Ok, We're still here ...
Good morning. How’s everyone? AHA! I see that Nikki stopped over again this morning. We now if anyone is going to appreciate our goofy sense of humor it will be Nikki! I think she’s another that often sees life’s irony!
We’ll have to check on V. this morning if he EVER gets up to see how he is doing in his grieving process. What we are thinking is that he threw over hockey, and went straight to his basketball mistress, BUT there’s a sturdy forcastive bet he’s playing footsy with football, I’m sorry to say we haven’t a clue to know what ever happened became of his F-1 car racing … *Sigh* No wonder he needs to sleep so much! Sheesh! I’m pretty sure this is what happens to men left to their own devises!
Shhhh … oh oh he just woke up … let’s pretend we weren’t here, K? Hehehe It’s about 5 am now and we’re up, showered and dressed all ready. J
Ohhh, Good Morning V!
Shoot almost done V-talking, but he’s taking forEVER to read this last post …
Yep, this is my world renowned patience talking … He’ll probably just say, “school??” Ok, we’ve been gone and back … went to buy an elephant while we were waiting. I couldn’t get him up the stairs, but he fit in the back seat of my car. Umm, I had to put the front seats down though. I’ll probably name him Fred and we’ll go out for walks. I’m a little leery about him being jealous of the cats, so I will probably have to drop-ship him in. I’m planning on cutting a hole in the roof of my apartment anyway, because I was thinking of getting a skylight. But, now that I’m thinking of it it would be nice to put on a whole new level. I’d make it like a loft though with a spiral staircase off to one side. That would leave an opening tall enough to get a pineapple tree … must be a tree, because I think they’re too large for bushes, but if Bush had anything to do with it, I’m sure he’s send them to war, which wouldn’t be a bad thing, as long as he left Fred out of it. SOOOOOOOOOO, I was just thinking wouldn’t it be nice if I could go on vacation? I think I’d choose someplace not too warm, but somewhere with an ocean. I’m not sure of my feelings of scuba diving, but maybe my granddaughter who is now 63 would be interested in coming along, yes she turned out to be an ok kid, after winning the Nobel Prize in science she decided to retire to writing children’s books. She’s writing a series now on how long it takes VVVVVVVVVVV to wash his glasses. While looking toward research, she found that he sometimes gets confused and ties his shoelaces together, which would just go to show you what an interesting guy he is. Now V on the other hand is having his great, great grandson over for dinner. They’ve decided to eat Alaskan smorgasboard, but his 15th wife was afraid the Eskimos would use all the toilet paper in decorating the table. I understand in that state their football team called the Icebergs are now on their way to China because they heard the fishing was good and the team is interested in eating slugs because they toast up just so fine. In other news Hey! Did you hear of the latest diamond mine? They found a stone with 3024 facets and they are going to contribute it to the state of Illinois so they can fund the Senators new grant proposal to study giraffes, in they’re native land in the desert of Sahara. I don’t think that is very relevant for the good people of Illinois, but the Governor is hoping for a wind fall in real estate as we all now that Land prices would then zoom in Brookfield, which is of course tied to the state zoo. Weather today should be fine. We are getting a breeze from the Ozarks, which should help the mating rituals of the Tulitarion tarazons. So, with all this good news you could see where I am tripping over my tongue in excitement. My understand is that in Dubuque, Iowa they are going to have a parade to herald … OH MANNNNN V IS FINNNNNNALY done commenting!
Shoot scolded … putting too much energy into assignments.
Yeah, I know V. your right.
6:51 am. Guess it’s time to take my medicine, BRB … let’s give that now about a half hour.
Just thinking of the days they were treating us for manic depression. That’s kind of my feeling now. But, I know I need to focus. I’ll give this half hour though in Dr. M. thoughts. Which part can I work on today. We scolded Dr. M. yesterday … told him …
“I don't think you could hit us much harder on the head than you have with catastrophing. Couldn't you have worked up to this a little more succinctly the first six years???”
He apologized … though we meant it partially in jest. It is as he says a new and important concept. He had realized when we were talking and thought retrospectively it may have helped to do it gradually, but as to now it seemed to be assistive in reframing things. He also acknowledged that the grey concept would take time and work.
Maybe Dr. M. and V. are on the same track.
So we start the wheels to slowly grinding forward. Let’s see … what have we of logic for the morning?
Hmm. Taking too many pictures … STOP THAT!
Hmm, that was a bad 15 minutes. Missy wouldn’t stop crying. When I reach out to pet her she backs up into that silly game of let’s see you stretch a little further so I can walk away some more. So, I finally gave up and went to sit down in the recliner. I figured I’d give her a few minutes, but then Chief heard there was going to be a pettin so he came in to steal it. There was a three way standoff, which turned into a lose, lose, lose all around.
Hmm, Sweetie just IM’d with me a few moments. He was nice, we tried not to get any grouchy on him. One thing I did was change clothes. D(*&)(* tag was bothering a sore shoulder. The chair should have been fixed by now. Can’t lean back so have gotten a little achy. And, when you’re feeling bad … everything seems worse. Ok, ok … half an hour later this has to stop. We need to concentrate. I don’t think it is such a good time to think of Dr. M. We need that space to be uncontaminated. Let’s see if we can get some of these little things finished for school. The room had gone down last night when we were commenting. Let’s finish that and then do the labs and see if we can also get the journal done by tonight … I like to finish those last comments, but might be a bit much, because they will require more reading. Our friend is going to come over late this afternoon. That’ll be a nice break. Then tomorrow we’d like to finish the putzy things left from today, get the next lab in and start the final paper outline which is coming up to a weekend due date. Finish the last journal entry on Sunday, and we’re all set! Hehehe ok, girls that’s a long 3 days of work between now and then with not so much time off. Well, just a little … we’ve been good! Don’t tell Dr. M. I said that … or we’d have to talk about our value system … YEEKS!
Going to School ---------------à Let’s not tell anyone where we are … it’ll be a surprise.