Ok, saving this for my normal posterity regardless of HOW ignorant I must be...
Hey Thom,Tonight I found myselt thinking of Alexis culture. After we talked to you, we did a tiny bit of reading. Was Alexis family part of the Vietnamese Refugees (political) or boat people (economic) that left Vietnam for safety? I'm pretty horrible with geography. My understanding now that Hong Kong after 1975 was considered for about 25 years to be a first stop to many who relocated there or elsewhere. Is this what happened to Alexis and her family? When did they leave Hong Kong for United States? And, was there any reason in particular they came to Chicago after Hong Kong?
Please believe me when I say that I completely accept Alexis as part of my family.
I couldn't think of another way to go. But, I want to understand circumstances too. I really don't want to be as ignorant as I feel right now. Does this make sense? Can you help me understand a little better? It feels mostly like an honor that someone in my family could meet people with different backgrounds. It was always a goal for me. That's an honest to God truth. Falling in love and marrying seems like an extra bonus. I take it to mean that our family is more open-minded. I took a multi-cultural class during the time I was working on my Masters. I found there it is more about honoring the uniqueness’ in various cultures rather than overlooking or thinking of others as "blending in" as if all people were the same.
Of course all people are equal, but each of us has a special background. I think most people are proud of their heritage
I love you,