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Monday, November 21, 2005

Let's Call This a Wrap

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Hi. It’s night time now. We’re going to try staying up for one last ½ hour. I figure if we can stay up to 7 pm, I will be able to sleep better in the morning. Not so bad  We’ve just finished our dinner, so should take the medicine too. Ok, let’s just do it! Good girls!

We have a little head discomfort, but it isn’t a real headache. I may be coming down with something. Shoot.

We got a break in the weather. Our friend said that he would be taking the day off tomorrow to make us a Thanksgiving Dinner. We’re hoping it includes PIE!!! I know, diet … We’re holding onto 287 … so right at the 25 pound mark. Our best is 286.6 … so, maybe we’ll get there tomorrow before potential pie.  Hmm, maybe we better take something for our head just in case. Then I’ll stop talking in that direction. There. We wouldn’t want to wake up with nothing.

Today, was kind of one of those ho-hum type days, except for Dr. M. Though nothing truly exciting happened there either … just work, work, work. We’re on a Dr. break now. No meetings until next Monday. We let Sr. know that we wouldn’t be there tomorrow, but we’re really going to try not blowing of Wednesday. Four days will be long enough. At Dr. M.s we talked a little bit (15 minutes) about other stuff going on with some of my relationships, but saved the bulk of the meeting to be going over resilience to studying. I know I’m the most talkingess non-doing person you probably know.

I don’t have much else to offer in that direction. ‘Cept to say nothing goes in a straight line as a multiple. There are a lot more interests within the system than just school. Though we’re trying very, very hard to get back to that point. It’s like the order at work. You drive in to work in the am thinking, great I’m going to jump that project. But, before you can pick-up a pen, your boss greets you with two new projects, there is a client at the door, and our talkative DSP, feels as if the world is crowding her out. You put down a heavy stack of mail and you remember you forgot to email yourself the notes you need to start the day.

Everyone whether inside or out has agenda items and they got to be worked through. It is why I spend so much time trying to figure out what is happening. Today, I started to get down about the work not completed, especially with school. But, I know that we don’t have the time or luxury of being depressed at this moment. I figure things could be worse. This afternoon I finished the report that “evil” woman wants, and before I could fax it she was on the phone again. This is the good part. She really wanted to bother the other Q this time, but Sr. had sent the call in the wrong direction. Oh man. Was I relieved? I figured I better walk it up front though to break the bad news to the other QMRP. It is a given at this point, that neither of us are caught up and are working on emergency basis only. BUT, evil woman is on a terrorizing rampage. Calling in an appointment scheduled the next day at 4 pm is not Kosher. Just down right rude. She didn’t even stay on the line long enough to transfer properly. She just said, just tell her, because I already talked to Sr. Tess. Then, as I was faxing out on the way out the door, I find out from Sr. that the lady told her nothing of the sort. Sr. says there was no conversation. Can I tell you how much I trust evil woman? Shoot!

Ok, ok … let’s think positively. Tomorrow is a day off and my sweetie is coming over to appease my best senses! *Sigh*

Hmm, with that thought, I think we’re going to take ourselves to bed  Nighty-night!