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Sunday, January 08, 2006

Every Day Extrordinaire!

Today, I am. I am many things and many things to many different people. And, all those people are different. But, they are not me. I am here and I am good.

Ok, from yesterday to today. Where are we at? We want to say thank you for all the nice things said in response. I feel like today I’m one of the luckiest people alive to have this many nice people around me. I cherish your words and you who wrote them. You're all heaven sent! 

We won’t go into too far about being or considering ourselves smart. I think this is a relative term, but I’ll try to hold on to more credit then not. Not be so hard. The Masters work gives me feelings of learning more everyday. I need to think more often God believes in me, so I should too. I’m still too often left with old tape where if I esteem myself, someone will take it away and tear it to pieces. All through my childhood I was told and called dumb and stupid. I had no idea I had a mind that was not that. I don’t need that tape any more … it needs to be burned.

Oh man … I just wrote words to that affect on a small purple sticky note I have here at my computer. From being over at Lori’s I still have a candle lit representing letting go of a fear. So, I burned the old tape/note. We watched the note burn in the ashtray. It was a beauty of a flame. I thought the whole sheet would burn, but the fire left a quarter-size piecere that looks like the State of Louisiana upside down. After the fire was out, I picked up the paper and looked at it. The only word that didn’t burn was the word, “smart.” Wow! I better keep that scrap. There. I taped it to my computer. Wow … ok, that point is covered! I feel pretty warmed up inside and out! Thank you God for your trust in me!! Feeling pretty tingly.

Well, I guess I’m done here for the moment … think we’ll go to school for a while. Thanks for the lift over! Thank you for the love...
