Gracia, p. 25).
xvii. If you feel that you have to do something it won't last. It never lasts. Positive motivation allows you to adjust your perspective. You will feel an urge to take action and reach your goal because the final reward will be so compelling. This has nothing to do with "have to" and everything to do with "want to" (Gracia, p. 25).
5. Group work on MW2 - http://groups.yahoo.com/mygroups
6. Self-regulation Outline - http://www.capella.edu/DEFAULT.ASPX
I. Self-Regulated learning - Self direction to transform abilities into skills; attainment of goals
A. Forethought - Processes that precede efforts to learn and set the stage for such learning
1. Goal setting - deciding on specific outcomes of learning
2. Strategic planning - selection of learning strategies or methods designed to attain the desired goals
3. Self-efficacy beliefs - personal beliefs about one's capability to learn or perform at certain designated levels
4. Goal orientation - focus on learning progress or effective learning rather than competitive outcomes
5. Intrinsic interest - continuity of learning efforts despite the absence of tangible rewards
B. Performance or volitional control - Processes that occur during learning efforts and affect concentration and performance
1. Attention focusing - protecting intention to learn from distractions and from competing intentions
2. Self-instruction/imagery - refers to telling oneself how to proceed during a learning task
3. Self-monitoring - checking progress of key processes or outcomes; self/environment cues balancing routine and change
C. Self-reflection - Processes that occur after learning efforts and influence a learner's reactions to that experience
1. Self-evaluation - comparing self-monitored information with standards or goals; efficiency, effectiveness, and satisfaction
2. Attributions - causal meaning of the results influenced by personal and contextual factors
3. Self-reactions - positive or negative inevitability that assists or detracts from reinforcing systematic variations in approach;
propensity to continuously practice well or follow through
4. Adaptive practice cycle - appropriate evaluation of performance; which will create inertia that can facilitate or undermine learning
learning during subsequent phases
II. Thoughts
A. Processes through knowledge and experience, which includes interpersonal, intrapersonal, and contextual conditions
III. Feelings
A. Integration of emotion with thought (work of impact psychiatry and complicated by multiplicity)
IV. Strategies
A. Reading, writing, listening & speaking
V. Behaviors
A. Follow through fitness program
7. Going to the gym - http://www.w3body.com/index.htm
8. Gramma's history project - Talking Your Roots, Fletcher, W.
a. Video recording started: 7:21 PM Thursday, November 30, 2006
b. Video recording started: 11:26 AM Saturday, December 02, 2006
c. Video recording started: 1:14 PM Sunday, December 10, 2006
9. News - http://my.yahoo.com/
10. Encyclopedia Britannica (My Brain) - http://www.britannica.com/
11. Merriam-Webster Unabridged - http://unabridged.merriam-webster.com/noauth/mwlogin.php?return=/