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Friday, September 05, 2008

Take a memo Ann

Ok, good morning … we’re back again. I know that we’ve been here before to the point where we don’t think we can do anything.

Shoot … that was bad. Sr. just came in and she said the client’s family that got canceled this morning has called 3 times. She wanted to know what it was about. We had to tell her that we overbooked and had to cancel a meeting because we’d forgotten that today was the administration meeting. She sighed heavily put her head down and then just walked out. I know I’m going to hear about that one again. I’m thinking sister is thinking here we go again. I’ve got to get a handle on it. And, I need to use today to do it.

I pulled out all my unfiled documents to see if I had a staff meeting at 1 or if I do Thinking Group. I was right I have Thinking Group. I’m not going to be able to get out of that … SEE SEE there you go … even as your planning to get yourself out of a whole you’re thinking of what you can avoid. Hmm, better put down that window. We have the FedEX window open … it says my swim suit was picked up in Indianapolis at 4:26 pm yesterday. That it arrived at FedEx location at 6:18 pm and that it left FedEx origin facility at 10:57 pm. It departed that destination at 4:26 am and it arrived at the destination sort facility at 6:15 am. At 7:33 when I checked it was still at that sort facility. I’m pretty sure then that its going to be here.

Ahh, there is news … at 7:38 am it was put on the FedEx vehicle for delivery from Bedford Park, IL. Maybe it will be here this morning, or no later than this afternoon before I leave work. Good something is working right. NOW please let it fit! Ahh just read something … it’s supposed to be here by 10:30 am. It should then be there after I get out of the meeting that I’m going to get yelled at.

I remember this stuff before … Sister used to yell at me for forgetting stuff. And, then she would say that I need to get my system in order. I suppose I’m going to have to do that IF I’m to get a handle on things. I’ve set up as my first chore that I have to file or process that 3” of paperwork that I was hiding. AND be ready for the meeting at 10 am. Oh Lordy how am I going to get from here to there.

This feels like the old days when we were having trouble starting our homework. Maybe some of you remember that period?

We’re there again. I think the expression was borrowed from Nike – Just do it. Stop thinking about it and just do it. No BUTS!

DAMN I can’t … UGH that awful word CAN’T. Ok I WON’T that is more like it. I wonder if Dr. Marvin can help us remember what is going on – why we’re not doing it. I know … more thinking nothing matters except doing it, but then we get ourselves in the rut of pulling teeth without understanding how to stop the cycle. I think we have at least 3 meetings next week.

Yesterday I blew off preparing for this meeting. Maybe after I get all that filing done, I can do something toward those other things. I think I have to meet with staff to get the goals done. That hadn’t even occurred to me with this meeting this morning. In a fact … we’re going through change in leadership and I think that Imelda is going to be doing that client’s goal instead of Karla. I have to then make it real easy.

Dear Dr. Marvin,

We've been having problems in avoidance again. We aren't doing work well, canceling meetings, not paying bills and obsessing on pretty much the physical stuff. Last two days we've worked through surveys by the club and insurance company to diagnose our health situation. I know that I'm stalling, but having trouble doing the hard stuff. I know I'm avoiding and feel the pressure from it because things are piling up. But, instead of just doing it we're scrambling for avoiding anything that's hard. Can you remind me why we do this? I know this is the same problem that got us in trouble with school and through our career. It seems to be peeking again ... Not sure hope to cope with it. I know that I have to start doing work and stuff, but everything feels terrifying.


Hmm. What do we got to do next.