Working through Memory Test for Meeting :) I remembered!
Good morning. We’re doing better. I think, not sure. Oh dear a fence-sitter. Let’s see how I do over the time of a post. I really don’t have much to say though. Hmm, that’s not right, how could I have little to say. A full day has gone by.I think the only thing that happened yesterday was working on an audio project for Sr. Tess. Our big fundraiser is coming up in the middle of May and each year the clients put on a couple of musical numbers. This year there is in addition dancing due to the efforts of our dance instructor. Sr. usually takes a big part of the music. This year she’s chosen to do “Good Morning” and “Singing in the Rain” from that musical and the Sledge Sisters, “We are family.” Good morning was just added a couple of days ago. I’ve been in charge of music.
Yesterday, I had to burn new CD’s with the second songs and figure out how to get the music for just 45 seconds of the new song. Maybe there is an easy way to do this, but I’m sure I didn’t know that. Added to the dilemma was that Sister wanted spaces between the songs. That … just didn’t happen. I could do it through the use of pictures, but then the CD became a video and couldn’t be processed like a regular audio tape. We did figure out the cropping task through the use of the Windows movie maker, the downloading from one of those sharing programs (needed the licenses), and then from Music Match. Other programs were experimented with, but these are the main three. It made my mind go mushy! But, the end results were good. Just that … it took me an entire day to do it. I had to go through it twice to get it just the way Sr. wanted it.
She’s decided that not only Tuesdays and Thursdays with the dancers, but after lunch for 30-45 minutes the group would practice with her. It involves a whole staff. She rearranged all the tables in the multi-purpose room so that it could be done. God Bless the ones who keep up at her pace. The others are subject to her anger. There is no doubt she is in full command of this ship. Much as I will say about all that. I’ve watched for the last couple of days. You can tell work has been put in on this project. I’m not sure why I am staying, except the fact that it is an all-consuming project. I’m hoping that maybe I can pick up something that will be helpful. Just in case I’m asked. Other wise, we’re staying clear of getting ourselves in trouble. I think Sr. appreciates that I’m there as much as she appreciates anything.
So, that was that … maybe today I can be doing something else. I know that the assistant will be in today. That always makes Thursdays something to look forward to. The Friday appointment has been moved to Monday, if the CSO guy can change his schedule, we’ll see. I should be working toward that staffing and the next coming up on I believe Wednesday. Then I should be done for some time, until early June. This will be good, because I can expect the CARF material to be arriving anytime soon. Earnestly, that project has to be begun.
Hmm, that enough about work? Yah. Guess so.
Didn’t hear much from Sweetie Pie. He was sick, but still went to work yesterday. Ugh! His son ended up on complete bed rest at home and is already bored. Giggle, that will teach him to get sick. Young people just make a muck of it!
We have made arrangements to be going out to visit our youngest on campus on Sunday. I am still having feelings about no one scheduling in Christmas with me. I have to be facing that soon. I did ok with it in IMs with both the boys, but the situation hasn’t been confronted. I’m pretty sure it’s gone right over the head of the youngest and I figure so close to term of the oldest second child, the time isn’t right for all that. Maybe some more work with Dr. M.
His meeting is today and we’ll talk to the memory guy. I’m having a hard time picking up that project, but I would imagine I should be taking care of that this morning. I would feel better if questions were organized; just I have it marked as a hard subject to go through. Maybe if I broke it up by different factors that were being tested. Hmm, maybe I should get started with that. Maybe you’ll go through a bit of it with me?
Dear Dr. M.
I have reordered the different tests so that they are more helpful to the way I think and will want to ask general questions such as:
A. How does the better scored variables help the lesser scored variables
B. How do general categories such as Attention, work memory, etc. work with learning and memory and what specifically is the ability processed in each category
C. How do the subgroups (perfect, superior, etc.) work together within their general ranges
D. What do the general tests measure or mean
E. I would like to understand the big picture (summary and recommendations) such as retrieval-based difficulties and reduced initial learning capacity (esp. verbal)
Dear Dr. M.,
I have reordered the different tests so that they are more helpful to the way I think and will want to ask general questions such as:
A. How does the better scored variables help the lesser scored variables
B. How do general categories such as Attention, work memory, etc. work with learning and memory and what specifically is the ability processed in each category (I would like examples)
C. How do the subgroups (perfect, superior, etc.) work together within their general ranges
D. What do the general tests measure or mean
E. I would like to understand the big picture (summary and recommendations) such as retrieval-based difficulties and reduced initial learning capacity (esp. verbal)
1. Perfect
a. Recognition paradigm (Learning and memory)
2. Superior
a. Intelligence, FSIQ=120 (Gen Intel and Overall Neuropsych functioning)
b. Word knowledge, T=67 (Gen Intel and Overall Neuropsych functioning)
3. High (above) Average
a. Speeded single word decoding, T=67 (Att, work mem, and speeded proc)
b. General word knowledge, T=67 (Language)
c. Single word reading abilities, FSIQ=116 (Gen Intel and Overall Neuropsych functioning)
d. Speeded color identification, T= 60 (Att, work mem, and speeded proc)
e. Timed-visuomotor scanning and rapid sequencing, T=60 (Att, work mem, and speeded proc)
f. Learn and spontaneously recall a visuospatial array with delay, T=59 (Learning and memory)
g. Nonverbal inductive reasoning, T=57 (Gen Intel and Overall Neuropsych functioning)
h. Visual inductive reasoning, T=56 (Visuoperceptual/Visuoconstructive abilities)
i. Speeded generation of unique figural designs, ss=12
j. Speeded word generation to letters and semantic categories (letter fluency), ss=9 (Executive/novel problem solving)
13 items above average------------------------------------------------------>
4. Average
a. Visuaospatial analysis and construction, SS-105 (Visuoperceptual/ Visuoconstructive abilities)
b. Delayed memory (verbal and visual), SS=103 (Learning and memory)
c. Novel problem solving that requires abstraction and mental flexibility perseverative responses, SS-100 (Executive/novel problem solving)
d. Novel problem solving dependent on planning and efficiency, SS=100 (Executive/novel problem solving)
e. Recognition paradigm, z-score=0 (Learning and memory)
f. Novel problem solving that requires abstraction and mental flexibility, SS=99 (Executive/novel problem solving)
g. Recognition of visual information after viewing the stimuli, ss=9 (Learning and memory)
h. Speeded word generation to letters and semantic categories (letter fluency), ss=9 (Executive/novel problem solving)
Midline of 16 average items 8 above, 8 below--------------------------->
i. Speeded word generation to letters and semantic categories (Category fluency), ss=9 (Executive/novel problem solving)
j. Grip strength (grip dominant and nondominant hands, ss=9 (Motor functioning)
k. Broad neuropsychological screening measures, SS=91 (Gen Intel and Overall Neuropsych functioning)
l. Intact naming and verbal fluency SS=91 (Language)
m. Learn and spontaneously recall a visuospatial array, T=52 (Learning and memory)
n. Sustained visual attention and concentration, Error T=43 (Att, work mem, and speeded proc)
o. Speeded digit symbol coding (Att, work mem, and speeded proc)
p. Discriminate between sources of information (Learning and memory)
13 items under average------------------------------------------------------>
5. Low (below) Average
a. Attention index, SS=85 (Att, work mem, and speeded proc)
b. Immediate memory (verbal and visual), SS=85 (Learning and memory)
c. Inhibit over learned responses under timed conditions, Interference, T=42 (Att, work mem, and speeded proc)
d. Timed-visuomotor scanning and rapid sequencing task (attention divided and sequenced between numbers and letters, T=42 (Att, work mem, and speeded proc)
6. Mildly Impaired
a. Spontaneous recall after a delay w/semantic cuing, z-score=-1 (Learning and memory)
b. Inhibit responses to non-target stimuli, Error T=43 (Att, work mem, and speeded proc)
c. Spontaneous recall after a delay, z-score=-1.5 (Learning and memory)
7. Mild to Moderately Impaired
a. Intermediate memory for thematically organized verbal information with delay, ss=7 (Learning and memory)
b. Intermediate memory for thematically organized verbal information (i.e., stories), ss=6 (Learning and memory)
c. Visual memory task with complex figures immediately after viewing the stimuli and with longer delay, ss=6 (Learning and memory)
d. Immediate auditory attention (Att, work mem, and speeded proc)
e. Verbal list learning task (Learning and memory)
8. Moderately Impaired
a. Learning additional information over 5 trials, T=32 (Learning and memory)
b. Initial acquisition of information, z-score -2 (Learning and memory)
Note: Standard scores (SS) have a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15; T-scores have a mean of 50 and a standard deviation of 10; Scales scores (ss) have a mean of 10 and a standard deviation of 3; z-scores have a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1.
Ok, thanks. I feel better now. I’ve sent Dr. M. the work and will hope that he will print it out for the meeting so that we’re all on MY page!
AHA! V’s FINALLY up!! Bum slept until 6 am his time! This is what happens when people semi-retire! They start lolli-gagging. Hehehe I can say this because he’s gone for coffee hehehe