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Sunday, November 20, 2005

The Day Slid Right Past

Ok, ok … so we weren’t able to stay away too long. I am sure there are plausible reasons for this. For now … let’s just say, “I’m growing again.”  Hmm, or drinking too much caffeine? *Sigh*

Pretty sure, you all are going to tire of this, but we’re going to try working through another session of getting work done. We’ve been playing around for a couple of hours and it is now about 2:30 am. Yeeks, felt a sudden pang of an old message, “Shame on you Ann Marie!” You could guess correctly if you thought, that sounds like a mother message.

Well, basically, I’d rather think. This is now my life and it will have to go in the self-direction we take. I think we are going to have to line ourselves up with positive messages again. Our friend likes to call this PMA – Positive Mental Attitude. 

Let’s see how the defragging went. So far, we are still signed on to AOL and maybe we could listen again to some music? Let’s try. We’re trying Enya … that is what we usually play at work to calm ourselves. This is definitely a work task. Let’s go back to the basics. Hmm, we could check out to see if we’re still remembering our coloring lessons. YAYY, 15 out of 15 – 100% A! Doing good girls. Should we step it up a notch? Why don’t we start the work day of with some stretching exercises?

Hehe umm, way stretched out … It took a while to focus on the next brain structure. We picked up information on the basal ganglia, thalamus, hypothalamus, penal gland, pituitary gland, limbic lobe and midbrain. I seem to be having an easier time than not of remembering the structures, but not as well in memorizing this last set of functions. It will call for more practice. I think this kind of work is good to relax us from the regular tensions of school work. The brain is something I could study for the rest of my life and never truly understand. Where I lose my balance … (hehehe that would actually be the cerebellum) … is when they say something is in a particular space like sensory in the parietal area, then they say that the there are sensory pathways somewhere else. Hehehe, ok, so it makes sense the travel through the spinal column on their way through the thalamus gateway to the parietal lobe. Just call me a trouble maker! But, how can motor be at the top back part of the frontal lobe, where balance and coordination are back with the cerebellum. This doesn’t seem real practical?

Ok, ok … yes, we are not working on our school work directly again. Why don’t we hold on for just one more moment though? My stomach is starting to hurt and complaining that we haven’t fed it for about 12 hours. I know, seems like we were just having dinner together. Maybe a little cereal, then we should take the morning medicine. Good, good all done, and we shut the door and found our warm slippers. You might as well now that we slip from day to day over weekends maintaining our non-stop PJ appearance, unless we are in the shower. Eh, someone has got to keep flannel in business!

Ok, down to the real business. We left off on the back part of the 7th Week. We need to dip more into creativity. Let’s see where we end up. The questions posed again are:
u07d3 Creativity

Thoroughly compare and contrast the various approaches to creativity. Based upon current research and theory on creativity, what advice would you give to a friend who would like to be more creative in his or her work? Is a highly creative person more susceptible than others are to personal emotional challenges? If so, explain.

The areas in which I will compare and contrast concerning creativity are: “It’s how much you produce,” “It’s what you know,” “It’s who you are,” “It’s where you are” and “All of the above” (Sternberg, 2003, pp. 396-397). Best get out the book again … shoot, I know where some of the time has gone. We just got receipt of having bought a pencil sharpener. *Sigh* Ok, ok … pencil sharpener …

Now treat me, open the book. *Grumbling* Shh, none of that! Have to move the fresh hot cup of coffee … Ok, that is doable. Moving … SIPPPPP! Good, good … Now read the first couple of paragraphs on amount produced. Ok, that sounds good … creativity is estimated due to the variety and depth of productional details. Well, no that is not exactly a word, but it seems on track. I know fix it. Stop wasting time! Variety and depth of … more creations! That’s good.

ACK! Set-back. I allowed a feeling of dizziness to overcome me. Went back to bed. It is now quarter to nine. And, then when I got up, my friend was on line willing to talk about holiday pie and cookies. He be my sweetie-pie! Have to love baking in a guy, or a guy baking. Hot whether in the kitchen, or … well, you know what I mean.

We’re going to have to try concentrating again. BE SERIOUS!! I really do like when I get to post a new paper. Let’s concentrate on that kind of motivation. What is happening now on the actual paper. Hmm, just one sentence complete. Is there anything else I want to say yet before reading the next part? It would be a good idea to include an example, so I can figure out what point is really being covered. Hmm, Missy lay down on my left forearm. That doesn’t seem productive. Ok girls, fight it! Let’s read that sentence again. I am thinking we should leave it add the others, then come back for examples in discussion, let’s try that. Ok, move on to the next section.

Cool! They are saying that creative people, “work long and hard, studying the work of their predecessors and their contemporaries, to become thoroughly expert in their fields.” We seem to be working harder on the multiple processes we are going through in trying to focus on a set point. It seems as if it is all done with me sitting here in my ever-patient computer window and now it has become through the Blogs an extension of my need for a study buddy, and that this writing system has become an adoption of externalizing ourselves outward.

The next guy says that it is remarkable that truly creative people work on extraordinary content. The next guy talks about to types of creative thinking. Convergent is when the individual converges on a unifying pattern or structure within a scattered assortment of data. The other type is when the individual diverges from one structure to test it in other markets. I am definitely in most favor of the first, although I find my writing abilities outstretching from one medium to another. I very much love collecting and unifying the thoughts of a pieces into a whole … Very Gestalt. I like the idea of scientific insight in that I think the world has got sorcerers to work this kind of magic, bringing us forward in time and technology. I don’t think it is my forte. I still spend much of my time looking at concepts and holding them in awe as peering into the Grand Canyon. I hope I have within me the mindset to assist thoughts in coming together in a manner, feasts upon itself.

Hmm, looks like this section has been fun to think through as well. Ok, one or two sentences holding it all together.

Well. There was one paragraph written before we left. I don’t think it was a complete paragraph. But, the leaving was for good reason. Macadam IM’d this morning and wanted to know if we were still on for early afternoon. It didn’t take me two shakes to figure that one out. While I was waiting, Macadam called Jacob and it was all good. Two sons at once and throw in a daughter-in-law and granddaughter and there were the makings of wonderful afternoon! Plus, Macadam made the families meatballs, cheesy mashed potatoes, vegetables, and a salad! GOOD STUFF! Unfortunately, I think I put my foot in my mouth a couple of times with my daughter-in-law. Like I asked her if her back hurt at all with the extra weight (obviously about 29 weeks pregnant). She very dryly told me she had only gained; I can’t remember which, either 7 or 8 pounds. Like WHOOPS! Stuff like that. But, for the most part, she kept talking to me, so I figured that was pretty good, especially directly before and after dinner when we got a chance to sit with her alone.  YAYYY!!!

There was loose chat before the meal with my granddaughter swooping in and out. She never wears the same thing twice. I don’t remember what was underneath, but we were met by the princess with a long flowing bath robe, hiding under her Mom’s summer brimmed hat. I think she must lead a very rich and interesting fantasy life! *Giggle* She still doesn’t have that manners thing down and she hasn’t stopped bouncing for the last four years. I will always think of this one as my son’s springy child. Dinner was mostly adult, because small wonder child, decided to watch television at that time. I was glad to hear my DL, Lee, tell her daughter several times that all her demands of Lee’s time couldn’t be filled because of going up and down stairs. However, the idea of being up for only 15-20 minutes seems to have long gone by the waste-side. She is, at least, taking good naps during the week when her daughter is with her mother. YAYYYY!!!

Macadam was preoccupied putting together dinner beforehand, and loading dishes in the dishwasher afterward, but when the group retired out to the living room, I was glad for the conversation. Mostly it was between Macadam and Jacob and it was primarily about being down at the Board. Apparently, Tanner hasn’t started over with the boys Uncle Chris yet, but both Macadam and even Jacob plan to start trading over at Chris’ place by the summer, and their father will join the group by the winter season. Their step-brother is already over at Chris’ and there is no telling where the boys Uncle Dan will end up. The boys seemed dismayed to say he was sorting out all his woman problems. Seems he was engaged to a woman out west, but was dating two other women. Yeeks! He’s left the Board in the last month or two as well as Tanner. Over at Chris’ there will be a large series of computer set-ups and each of the boys will have their own seats (umm more Board talk). The only thing I know is that they won’t have to share the money they now make with the bosses everyone is leaving. Believe me, this is a very tight family. No doubt, Chris’ sons will join too, as soon as they are old enough to vote. Frankly, I think I’m about Garvey’d out!

They did talk some of Tanner so that was good for me to hear. It seems thought that he has gotten even more honoree than before. A long conversation with him for anyone is ten minutes. He is very abrupt and to the point. Such as if he is not interested in your thoughts, he will say something like, “That might be important to you, but I have no interest in listening to it.” He seems so very cold and distant and intolerant. But, with all that he is still one of the leaders in the family even with the older generation. I think people, in general, have a difficult time with Tanner, because he sees the point very quickly and is extremely guarded with his time and patience. I am not sure how he got this way. It has never been my point, although we didn’t sugar coat his life. I will always hold his father in memory as someone who was emotionless, but even he was not this severe. And, lately, I worry if Tanner hasn’t also picked up some of my obsessive compulsion. He may be gifted, but his mannerisms with self and others are very demanding. Lee and the boys however seem to think this is all fine and he is doing well. *Sigh*

So, that is most of what is going on. I am smart enough to figure out what is being said and isn’t, though I am still relatively at an elementary stage of understanding ticks and lots. I understand very well their emotional and intellectual pros and cons. The boys all seem to know how smart they are, but I think emotions are hard for all of them. Right now Macadam is under the most pressure, because he is now supporting his family financially on his own, and he says that he is not trading well. We talked about how the trading changes and adapting. They can see problems the other family members are having, but they cannot shake their own tail feathers in its regard. They need to learn new systems, but unfortunately Garvey’s are always too proud, which I think is due to insecurity, although if any one of them were present, beside Jacob, they would laugh me out of the water. When Jacob stated he would be interning this summer, I asked him if it would be under the guise of trading or psychology. Apparently, that was one of my more clever statements of the night. They laughed and teased how goofy the family could get. BUT, that’s an insider’s secret!

I don’t know … I feel suddenly, very beat. Hey, did you hear them BEARS won!!! Very early bed tonight.