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Thursday, November 17, 2005

A Short Introduction

Ok, Good morning! I figured you might as well know this from the start. I write terribly long entries about nothing you would be particularly interested in.  I am sorry about that, especially if you wanted to get somewhere quick. I write primarily about myself and what I am doing with my personal, professional, and student life. I can think better while writing, than when not writing. Ok, Good … so, you’re forewarned?! Welcome to those who still wish to read. 

Right now, it’s about 1 am in the morning. I slept for about four hours, and now I’ve been up for a couple odd hours with V. Usually, I am able to sleep until about 2-3 am, but someone’s kitties figured, “Hey, why don’t we eat earlier?” I feel outvoted. I figured this was as good a time to avoid homework as any.  Well, maybe I should go that direction in a little bit, but I’m feeling now more the need to just write.

V., is one of my best buddies. We haven’t met yet, but have known each other for two years, online. The other best buddy, I just call, “Friend.” He wishes not to be further identified. That’s ok with me. We’ve been together for the last 12 years. I have two wonderful friends with these two fellows and I do my best not to make them scold.  I do a lot of those smiley things, don’t I?    Hmm, let’s all not be annoyed ok?

I have three boys as well. Two of the three are talking to me. They are Macadam 25, Tanner 23, and Jacob 21. Macadam and Tanner are both traders. Macadam and is married to Lee and has 4 year old daughter Abby and Abby has a little sister coming. Tanner is the one not talking. He is at a stage in his life that having a mother is a burden. He has a 5 year old son, but we’re not really supposed to talk about him either. *Sigh*. Jacob is a senior psych student at a University an hour from here. All the boys are doing well and are very well loved by their mother. I don’t have any contact with my family of youth. So, there aren’t too many family stories, unless I’ve been with the boys. It’s ok. We’re handling things well enough.

I am 46 years old and have been single for the last 12 years and separated three years prior to that. I have a few problems for which, I owe a great amount of debt to a few doctors, particularly psychiatrists. My list of ailments is multiplicity, depression, anxiety, obsession/compulsion, diabetes, arthritis, hypothyroid, poor memory and vision, and the silly problem with cholesterol! Yeeks, and I’m obese, almost forgot that! Hehe, beside that … I’m pretty normal  we’re working at things and there is always the medications … so all is pretty good. Yes, you have entered MY world!

I work full-time at the Center noted in the profile. I do many things; however my main work tasks are helping clients, staff training, accreditation, and program development. Right now, we’re just a couple weeks into a major organizational change. We have been given an assistant for at least 8 hours of time per week. It is helping. I am terribly behind in my work, and we’re trying to correct that.

I also go to school full-time at Capella University, which is all done on-line. I am behind in one of the two courses. This is my third semester of Masters Work and I am taking Cognitive/Affective psych and Multi-cultural psych. Gobs to be said here, however for the moment we’ll keep it light.

My last interest is working through my own psych issues. Our current psychiatrist, we call, “Dr. M.” We are on our sixth year with him. We meet twice weekly, Monday mornings before work and after work Thursday afternoons. Prior to that we had a couple of rough years, but before that we had another wonderful psychiatrist for seven years, Dr. W. So, generally, we’ve had a lot of support to help us get to the point we are.

Hmm, maybe now I should write a summary statement of sorts, so that I please my small audience by getting back to school. Well, I did want to mention one other thing. I am here at Blogger, starting from the beginning of journaling again, because of the frustration over at AOL. They have decided to add large blinking banners to their journals, which I found extremely distasteful, especially since I pay for AOL to avoid commercialism. I will maintain that account until I can get a couple of my journals down on hard copy. I have one for school work, and the multiple one is for personal, work, etc. It goes all the way back to August, 22, 2003, so I’m disappointed. I had thought it a home. I had been with AOL for about 10 years; back when we were paying per minute. That will be all I have to say about that issue.

Now, just one smidge more … I want to end on a more positive note. I really enjoy being me. I wish I were more caught-up, but I love systems and I think most often if I found the right system, I could catch-up.  Well, that would be the hope at least. I still subscribe to FlyLady who says, “You are never behind, just jump in where you are!” I think this is great life advice. Though, I’m sure that the people that come for State inspections are not going to buy it. Drat! How much more simple life would be! Ah well, it’s nothing but a stat. I figure my job has caused me 25% stress this week. But, we’re working on it! Since it is personal time, the only way I’m going to avoid stress at home (beside keeping kitties fed), is to get back to school work. The immediate project is to write a paper on “problem solving” and “insight.” Ironic isn’t it!