Good morning!
Just 15 minutes left to write … Didn’t wake up until about 4:30, talked a little, then edited what I’d written so far for school and went back and caught-up in the courseroom.
People are still handing in the intro and first real paper and commenting. There are only two people that have handed in the paper I am working on … so, we’re ok, there. Technically not due to Sunday, but I’d really like to have it over with by tomorrow. I’d like to read ahead and get jump on next paper due over the weekend. Takes off a lot of stress not to be worrying about Wednesday assignments due.
Not much happening in our world over last 24 hours. Sr. remains grouchy, but we got some work accomplished anyway, and of course, the assistant will be back this morning YAYYYYY!!! I wrote up cards of work that we both had to accomplish today, I think it will get us over the edge, so that I can officially say a couple of clients are 100% ready for state inspection. That’s all we really need, but we will continue going through the caseload until all 20 clients caught up. There are about 10 pretty well advanced. Some of the back 10 aren’t really far behind, just need to finish their Qnotes (assistant) and their annual reports and collect a few other paper items. They are toward the back end, because some of their annual meeting times 5-10 days late. That’s not being very good at my job, but it was important to schedule the meetings when the parents could come and that sometimes missed the date due. Also some people schedule on time, but then need to cancel out, putting their dates off. I guess we just have to get better at scheduling ahead of time, but that pushes the whole calendar forward so everything the following year needs to be done the month prior. And, that’s not all so convenient to my schedules. Must be a way.
The nice thing that happened yesterday, was that although I was very tired last night and had to work staying up until 7 pm, my sweetie pie knocked on the door after I’d fallen asleep at 7:45 pm and stayed til 9 pm when he had to pick up his kids for the funeral. They were coming in by train or plane. Very nice surprise! We got to talk some about his day, and along with that came another of our cuddly fests. Believe me, there is absolutely nothing wrong with not watching television between a couple. I believe actually, it’s the way to go. Matter of fact, we were talking again about it … and it hits the same chord as Bedazzzled was making this week.
Basically, as a couple matures, sometimes it is nice to have a little space between you that you can call your own. Sweetie and us have long talked about one day getting apartments across the hall from one another. Sort of like his and her dorm rooms basically, the thing is that we each enjoy our own space, have been married and don’t need to go back there. The best concepts of it is inviting each other over. He was teasing that he would be into his TV show and I might barge over and want to talk. We’d have to set limits on ourselves. Like call first, but I’ve enjoyed the arrangement I’ve had on line, where you can figure out peoples schedules and work around them without interfering. Like if I know someone likes to watch TV at 6 pm, then I can let them go for the rest of the night. AND, no one seems to mind if I sneak off to bed at 7 pm and get up at 2 pm. Sure hate to spoil that arrangement! Nother thing I’d hate to lose, although I really like when sweetie is over for dinner, there are other nights I want nothing more than to come home, pop a box dinner in the microwave, and ten minutes later be eating in front of the computer while talking to a friend or reading some news. It’s my way to unwind. Up until 10 PM!?? Yeeks!
Hehehe ok, ok … I’ll quit … about time to be getting ready for work. We’ll have Dr. M. tonight. Just one more note. If you all haven’t seen TJ’s new masterpiece video … go catch it! It’s a beautiful tribute to women that would appeal also to the guys. TJ’s done incredible work, and there’s nothing holding her back from more. Just so darn neat!