Ok ... Good got to the part of working through the liquid diet
Good morning … this is me. It’s about 9 am now … and I’m going to need going in a few to fold the white load. It’s been a real nice couple of hours. We’ve been up since about 3:30 am, but I couldn’t be accountable for all that time … in general, I think we did the news, spent some time with OH, and then I just remember the part of waking up our Sweetie, and you know what … we found out he CAN do morning umm FUN STUFF!!! Well, what do you think about that! I think he’s been holding back.Hmpf! Well, you can imagine their might be more discussion on that later.
For now just want to get down a few basics before we forget them. We helped sweetie gather and sort the clothes, he went downstairs with them, and then we both watched the morning news and talked about all that which is pretty darn cool if you ask me!
And, then he went down to switch loads so I cleaned the litter box, and then I followed him in the kitchen and he went through some bills and checked his emails and I took my medicines and we chatted. And THEN, I chased him into the shower, but he’s pretty quick … Hmmm… that’s not the good part
When he gets done, he’ll go down and get the whites, I’ll fold and he’ll get his stuff pulled together … umm there will be a little time, and then he’ll go down for the dark load, and then he’ll have to go off to his afternoon games. He’s officiating three games – so he said about an hour ten minutes for each, plus an hour travel, but I’m not sure if that’s an hour each way, maybe. He’s leaving at 10:30 am, then probably then 5 pm – but now he’s saying he might stop off to drop off money he’s giving his son for his girlfriend’s tires. That will probably be dinner for the night, so maybe closer to about 8 pm. Hmm, a little humbug on the pie … Yeeks. He’ll probably have to stop at a store on the way home … better add one more hour possibility. I’m NEVER going to see him. But, that’s my fault, I asked him if he could help me bake an apple pie. Last couple of times, he’s been letting me do some of the peeling and stirring if its not too high.
We’ll see. I’d like to move up to crimping the edges, but I don’t remember if that happens with apple pies. I remember just the part where he lays extra crust over the top and he makes the pie huge on the top. He’s a very good pie baker. He makes me promise not to say that he helped and that I baked the pie, but I can’t lie to my boys. I could get as far as saying um, I baked the pie, but I wouldn’t be able to look at them, then one would look at me and say, Mom … did you really bake the pie.
And then we’d say no we lied, but we almost baked the pie because and then I could tell them the parts that WE did. And, they would love me just the same See, so then that be a happy story and no one would have to tell wrong stories. Cuz they know after all these years that Rich is the one that bakes the pies. That’s not the kind of thing that a person can hold in!
We’re back from folding the t-shirts now … exactly 14 of them. But, not so many white underwear, cuz superfuzzy bear favors the colored ones. He said it was ok if I left the room for a little bit … I had sat down with him in the kitchen after unloading the dishwasher, but somebuddy was a littttttle growly, because of Blockbuster. Pswhoo. We surely don’t want to get all involved in that. Rich gets prettttty frustrated when he thinks somebody is stealing HIS wooden nicklels,
quarters, dollars, or more. I can barely hear him, but he’s now connecting to the phone. After a while if its not clearer, I will hear him umm better. He’s not someone I’d like to deal with because in honest sometimes his tolerance is low.
Over the longhaul is the biggest teddy bear I know, but moment to moment … it’s sometimes nick and tuck. He usually gets around to needing to talk to someone’s management. We’d rather run and hide by then. Good guy though to have in your corner.
I think there is only 5 to 10 minutes before the next load comes up … the other two loads will have to be done before tomorrow’s games. I think they are at about the same place at about noon. I think Rich is doing extra games, because he uses the money to spend on Christmas gift giving. He’s got that give everyone underwear thing going on again this year too. Before when we asked, we weren’t on the underwear list, but now somehow it seems we ARE on the list, but we said NO. We don’t want any more underwear at this weight. We told like in April or May, we would be going through surgery and losing like 10 pounds a week. He could worry about underwear in that time … so if anything I will take a rain ticket. He says to look … and I say mine will hold up … hehehe excuse the pun!
Hmm, seems quiet in there … maybe things got resolved. We’ll give him another few minutes until the clothes come up … we told him we will fill the dishwasher start it, empty it and fill it again if necessary. I should have done it during the week, but that didn’t happen. We’ll try to straighten the couch pillows and living room blankets too … as well as straighten his bed blanket. Whoop there he goes … right on target. I think this will be a load we do together. Then he will have to leave real quickly after. He’s already packed up and ready to go though. He sure is the sweetest sweetie. He’s got to stick to the deal though … NO CHRISTMAS gifts over $20 … It has to be fair. I want this year to be the year of no credit purchases. I want us to be the “wise” couple down the block who are financially solvent.
Wouldn’t that be something if we died and there were enough monies to bury us??!
But, let’s make that a long from now, k?
Hmm, I think that came up in conversation yesterday. Rich thought that the money that we got from the St. Rose life insurance might be enough to bury us and we confirmed that that money was going to the boys. I hope that’s all filled out right … I think that has to be signed each year … I should look out for it just to assure correct addresses. Ok, surely something I don’t want to deal with on a wonderful bright Saturday morning. Though there is one thought. I still have to decide whether or not that I should give primary authorizations to Maury or Rich. I think it should go to Maury and if it went to Rich, he’d just turn it over to Maury, but I don’t want it to be in the position where Maury would feel overwhelmed and turn it over to the Garvey’s … I want them to have nothing to do with my death. I’d rather just have a small something maybe to do with some of the folks from St. Rose. Those are really the only people that I know now days. And, at that … I don’t even know the priest they all know. Ok, shhhhh… let’s move on.
Rich is moved on now … he established that he was going to a customer’s first so that he would be back from his four, not three games – 3 games were for tomorrow by 6 pm and that if he went to see Chris that he’d be back around 8. I see further into9 pm, unless we got the apples early. We could ask him to come home direct, but leave us a needed ingredient list and then we could try going out real super early in the morning and using the automatic chair for shopping. That wouldn’t be too much … maybe just apples and a few more things. I think we would need to get the firmer green apples. See … we could do that much, hmm? Wouldn’t Rich be proud?
We’re up early anyway and we could establish it as being an adventure.
Oh oh … that’s dangerous. We’re thinking that if Rich stays out late … and it sounded like he was, then we could go to bed early (got up at 3:30 am this morning), but now we are seeing that Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas is on at 7 pm.
Last night someone was laying in bed naked for no perfectly good reason, and then
was surprised by Sweeties announcement that there would be time and that someone else had requested a viewing at the same time of Frosty the snowman … well that seems harmless enough, but before the second half hour was over, they were zonked and we were all put to bed, and you know PERFECTLY well what THAT meant! HMPF!
Just wanted to write a small note in the OH blog … I’ve been writing in my regular blog over at blogger this morning off and on with doing duties with sir smoochie-face. He’s off for the afternoon doing his officiating of basketball games. He says they aren’t bad, because they are only an hour, but he’s lined up four of them in a row. I say … pleeeease PASS ON MY GIFT … you’re going to wear me out on necessary back-rubs! We surely can’t need the money that much.
Anyway …
As to the day … so far so good. It’s about lunch time now and I’m on my own to prepare something … maybe I should give that a try hold on.
Ok, that was good enough. We had 3 pieces of sandwich meat and a banana. That’s fair. We’re not so good on making the whole sandwich and right now just seems like extra calories. Ok, any other food talk. Hmm, well we did another extravagant night out with Rich. We had Chinese at our favorite “out” place. It’s a big place with plenty of tables, so there is space between people. We had a 3-way combination Chow Mein. Then it got finished eating at some odd hour of the morning. There wasn’t much left, but that wasn’t the point. Thing was that we’re still eating way too much. We had two full helpings at the restaurant. So, did Rich. Neither of us controls our intake. We both think that since the other is doing it it is fine. He seems to be becoming much more aware of it though. He’s starting to talk about when I go on my diet. But, he is having a hard time with the adjustment. To be fair … he said he would go to the dietician appointment with me at the end of January … that will be an important meeting, because I understand she will teach us more about the new way of eating.
I told him that I would be starting a liquid diet to take off some of the pre-surgery pounds, but then he said that I couldn’t take off the fruit that was good for me, then he started talking about the cereal not being bad, but that’s the problem … everything get’s justified. I think we both need a very strict list so that I don’t over compensate. I think when I start losing he will work more on changing too. Little things like me stating that when the weight comes off I could lose like 10 pounds a week for a bit. I think that’s rather intimidating to both of us. Right now I’m thinking I’m glad I didn’t throw out the clothes I’d worn on the way up. I don’t want to keep any of it, but it will help with the transition.
The one thing I hear from both people that have changed for long periods and the doctors is that it has to be a change in lifestyle. I’m pretty sure that includes an exercise pattern. I really think this is doable. It has to be worked though. I keep visualizing what I might look like at the lesser weight. The thing is that a lot of heavy people haven’t been at a lighter weight as an adult, but we have … we figure it to be our true weight. I need to find that again. I don’t know if I will regain my health like being out of diabetes and arthritis … but I’m going to work toward that as a possibility. I’m going to want to do it the healthy way. If ever there were a need for me being a stubborn German this has to be it.
Maybe I should take another look at what it means to be on a liquid diet.
Rich - absolutely no substitutions - your choice on flavors/varieties this round
Dear Sweet-bunny,
Can we go grocery shopping together for this? This is our new Liquid Diet. It's going to be about 750 calories. I have to be good, because I will need to be for the surgery ... I saw the intestines in the video ... we can't have food swishing out those tubes!
• Skim milk (100 calories)
• 6oz Dannon light and fit yogurt (60 calories)
• Coffee (0 calories)
Snack - V8 100 Juice Vegetable – Low Sodium (46 oz bottle – 8 oz servings) (50 calories)
• Slim Fast Optima (180 calories)
• Sugar free popsicles (15 calories)
Snack - V8 100 Juice Vegetable – Low Sodium (46 oz bottle – 8 oz servings) (50 calories)
• Slim Fast Optima (180 calories)
• No sugar added fudgesicles (80 calories)
Keep around
• Broth – variety (bullion? Low sodium) (15 calories)
• Sugar-free jello (10 calories)
• Diet Snapple (0 calories)
• Tea (0 calories)
• (no cottage cheese – too tempting right now to eat too much) (80 calories)
Extra Directions
• Every day drink 64 ounces of water
• Take a multi vitamin each day (we have these)
• Take a calcium citrate with Vitamin D (caltrate, citracal, or oscal) (we need one of these)
• And, take a B12 (500-2500 mcg daily sublingual) (we need one of these)
Full food list - This is the diet I'm going on now and also the diet I have to be on 10 days prior to the surgery. I will see how this goes, but might go back and forth from liquid to soft foods until I loose the 15-20 pounds prior to next surgeons visit - most likely in March. This is an absolute requirement - Plus, I've put on 6 pounds past this :(
As much as I like:
Drinks: (I don't want a whole lot of drinks since I have to drink so much water - they say for diabetes that I should have about 15 grams of carbohydrates every couple hours so I added the V8 drinks - I like V8 and this one good for diabetes, low on sodium, low on sugar, and good for healthy vitamins. At night I can add the broths or gelatin I figure if necessary). This is the list I can drink nonetheless:
• Crystal light
• Wyler’s light
• Sugar-free kool-aid
• Sugar-free Tang
• Diet Snapple
• Diet V8 Splash
• Diet Sodas
• Fruit 2-0
• Coffee
• Tea
• Water
• Broth – low sodium
• Sugar-free popsicles
• Sugar-free gelatin
2-3 Servings Daily
• 1 cup of skim milk
• 8 oz of Dannon light and fit yogurt
• ½ cup cottage cheese
1-2 a day
• Slim Fast Optima
<3 servings a day (nutritionally, low quality foods)
• Regular gelatin
• Popsicles
• No sugar added fudgesicles